Why did I get an email from ovo saying I need to have at least 14 weekday readings, so do not qualify last month even though I can see 18 weekday,listing of Half hourly readings, for the month?
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- Insufficient Weekday readings for Power Move, even though my meter is sending readings
Insufficient Weekday readings for Power Move, even though my meter is sending readings
- November 6, 2023
- 56 replies
- Carbon Cutter*
- 3 replies
Best answer by Tim_OVO
Updated on 04/03/25 by Ben_OVO
A few things that I have learnt that relate to Power Move and half hourly (HH) readings.
First off,
I misspoke when stating that the half hourly bar charts get populated with estimated usage when no half hourly meter usage data is available. That is the case for the monthly tab showing daily estimates, but not the half hourly.
Our Power Move team have automated systems that determine if we have enough half hourly data to work with for that month.
- We need 48 HH meter readings per day so if the smart meter does not provide 48 it will be considered a non-communicating meter for that day
- We have a 1pm daily cut off and if the data arrives after (for the previous day) then it would not be captured so it would be classified as a non-communicating meter for that day even if they would see the usage in their account
As of 2025 Power Move has changed. You can find out more here and also visit our handy FAQ’s page.
To take part, your smart meter needs to be working and connected to the internet.
We need at least 14 weekday readings to calculate your monthly average peak usage. If there's a technical issue and we can’t get enough readings for more than 7 days, we may have to remove you from Power Move.
Here’s some helpful previous Forum Topics about Power Move’s new look:
And some topics that will help you if you think your smart meters aren’t sending reads:
56 replies
- Community Manager
- 1864 replies
- November 7, 2023
How odd. How are you confirming the 18 weekdays of half hourly readings? Does it specify there when a reading is estimated vs actual like it does via this page of the online account?
- Author
- Carbon Cutter*
- 3 replies
- November 7, 2023
I am looking at my online account, which has the daily consumption broken down in half hourly blocks. There were 4 weekdays inOctober when this information was unavailable.
- Plan Zero Hero
- 283 replies
- November 7, 2023
Yes, well remembered
Sounds though as if the OP can see half-hourly readings for all but 4 of his October weekdays? The automated system for calculating his October percentage is obviously unhappy for some reason. Perhaps (if you haven’t already?)
Good luck…and of course it’ll also give you a good idea of how you might be placed for the Nov and Dec incentives…
- Community Manager
- 1864 replies
- November 8, 2023
Updated on 09/11/23:
I misspoke when stating that the half hourly bar charts get populated with estimated usage when no half hourly meter usage data is available. That is the case for the monthly tab showing daily estimates, but not the half hourly.
I’ll ask the Power Move team how this ‘no data’ criteria is set.
- Author
- Carbon Cutter*
- 3 replies
- November 8, 2023
There is no indication that any of the readings have estimated.
Given that the bars are all over the place I can see no evidence of a consistent estimating process.
However no half hourly data available for the 16, 19, 26 and 29 October
Any of the pages I have looked at suggest that the information has been sent to Ovo
- Plan Zero Hero
- 2015 replies
- November 8, 2023
I am looking at my online account, which has the daily consumption broken down in half hourly blocks. There were 4 weekdays inOctober when this information was unavailable.
… no half hourly data available for the 16, 19, 26 and 29 October
That’s only three missing weekdays. 29 October was the Sunday when the clocks changed. This can only reinforce your case …
- Plan Zero Hero
- 2553 replies
- November 8, 2023
There is no indication that any of the readings have estimated.
Given that the bars are all over the place I can see no evidence of a consistent estimating process.
However no half hourly data available for the 16, 19, 26 and 29 October
Any of the pages I have looked at suggest that the information has been sent to Ovo
Am not sure that the half hourly consumption data on the usage page is ever estimated by OVO from memory but I can't be sure.
The daily register readings and hence daily data on the monthly page are estimated if missing.
I have asked if this can be double checked.
On the daily tab of 30min readings, for those days with data, does it look like some of the 30min slots may be wrong or are blank? Basically do any of those days with data look incomplete or potentially incorrect. It may be difficult to know.
