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Why have Standing Charges also increased so much with the Energy Crisis?

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Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 411 replies
  • October 5, 2022

A quick Google and I discovered several websites explaining that the increases in the standing charges over the past year are due to the costs of rescuing customers from failed energy companies.


There's your answer.


If you want to complain you can email OVO. Their complaints email address is on their website.



  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 19 replies
  • October 5, 2022
M.isterW wrote:

A quick Google and I discovered several websites explaining that the increases in the standing charges over the past year are due to the costs of rescuing customers from failed energy companies.


There's your answer.


If you want to complain you can email OVO. Their complaints email address is on their website.



Yes, you can find in general why companies have increased the Standing Charge, but different companies have done it in different ways.

The Which website is good it states:

The standing charge you pay counts as part of the price-capped amount. It's paid in addition to the unit rate - that's the amount you pay for the energy you actually use and report through your meter.

Simply put, gas and electricity providers can't charge you more than the price cap for the combination of your standing charge and unit rate if you're on one of these tariffs.

But how they split the balance is up to them.

As a customer of OVO I want to know how OVO arrived at the Standing Charge that they are charging me.  An increase in the Standing Charge because items that legitimately should be in there have increased is fine. However if they are bumping in costs that should not be in there and are perhaps offsetting unit costs by increasing the Standing Charge, that is not okay.

Over the summer roughly half of my monthly bill was the Standing Charge, I can cut back on electricity but I cannot cut back on the Standing Charge so I very much want OVO to justify their massive increase in that charge.

Honestly why would they not? It should be simple: here is what is included and here is how those items increased this year.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2569 replies
  • October 6, 2022

Hey @AngryOVOCust,


I don’t have anything else to add here, just wanted to step in and say...


There has already been many really coherent and thorough explanations to your question about increased standing charges by our Community Members. All information on this topic can be found on the OFGEM website. The market regulator increased the threshold for the standing charges due to the reasons already stated by other Forum Members. 


Jeffus wrote:

Unfortunately the standing charge has increased for many reasons. 

1. The cost of all the failed suppliers apart from Bulb has been loaded on the standing charge and front loaded rather than being spread over a very long time as some energy companies suggested. There will be more of these costs still to come unfortunately and the government could yet decide to load all the costs of Bulb onto standing charges, many billions of pounds.

2. The number of people eligible for the warm home discount has increased. These are funded via the standing charge currently. 

3. Ofgem moved some of the network related costs from the unit rate to standing charges. At the same time network related costs have increased as inflation has risen, both material costs and wages have gone up. We have all seen what has happened to inflation generally. Also we need  upgrade the infrastructure as we move to renewable energy, heat pumps and electric cars, hence again the standing charge is increasing. There have been recent changes where new generation capacity is not required to contribute to the upgrade costs, this again will transfer costs from the unit rate to standing charges. 


The majority of standing charge has nothing to do with ovo, they are simply passing on costs from others and government schemes. 



  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 19 replies
  • October 6, 2022


As you say you are not adding anything. There are plenty of people out there angry about Standing Charges and all I am asking from Ovo is a justification for the charge that they have levied. These differ from supplier to supplier so there is no point in referencing general information on the internet.

I am not a legal person so I don’t know if this applies but it has been pointed out to me that the Gas 1986 and Electricity 1989 Act's state the following -

Condition 0. Treating Domestic Customers Fairly -
0.3 The Standards of Conduct are that the licensee and any Representative:
a) behave and carry out any actions in a Fair, honest, transparent, appropriate and
professional manner;
b) provide information (whether in writing or orally) to each Domestic Customer
i. is complete, accurate and not misleading (in terms of the information provided or omitted);

If asked OVO should be providing information on how OVOs  Standing Charge is calculated.

As one part of a formal complaint to OVO I have asked for a breakdown of its Standing Charge and how each element varied in April 2022. OVO have simply not replied to any part of my complaint including the Standing Charge question. As a result the complaint will eventually work its way to the Energy Ombudsman.

To try and gee things up, my complaint has been rumbling on for a year, I emailed the OVO CEO Stephen Fitzpatrick. Emails to him are of course intercepted and what you get back is a bland message from *Edited by Mod* Ovo Groups Senior Executive Complaints Manager, promising to get something done. All that results in is somebody else coming back who clearly has not read the complaint and tries to shut the complaint number down.

Customer Service at Ovo in non-existent. They have a call centre, email help addresses etc. but there appears to be absolutely nothing behind that to address actual problems. All that happens is they bounce problems from person to person continually raising and losing complaint numbers but never actually addressing the problem.

The time and effort wasted by this dysfunctional service is chronic. If Ovo want to raise your Direct Debit but you want to keep it the same you have to phone the Call Centre, with lengthy waits. When you get through they will tell you that they are not allowed to put accounts on the 3 month exemption list for DD increases any more. Repeat this process 4 or 5 times wasting a huge amount of telephone time and they will freeze your DD. Why not do it the first time? Why not give a breakdown of Standing Charge elements when one is asked for? Why not actually fix the problem that is preventing monthly bills being sent out instead of just sitting on it?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • October 6, 2022

Hi @AngryOVOCust what date did you raise your complaint?

You simply have to wait 8 weeks, then if you haven't had a reply simply go straight to the Energy Ombudsman, no point waiting, and wait for them to make a ruling on what OVO are obliged to supply you. 

Then post the ombudsman reply here as i am sure it will help others whatever it says. 

