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How to fix login issues or error messages with your online account

How to fix login issues or error messages with your online account
Retired Moderator

Updated on 26/02/25 by Ben_OVO:


Got issues registering or resetting a password for your OVO app or online account? We’ve made a recent change that might help. The advice in this guide is for Pay monthly OVO customers.


If you’re a prepayment customer (Pay As You Go), this advice will not be relevant to you, but you’re able to download the app - it’s available in the Apple App Store or Google Play. See our guide here. To log in via your device browser, here’s the online top up portal page


OVO customers should ideally complete these steps in the web portal (online account) first. Once complete, these details will be copied over and available for use in the OVO App.


  • On the login page click ‘set up account’
  • Enter your email address when prompted
  • You’ll be sent a link from which to set a new password
  • Once you’ve set the password you’ll have access to the online account
  • You’ll then be able to log into the app using the same email address and password


If the above steps don’t work, go back into the password reset email, scroll down and select the option at the bottom of the reset email "open this email in your browser"


This should then allow you to follow the steps as prompted and login into your account.



Please note: This has been extensively tested and in the vast majority of cases will resolve the issue. However, there are still some issues with users of any Microsoft email domains such as Hotmail, Live, Outlook, Microsoft. We are working on the resolution for these customers and will update once a fix is made available.


There may still be issues for other customers with different email domains but these could be related to something else. See the advice below for some ideas to try, and let us know in the comments below if you still have an issue resetting your password - we’ll do our best to help further with the problem. Alternatively our Support Team may be able to advise with this. 


When something’s gone wrong with your online account or OVO app login



Login Basics

Once we’ve updated our online account, you’ll only be able to log in using your email address, your Customer ID number will no longer be recognised. 

You’ll only be able to set one password per email address. This means that if you’ve got the same email address registered to multiple accounts, all these accounts will use the same password. This also means that password resets will affect all accounts. If you do have multiple accounts, our Support Team can link them all under the same online account where possible.

If there's no email address registered to your OVO account, you won’t be able login. You can register your email address when you first join us, or by reaching out to the Support Team if you’re already a customer.


First Steps

It’s always best to check we hold an accurate email address for you. A good way to confirm this is to see whether you’ve received any emails from us already, this could include your welcome email or monthly summaries.

Our Support Team can help correct or register your email address if you haven’t yet received any emails from us.


Error Message?


If you’re having an issue resetting your password and are using the Outlook Live app we are aware this may cause an error message, if so, please switch to a browser version. 


An error message saying, “Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later” usually means there’s a technical issue which is linking a failed account to your details, for example if you’ve recently moved in and your new account hasn’t been fully activated. In this case reach out to our Support Team, they’ll be able to get things corrected with the help of our Tech team.



Duplicate Emails

If your email is a used on more than one OVO account, there could be two ways to login: 

If you have multiple accounts which have all been migrated to our new billing platform you’ll just need to login using your email address. You’ll be shown a landing page, from here you can select the relevant account number which will open that online account. You can switch between the accounts by clicking ‘Account’ in the top right of the Homepage:



Exact appearance may vary

If one of your accounts is yet to be migrated, you’ll need to use the Customer ID for the one of the accounts instead of your email address. Both accounts will still use the same password. If you’re not sure whether your account is on the new or older platform, our Support Team will be able to check and advise on whether you’ll need to login using your email address or Customer ID number.


Password Resets

You can reset your password by clicking here.

  • There's no difference between ‘First time logging in?’ and ‘Reset my password’
  • Password reset emails expire after six hours or if a newer password reset is requested within that time
  • A reset email is only sent if the email address used matches a registered email address
  • If multiple password reset emails are sent, only the most recent one is valid

The criteria for setting a password is:

  • At least 8 characters

  • At least 1 upper case letter

  • At least 1 lower case letter

  • At least 1 number

  • At least 1 special character (!?£@#$%)


If you’re not able to access the password reset screen by clicking on the ‘Reset My Password’ button in the reset email, you can copy open the password reset email, scroll down’ and click ‘open this email in my browser’.


Haven’t received a password reset email?

There are no known issues with the password reset platform and reset emails are typically delivered within seconds.

If you haven’t received the email then it’s usually caused by the following:

Your email inbox hasn’t refreshed

The email may have been delivered but hasn’t synced on the member's device/browser. This could be due to a network issue or because their email client is set to refresh on a schedule, e.g. every 15 minutes. Try refreshing this manually.

The email has been filtered as junk/spam

You should also check that you haven’t accidentally marked us as ‘Spam’ or blacklisted emails from or


You haven’t verified your email address


You’ll need to ask our Support Team to update the email address on your OVO account. You’ll then be sent an automated email containing a link to verify the email address. Once you’ve done this, you should be able to request a password reset email.