If you haven't already you could try pulling the 30 min consumption data from one of the regulated 3rd parties and compare it to what you see with Ovo
- Plan Zero Hero
- 283 replies
- November 8, 2023
What is interesting for me is that my OVO account usage pages suddenly started missing electricity data from the 3rd of October for the whole of October (gas continued fine), before magically reappearing of their own accord on the 2nd November; yet the downloaded data from 3nergy.com shows perfect half hourly readings for each day from 18th August right up to midnight 7th November, including each and every of the “missing” days in October. I think
I’m not so much interested in trying to get October’s incentive paid (and I haven’t yet checked from this new data whether I’m even under the 13.5% figure) as much as I am curious to know, as I can now access my faultless half hourly data for October, why it was “missing” (and of course still is) day after day in my OVO usage account? I can find it, but OVO can’t? And how can we be reassured that future hiccups won’t occur? Nothing wrong with the smart meter, just whatever communication chain lies between it and the OVO usage pages.
- Carbon Cutter*****
- 95 replies
- November 9, 2023
What is interesting for me is that my OVO account usage pages suddenly started missing electricity data from the 3rd of October for the whole of October (gas continued fine), before magically reappearing of their own accord on the 2nd November; yet the downloaded data from 3nergy.com shows perfect half hourly readings for each day from 18th August right up to midnight 7th November, including each and every of the “missing” days in October. I think
I’m not so much interested in trying to get October’s incentive paid (and I haven’t yet checked from this new data whether I’m even under the 13.5% figure) as much as I am curious to know, as I can now access my faultless half hourly data for October, why it was “missing” (and of course still is) day after day in my OVO usage account? I can find it, but OVO can’t? And how can we be reassured that future hiccups won’t occur? Nothing wrong with the smart meter, just whatever communication chain lies between it and the OVO usage pages.
Interesting. Never heard of n3ergy so took a punt and signed up. Downloaded my data and, like in Ivie, all my half hourly usage is there up to noon on 5th November at which point even these companies lose the data. However in my OVO online account they aren't showing any usage info at all for the last week or so of October onwards up to today. I really don't know why we bother with these things. They seem completely unreliable.
- Plan Zero Hero
- 283 replies
- November 9, 2023
And hope you get the Nov data sorted OK…
- Carbon Cutter*****
- 95 replies
- November 9, 2023
And hope you get the Nov data sorted OK…
Ivie is a third party app, like Loop if you've heard of that one, that monitors your smart meters and gives you handy graphical breakdowns of your usage. Ivie will also tell you if your usage for a day is higher or lower than expected. If you buy Ivie's In Home Display it will even show you current live electric usage wherever you are, and your low/high draws of the day up to that point. Since OVO are still giving out outdated, basic, IHDs (I got an old IHD3 when they changed my meters and I think they're on IHD7 now) I'm glad I've got the Ivie IHD.

- Plan Zero Hero
- 283 replies
- November 9, 2023
Thank you so much for your very kind and comprehensive (and swift!) reply, that certainly looks like a great way of viewing one’s stats. Fortunately I have the newer type of IHD, but I’m still going to look into the Ivie package, thank you again. Loop I’d heard of when I searched previously for APIs (when I was initially trying to find out what they were!), but not Ivie.
- Carbon Cutter*****
- 95 replies
- November 9, 2023
- Plan Zero Hero
- 2553 replies
- November 9, 2023
Thank you so much for your very kind and comprehensive (and swift!) reply, that certainly looks like a great way of viewing one’s stats. Fortunately I have the newer type of IHD, but I’m still going to look into the Ivie package, thank you again. Loop I’d heard of when I searched previously for APIs (when I was initially trying to find out what they were!), but not Ivie.
This is the other one of the regulated 3rd parties that has a good following.
There are a group of companies like Loop that simply access 30min consumption data on the smart meter often using N3nrgy. Loop uses N3nrgy
Then there are others like Ivie and Glomarkt that have IHD CAD devices that can also send data to you via their IHD CAD via your Internet connection.