Good luck. 

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 1258 replies
  • October 6, 2022

@AngryOVOCust How about sending your question to BBC’s More or Less ? They like getting to the bottom of these kind of questions.

I mean about the Standing Charge of course, not your other complaint!

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 19 replies
  • October 7, 2022
Jeffus wrote:

Hi @AngryOVOCust what date did you raise your complaint?

You simply have to wait 8 weeks, then if you haven't had a reply simply go straight to the Energy Ombudsman, no point waiting, and wait for them to make a ruling on what OVO are obliged to supply you. 

Then post the ombudsman reply here as i am sure it will help others whatever it says. 

Good luck. 

I would much rather OVO fixed the problems, particularly in relation to billing than make a formal complaint. Every so often there is a glimmer of light when somebody comes along that sound as if they either have some knowledge of what the cause of the problem is or at least have some determination to get to the bottom of things. However OVO escalation team seems to have a revolving door any you rarely get more that two or three messages from the same person. I wonder what their staff turnover rates are? It is going to go to the Ombudsman soon though.

@juliamc suggested writing to More or Less at the BBC, that is a good idea I may well do that.



I must admit I was very surprised at the way it has increased so much in one year, two increases for no apparent reason.

There offer of a fixed rate was a bit of a gamble , I did not take it up and I think things will level out over the period.

I have not looked at alternatives as OVO are very good normally.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2733 replies
  • March 31, 2023

Thinking about this winters energy support these additional parts of the standing charge might be part of the reason 

  • Funding greener energy development

  • Government initiatives to support vulnerable households

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 7 replies
  • March 31, 2023

Isn’t the standing charge levied by the national grid or whatever they’re called these days? It’s that company therefore putting up the standing charge. 


If that is so, why does every company have a different rate?


  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 7 replies
  • March 31, 2023

Good question 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2733 replies
  • March 31, 2023

No, it’s not National Grid. Each supplier sets their own standing charges


Just as I thought but was not going to be pedantic being a newby to the forum.

This  is my current standing charge and i cant find a single person online who is paying this much 65.40p per day. Im on a simpler energy plan if that helps. Cant understand how this can be right.

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 1258 replies
  • May 31, 2023

Is that for one fuel only? Electricity or gas ? Mine is 72.68p for both fuels. It does vary with region, I’m in S E England.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • May 31, 2023


What do you see on this page for standing charges?

This will be the rates excluding VAT on this page that you are paying. 

You can see the rates for your region for all tariff here to check. Just enter your post code

Are they the same? 

Jeffus wrote:


What do you see on this page for standing charges?

This will be the rates excluding VAT on this page that you are paying. 

You can see the rates for your region for all tariff here to check. Just enter your post code

Are they the same? 

perfect that link really helped it appears is is correct thanks

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • June 1, 2023
damnedtemplar wrote:
Jeffus wrote:


What do you see on this page for standing charges?

This will be the rates excluding VAT on this page that you are paying. 

You can see the rates for your region for all tariff here to check. Just enter your post code

Are they the same? 

perfect that link really helped it appears is is correct thanks

Regional rates vary a bit unfortunately on the default variable plans. 

What you will nearly always see in the press are average unit rates and standing charges, so some regions will pay a  bit more and some a bit less.

You will also find slightly different rates across suppliers sometimes as the Ofgem price cap is a cap not a floor, suppliers can choose to offer their default tariff with lower rates.  Here is one example where Octopus lowered the standing charge last year, but they have yet to announce what will happen when the new cap kicks in on 1st July

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 1258 replies
  • June 1, 2023

Good idea about their standing charge holiday.. I wonder how that went ? 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • June 1, 2023
juliamc wrote:

Good idea about their standing charge holiday.. I wonder how that went ? 

Yep, it is a very simple idea that could be expanded. 

Mobile and Broadband suppliers have social tariff, so it is not impossible for Energy Companies to introduce something similar, either mandatory or voluntarily 


  • New Member*
  • 1 reply
  • February 23, 2024

Why is my more than my electric usage 

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2569 replies
  • February 23, 2024

Hey @Gmelville,


Unfortunately OVO don’t offer a tariff without standing charges. There may be some other companies out there that do, so if you’re a low user it might be worth looking into switching.


These topics may have some helpful advice:



Prices have increased significantly in recent years but there is lots of support available. Please visit this page for more information

Carbon Cutter*
  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • July 31, 2024
Blastoise186 wrote:

Maybe try Googling it? I found loads of helpful results just now

Could you share those with the community here. That would be helpful. 

Carbon Cutter*
  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • July 31, 2024

I’m surprised several people here seem so happy to have their money bail out failed energy companies (in some cases where people with no experience of running an energy supplier have been allowed to do so), by paying the maximum standing charge allowed. 

What on earth happened to Thatcher’s utopian dream of deregulation (it’s a regulated industry), competition (there is no real competition when people choose to lower their usage but are then penalised by effectively subsidising higher users through the standing charge) and the operation of a free market (there is no free market when the state still has to intervene and regulate). 

There’s also the small issue of who owns these companies and therefore where your money and mine ends up. 

The utilities industry simply isn’t working in the interests of the general population. .

Water, energy, transport etc., along with education and healthcare are essential to the sane operation of a country. 

Such essential human needs should not be benefiting a few wealthy senior executives, or be so biased towards keeping shareholders on board, while transparency with customers goes by the wayside. 

Energy provision should go back into the hands of the people.


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