The email address you’ve got registered has recently been changed on our systems and hasn’t had time to update on your online account

If you've changed your registered email address it can sometimes take up to 24 hours for this to update. In this case, try and request a password rest email the following day.


If none of the above is successful

Check you’re using the most recent version of the app (try deleting and re-downloading for Android and iOS) or Google Chrome browser if logging in to your online account.

Try disabling any password managers that may be interfering with the login details you’re entering.

You should also try:

  • Logging in via the app if you can’t login via a browser (or vice-versa).

  • Using a different device or browser (Chrome is recommended).

  • Clear cache/cookies on browser.

  • Clear cache and app data then uninstall/reinstall the app.

  • Waiting a day for any changes you've made to update across all systems.


If you've followed all of these steps and you're confident there's still a login issue with your online account or the OVO App then contact the Support Team. If you can provide as much of the the following information as possible we’ll then be able to forward this on to our Tech team if required:


  • Mention all actions you have taken already.

  • The correct email address that you’d would like to use.

  • Are you trying to login using the app or browser?

  • What device, OS and browser are you using?

  • Are there any specific error messages? This does not include 'Wrong Email or Password'.

  • How long has this been occurring?

  • Relevant screenshots are always welcome and useful.


Hope we can get things sorted and you logged back in ASAP. :ok_hand:

92 replies

  • New Member***
  • 1 reply
  • February 1, 2022

I just received the email that explain my plan and everything and when I click on set up account it happens exactly the same thing. 
I put my email twice and them no email received to set it up. 

Retired Moderator
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  • February 2, 2022

Hi @martyskins91 and welcome to the OVO online community,


Great to hear that you’re keen to get logged in to your new OVO online account following your account set-up. I’m wondering if you might have been a bit too eager in attempting the login initially, as usually we’d advise waiting until you’ve received your Welcome email before activating your online account. As you’ve now received this and are still having issues it might be worth checking out the troubleshooting advice on the guide above:


Haven’t received a password reset email?

There are no known issues with the password reset platform and reset emails are typically delivered within seconds.

If you haven’t received the email then it’s usually caused by the following:

Your email inbox hasn’t refreshed

The email may have been delivered but hasn’t synced on the member's device/browser. This could be due to a network issue or because their email client is set to refresh on a schedule, e.g. every 15 minutes. Try refreshing this manually.

The email has been filtered as junk/spam

You should also check that you haven’t accidentally marked us as ‘Spam’ or blacklisted emails from or

The email address you’ve got registered has recently been changed on our systems and hasn’t had time to update on your online account

If you've changed your registered email address it can sometimes take up to 24 hours for this to update. In this case, try and request a password rest email the following day.


If none of the above is successful

Check you’re using the most recent version of the app (try deleting and re-downloading for Android and iOS) or Google Chrome browser if logging in to your online account.

Try disabling any password managers that may be interfering with the login details you’re entering.

You should also try:

  • Logging in via the app if you can’t login via a browser (or vice-versa).

  • Using a different device or browser (Chrome is recommended).

  • Clear cache/cookies on browser.

  • Clear cache and app data then uninstall/reinstall the app.

  • Waiting a day for any changes you've made to update across all systems.


If you've followed all of these steps and you're confident there's still a login issue with your online account or the OVO App then contact the Support Team. If you can provide as much of the the following information as possible we’ll then be able to forward this on to our Tech team if required:


  • Mention all actions you have taken already.

  • The correct email address that you’d would like to use.

  • Are you trying to login using the app or browser?

  • What device, OS and browser are you using?

  • Are there any specific error messages? This does not include 'Wrong Email or Password'.

  • How long has this been occurring?

  • Relevant screenshots are always welcome and useful.


Do let us know how you get on - We’re always happy to help give advice on these online account issues here. :blush:

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • March 7, 2022

got an email to reset password but when clicking on the ‘set my password’ link nothing happens, there is no link there and there is no url address at the bottom of the email that i can copy and paste, have tried calling, cut off twice and no one has rang back, how do i get this fixed please?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • March 7, 2022

Hey there @VJboro ,

I think there might be a bug in the email at the moment if that’s the case. Let me ask @Tim_OVO and @Jess_OVO to see if they can get it flagged up with the team.

In the meantime, there should be a link in the email body. Are you not seeing one at all? It should be a green box with “Set my password” in it.

I also just tested it myself and it seems to work fine for me. What device and browser are you using please?