- Plan Zero Hero
- 283 replies
- November 9, 2023
Thank you so much
I shall investigate…and I recall I did get a very helpful and extremely swift reply from the glowmrkt technical people last month when I asked whether they could help me see my missing October data. They couldn’t, as it happens, because I was locked out of giving them permissions, but it was an impressively helpful, clear and swift response, not automated, but a very friendly personal reply. To my shame, I’d since forgotten about the nice glowmrkt folk…
- Community Manager
- 1864 replies
- Answer
- November 9, 2023
Updated on 04/03/25 by Ben_OVO
A few things that I have learnt that relate to Power Move and half hourly (HH) readings.
First off,
I misspoke when stating that the half hourly bar charts get populated with estimated usage when no half hourly meter usage data is available. That is the case for the monthly tab showing daily estimates, but not the half hourly.
Our Power Move team have automated systems that determine if we have enough half hourly data to work with for that month.
- We need 48 HH meter readings per day so if the smart meter does not provide 48 it will be considered a non-communicating meter for that day
- We have a 1pm daily cut off and if the data arrives after (for the previous day) then it would not be captured so it would be classified as a non-communicating meter for that day even if they would see the usage in their account
As of 2025 Power Move has changed. You can find out more here and also visit our handy FAQ’s page.
To take part, your smart meter needs to be working and connected to the internet.
We need at least 14 weekday readings to calculate your monthly average peak usage. If there's a technical issue and we can’t get enough readings for more than 7 days, we may have to remove you from Power Move.
Here’s some helpful previous Forum Topics about Power Move’s new look:
And some topics that will help you if you think your smart meters aren’t sending reads:
- Author
- Carbon Cutter*
- 3 replies
- November 9, 2023
Ok, thanks for the explanation.
can I make it clear I have no axe to grind, I am just interested in the process. This is what happens when you are retired with time to spare!
How do I know the meter is not communicating with you by the appropriate cut off time and how is that fixe?
thank you
- Plan Zero Hero
- 283 replies
- November 9, 2023
Likewise, I have absolutely no beef with the lovely CS staff at OVO…they have always been kind and very supportive on the ‘phone with whatever query I have presented them with (not that I’m always plaguing them or anything). In relation to this enquiry, they did everything possible to answer my query, including booking a replacement meter for me, and there is no way I would want to raise a complaint or anything remotely resembling a complaint.
Just as
I do understand the answers are no doubt extremely technical, even if they are easily discoverable, but it’s a curious problem. Personally, I’m just delighted to have the half-hourly readings back again, I’ve come to rely on them and find them very useful. I just trust that they’re not going to disappear again over the horizon on their jollies somewhere…so I’m a very happy bunny really…
- Community Manager
- 1864 replies
- November 10, 2023
A fair question.
I suspect a delay in getting the previous day’s half hourly usage is related to ‘Wide area network’ (WAN) drop outs. My understanding is that sometime in the morning the meter tries to connect to the supplier. If for any reason there is no signal this will fail and will be re-attempted.
At this point before I say too much nonsense, let me ask the opinion of
- Plan Zero Hero
- 7875 replies
- November 10, 2023
A fair question.
I suspect a delay in getting the previous day’s half hourly usage is related to ‘Wide area network’ (WAN) drop outs. My understanding is that sometime in the morning the meter tries to connect to the supplier. If for any reason there is no signal this will fail and will be re-attempted.
At this point before I say too much nonsense, let me ask the opinion of
Yup, sounds right to me. However, my sources have mentioned recent outages upstream at DCC could also be a culprit.
- Plan Zero Hero
- 2553 replies
- November 10, 2023
Typically Energy Suppliers and 3rd parties use slightly different mechanisms and timing for getting the 30 min consumption data.
N3ergy call for data every couple of hours. That is why you see in day data on Loop for example. Hence if the data doesn't get to them for whatever reason, they often but not always get it soon after.