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • March 7, 2022

Hi, yes, am getting the green box with Set my password in it, but nothing happens, tried on 3 different devices and nothing happens on any of them, getting frustrated now

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • March 7, 2022

Ok, please could you tell me what those devices are and what web browser you were using on them. This would definitely be helpful for the Tech Team to investigate the issue with.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • March 7, 2022

Hi, have used Chrome, Edge, Safari, Gmail and outlook - 2 laptops and I phone

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • March 7, 2022

Thanks. I’ve not managed to reproduce this issue myself using Chrome and Firefox on my test devices Stunfisk, Oshawott and Samurott but I’ll ask Tim and Jess to see if they can help with a bug report. They’ll be back in the morning, so please hang in there for now.

Retired Moderator
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  • Retired Moderator
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  • March 8, 2022

I’m so sorry to hear of the technical issues you’ve had when trying to reset the password for your online account, @VJboro.


Just in case you hadn’t spotted it yet we’ve got a great trouble-shooting guide which might help:


Worth checking that the link hasn’t expired (which would happen automatically after 6 hours or as soon as another password reset link is requested). 


If these fail to get to the bottom of things, there could be another technical bug affecting your account, in which case we’d recommend getting back in touch with the Support Team. The quickest way to reach the team is via our Live Chat which you can access here.


Hope this helps get you logged in and managing your account online. :slight_smile:

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • March 8, 2022

Hi, the link hasn’t expired, we are acting as soon as the email lands.

Have seen the tutorial and as mentioned in my previous posts, there is no url address at the bottom of the reset email that we can copy and paste hence we have no way round the situation 

shall try and get through to suppor tomorrow



  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • March 14, 2022

Hello everyone. Follow below the conversations that I had with OVO.


On 04/03/22 I received an email from OVO informing that the balance on my account was negative, and suggesting me to increase the direct debit. If I didn’t increase it they would do it by themselves within 10 days automatically.


I was more than happy to bring the balance to 0 as long I could submit my reading and see on my account exactly what they were charging me. So i gave them a call, a raised my concerns in regards to: submitting readings, access account and increasing my direct debit “automatically”.


The person who was trying to help me couldn’t submit my reading because my account wasn’t on their system, and said that it would take up to 45 WORKING DAYS to fix the account, and then he sent me to the Collection team.


Talking to the collection team, the forced me to pay the standing charges in order to block the increasing on my direct debit until the problem on the system was fixed, then I would be able to submit my readings and update the balance properly. 

That was an agreement! i have been assured that 1. wouldn’t be charged extra until I could access my acocunt. 2. The issue with the account would be sorted out.


I paid the standing charge, trusting that the increase wouldn’t apply. Naive!

Today 14/03/22, surprise!

Just received an email confirming that OVO had increased the direct debit regardless our previous agreement.

And I cannot access my account to see what’s going on.

That’s unacceptable.


Unfortunately, this forum is controlled by OVO and probably these concerns won’t be taken to the responsible to sort it out properly.


I tried to solve this problem in a friendly manner, contacted on the forum, over the webchat, over the phone. It got worse and worse.


Lesson learned: cannot trust anymore. I don’t deal with OVO energy over the phone anymore. 


Unfortunately this forum is controlled by the very same company and this issue won’t be escalated.


I feel locked as I can’t access my account, can’t see what I had paid, can’t submit the readings. It’s unbeliavable!!! Unreliable!!


I wonder if I’m able to move to another company...

Retired Moderator
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  • 574 replies
  • March 14, 2022

I’m so sorry to hear of your experience when contacting the team to report your online account issues and subsequent Direct Debit amendments, @matheushen.


Whilst posting on the forum is a great way to seek advice from other OVO members, it’s not the best place to resolve account-specific issues.


I’ve arranged for an OVO representative to request some account details via a Private Message so we can look into this further for you. You can access this message by clicking on your profile picture in the top right on any forum page.


I hope this helps.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 9 replies
  • March 14, 2022

I am in the same boat. I have tried for MONTHS to get into my account after the “upgrade” and cant access any bills or give readings. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • March 14, 2022

Howdy @TH3 ,

I’m really sorry to hear of the trouble but I’m afraid it’s beyond my capability to help out with account specific issues as I’m only an OVO member and not a staffer.

You can still manage your account over the phone or via Live Chat with the Support Team, even if online services aren’t working - you can do that right here. If you let them know you can’t access MyOVO, they’ll try to help you fix the problem and if that still doesn’t work out, a case will be raised with the Tech Team to dig deeper.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 9 replies
  • March 15, 2022
Blastoise186 wrote:

Howdy @TH3 ,

I’m really sorry to hear of the trouble but I’m afraid it’s beyond my capability to help out with account specific issues as I’m only an OVO member and not a staffer.

You can still manage your account over the phone or via Live Chat with the Support Team, even if online services aren’t working - you can do that right here. If you let them know you can’t access MyOVO, they’ll try to help you fix the problem and if that still doesn’t work out, a case will be raised with the Tech Team to dig deeper.

 Appreciate you responding but i have been told numerous times that the tech team is working on it (since October!) and that it would be resolved. No updates, no communication and still no access to my account or bills. I cant even give meter readings. I am hesitant to do this over the phone as i have been promised this would be solved so many times i actually dont trust that any info i gave over the phone will be processed properly. I am now at the stage where i want to leave ovo but sense that will be a massive issue in itself. I have honestly never expereinced such poor service. Its unbelievably bad. 

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1866 replies
  • March 15, 2022

Can you give our Support team one last try, @TH3? I’m confident they’ll be able to view the latest status of what is probably an open ‘ticket’ (we call it a ‘case’) with the developers of the platform. There might be some kind of reason why it’s taken so long, and you deserve to know what’s happening and how long they expect a fix. Perhaps the person you speak to can chase this up… You can use that online chat to submit readings, find out the latest account balance and go from there. 


Feel free to come back here afterwards and if need be, we can offer some help via the forum...

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 9 replies
  • March 15, 2022

There is already a case open. This was opened in February. I was originally told a case was opened in december but this was not true I was told in Feb.  I have a case number this time. I dont actually know what else I am meant to do. I have spent hours on the phone to OVO. Its caused so much stress. 


  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 9 replies
  • March 15, 2022

Also, i am aware of the online fact i have been waiting for a response from someone on this for nearly an hour now. This does not fill me with confidence when giving meter readings. 

I do appreciate you responding as it is more support than ive had the whole time ive had this issue



Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • March 15, 2022

Thanks for the update. I think at this point, I’ll need to jump out as it sounds like Tim is taking the lead from here. I’ll still monitor the thread though in case I can help in another way.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • March 16, 2022


After posting a complaint here 2 days ago, the direct debit has been changed back to the amount previously agreed.


Still cannot access the account, though. It has been 1 month now.


@TH3, since October? OMG. I still have a long way down the road then. Most likely I stop using their services before they fix this issue.

It’s a good ideia to take notes of readings frequently for future reference. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • March 16, 2022
matheushen wrote:


After posting a complaint here 2 days ago, the direct debit has been changed back to the amount previously agreed.


Still cannot access the account, though. It has been 1 month now.


@TH3, since October? OMG. I still have a long way down the road then. Most likely I stop using their services before they fix this issue.

It’s a good ideia to take notes of readings frequently for future reference. 

Every issue is different and the time to resolution for one case shouldn’t be considered a baseline for another. I’ve reported many bugs to OVO since November 2020 and all of them have since been fixed, some of them in under 48 hours (mostly the critical ones). The longest time to fix bugs in my cases were the ones where I’d really messed up the system, the shortest were more simple issues that could be fixed with a quick and easy code change.

I actually have some unique circumstances as well related to my supply, which causes its own set of challenges. OVO has managed to figure out ways of getting things working though, even if no-one else can access my smart meter. :)

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 9 replies
  • March 17, 2022

I now have an email (first since october) from OVO saying I have an unpaid balance. However, i STILL cant access account (same “oops something is broken message”). This is actually worse now as I am being asked to pay a bill that I cant see and cant add in my meter readings. At this stage I do not trust OVO call centre to take my payment or record meter readings due to the amount of times I have been told this will be sorted. this is utterly bonkers. 

Retired Moderator
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  • March 17, 2022

I’m so sorry for any confusion caused by the latest email, @TH3.


As you’ve previously confirmed your account details to me via a PM, I’ll reach out to you directly to follow-up on this.


I hope we can get this sorted soon.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 9 replies
  • March 17, 2022
Jess_OVO wrote:

I’m so sorry for any confusion caused by the latest email, @TH3.


As you’ve previously confirmed your account details to me via a PM, I’ll reach out to you directly to follow-up on this.


I hope we can get this sorted soon.

Thanks, your input is very much appreciated. 

  • New Member***
  • 1 reply
  • March 17, 2022

Hi, I was trasfd over from SSE and has been trying to get access to my account for almost two months now. I emailed the tech team and they have sinvce been looking into it.

When I try the new account and password reset,  a white screen with the message BAD REQUEST appears. All of this has been communicated to the tech team.

I have tried different browsers and different computers even.

Not sure what to do while they send me emails for increasing the monthly payment very promptly..


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