Suppliers typically schedule to get data sometime close after midnight, then if they don't get it after a period will often call for data again. This mechanism of noticing and then getting missing data is potentially an area for improvement for OVO.
OVO say this
"We receive readings in bulk at the end of each day, and each reading is timestamped"
For whatever reasons this means we regularly see posters, including me in the past, every month saying they can see 30 min consumption data on the 3rd party websites but not with OVO. OVO currently can't often match the 3rd parties in terms of timeliness as we have seen every month.
It probably means ovo could do with reviewing their process if they want to match N3ergy etc. Just depends on how high a priority it is for them, i am sure OVO have a long list of priorities.
As a starter it would help if ovo allowed more time for 30min consumption figures to appear in customers accounts for the Power Move product.
I think it will be even more important when all suppliers have to offer Octopus Agile type tariff. I think it is debatable at least whether OVO could launch an Agile type tariff without further work.
As a snapshot the government said circa 9% of smart meters had some sort of permanent or temporary communication issue at the end of March 2023.
- Carbon Cutter*****
- 7 replies
- November 10, 2023
Why did I get an email from ovo saying I need to have at least 14 weekday readings, so do not qualify last month even though I can see 18 weekday,listing of Half hourly readings, for the month?
Weird, my friend had the same issue... did you have the same issue in October and November? If so, I think I may know the answer.
- Plan Zero Hero
- 2015 replies
- November 10, 2023
… let me ask the opinion of
Sorry, I’ve not got much to add.
There are two different problems, and this is my guess at the two scenarios:
- OVO requests usage data from DCC sometime after midnight each day. Sometimes, those data will be incomplete (missing the figure for one or more Hh slots), in which case OVO’s automated systems will try again to retrieve the data. This will in most cases succeed.
- On occasion, OVO fails to request usage data, e.g. because there is a hold on the account for some other reason - meter readings are missing, or billing has gone awry, for example.
We have seen periods when many customers are missing usage data for days at a time. It happened in October 2022, and it happened again this year. I can’t imagine why this happens, but back-filling those consumers’ usage tables seems to involve manual intervention. I suspect that it’s only those who complain and persist that eventually benefit from manual intervention, while those who remain silent may be left with holes in their records. Manual intervention is expensive in terms of the resources available to undertake it.
Bottom line: if you’re in scenario (2), squeak if you really need some grease.
It’s my experience that third-party data collectors - specifically n3rgy.com - won’t rest until they have all the usage data that DCC holds. They even tell me if there are holes:
The following table is a list of all gaps in your data, that is, any periods between the first period and last period for which we don't have consumption data. If you click 'Load' above, it will try and fill these gaps. However, it may be the case that n3rgy has been unable to retrieve your data from your smart meter. |
The ‘first period’ is a date in July 2022, while the ‘last period’ was a couple of hours ago. The table shows only a two-hour period when my supply was disconnected while a new meter was installed. Otherwise, there are data for every half-hour in the past 15 months. If this organization (actually part of our friends SMS, who own many of the smart meters we use) can do it, OVO should also be able to do it.
- Plan Zero Hero
- 283 replies
- November 11, 2023
All interesting stuff… billing has gone awry, for example.
Yes indeed, I guess billing is the one key area that differentiates OVO from, say, 3nergy in terms of, say, fail-safe interventions or fall-back provisions over missing data which may well be somewhat clumsy or arbitrary methods just because they have to be “safe” and of course wide-ranging over many thousands of customers.. And it just so happens that I started to lose my own data more or less at the point where my September monthly bill was being totted up, although I don’t think there was anything anomalous about the bill…tariff change was happening at the start of October, of course, but I’m still on fixed tariff for another six months.
Oh well, everything’s been behaving very well again since 1st November, so fingers crossed!
Many thanks again…
- Carbon Cutter*
- 2 replies
- April 3, 2024
It is a complete wast of time this energy credit if you use below such and such. My will for this month was just over £40 and most of that is standing charges as i have not been home much as i have been looking after my mother at hers and i still failed to hit the target. I am going to move myself to another company
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