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What is the best day to give readings to avoid estimates being used on bills?

OVO sends me a text on the 7th February telling me it's time to submit our meter readings, and that this is best done on the 13th for accuracy and to avoid estimated readings.
So I hang around until the 13th then, on precisely that date I submit our readings.

Just checked our account today and am dumbfounded to see OVO has added one extra day's estimated reading to those I submitted on the 13th, now telling me that the best day to......etc, is the 14th.

What's THAT all about?? It's a blimmin' joke isn't it. Tells me to do one thing, does something else. All I want is an accurate bill NOT an estimated one. Seems OVO are not technically equipped to carry out this simplest of tasks. Maybe just one of the reasons why they are no longer 'top of the class' in Customer's experiences (see "Which" Review). Or maybe simply building the case for earliest 100% installation of the dreaded SMART METER. I'm hanging out until the last second before I press go on that. I've heard some crazy things about them.


Best answer by Tim_OVO

Updated on 28/11/24 by Emmanuelle_OVO:


Meter readings, usage and estimates


Sorry to hear about the confusion caused by the differing dates you were advised to give your meter readings. If you haven’t had smart meters installed, we’ll send you a meter reading reminder a few days before your monthly summary is created. The easiest way to submit these readings is on the ‘Meter readings’ page of your online account or OVO app (download for Android or iOS), 


Exact appearance may vary



When’s the best date to submit a reading for my monthly summary?


The best date to submit your reading is on or just before the date shown on your bill - the email or text reminder you receive may suggest you enter this the day before to make sure it’s received on time. If you do enter the reading slightly early we’ll only estimate your usage between the date you entered the reading and the date the statement was generated, so it should be fairly accurate.


When I enter my reading how long does it take to update my balance?


Every time you enter a meter reading on your online account, your account balance is recalculated to include your usage costs up-to-date. The balance will usually update instantly although it can take up to 24 hours. It’s worth checking the balance before submitting your readings, so you can easily check that the balance has updated. If the balance show on your monthly summary is estimated, you can always check the accurate balance by submitting another meter reading.


How are my estimated readings calculated?


If we ever use an estimated reading on your monthly summary, this is calculated based on the last actual reading you gave and your Estimated Annual Consumption (EAC) to give us an idea of what the reading is likely to be. You can always correct any over or under estimated readings by submitting an accurate reading.


What’s the best way to avoid estimated statements?


As a smart meter can be programmed to send us a reading half-hourly or daily, we can always be sure we’ve got a reading on the date your monthly summary is issued. This will mean no more worrying about reading the meter manually and more accurate billing and usage information on your online account or OVO app (download for Android or iOS.



OVO member but not got a smart meter yet? - Book today!


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28 replies

Carbon Catcher**
  • Carbon Catcher**
  • 4 replies
  • February 16, 2018

Updated 17/06/2020

If you're no longer seeing a statement, it's because you've been upgraded to our new online account platform. More info here

It sounds to me like your statement cycle is set to the 15th, so if you really don't want to see the word Estimated on your bills, just add the reads on the 14th of the month, and your statement will be up to and including that read...

If you submit reads on the 13th, OVO will estimate forward 1 day. If you add the reads on the 10th then OVO will estimate forward 4 days...

I'm not sure where that advice of giving reads on the 13th came from, but clearly the 14th is your best "readings day".

Of course, it almost doesn't matter. The next time you Do submit reads it all catches up with itself. But if you want to see Exactly what you've used, with no estimation, submit reads the day before your bill comes out

Or Yes, get smart meters. Had mine fitted a year ago, and they're Ace. No need to do readings, bills always exact, My OVO usage graph shows Where my money's going. Nothing Dreaded about it...

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • February 17, 2018
Thank you for your kind and informative response "stateofit". I'll be taking your advice next month. Appreciated. BTW: regarding the 13th being my best time to provide readings, this came by OVO text. Cheers.

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 19 replies
  • February 17, 2018

Hi Tomwaitsfan1

Thought the above link might come in handy should you wish to have an easier life and book a smart meter :)

Agree totally with stateofit, they are ace, I've had fun with the neighbours one, can't wait to get mine :)

Wishing both of you above a great weekend :)

Tris 🙂

Retired Moderator
  • Retired Moderator
  • 77 replies
  • February 21, 2018
Hey @Tomwaitsfan1,

Ideally we’ll need the readings the day the invoice is created so this sounds like it would fall on the 14th and your statement would be created on the 15th.

If we don't have any readings on the say the statement is created, we’ll need to use estimates. However, if readings have been provided a day or so before (or at any point in the bill period) then it's likely the estimates will be pretty accurate.

I’ve advise double checking what date is on your statements to show when they were created and then providing your readings the day before.


  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • February 21, 2018
Thanks for taking the trouble to respond Lucy. Just to clarify my issue : Why did OVO send me a text telling me my best date for submitting readings was the 13th Feb, when really it should have been the 14th. I now see my statement date was 15th? It's the misleading text that's my issue.

Community Manager
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  • 1864 replies
  • Answer
  • September 14, 2020

Updated on 28/11/24 by Emmanuelle_OVO:


Meter readings, usage and estimates


Sorry to hear about the confusion caused by the differing dates you were advised to give your meter readings. If you haven’t had smart meters installed, we’ll send you a meter reading reminder a few days before your monthly summary is created. The easiest way to submit these readings is on the ‘Meter readings’ page of your online account or OVO app (download for Android or iOS), 


Exact appearance may vary



When’s the best date to submit a reading for my monthly summary?


The best date to submit your reading is on or just before the date shown on your bill - the email or text reminder you receive may suggest you enter this the day before to make sure it’s received on time. If you do enter the reading slightly early we’ll only estimate your usage between the date you entered the reading and the date the statement was generated, so it should be fairly accurate.


When I enter my reading how long does it take to update my balance?


Every time you enter a meter reading on your online account, your account balance is recalculated to include your usage costs up-to-date. The balance will usually update instantly although it can take up to 24 hours. It’s worth checking the balance before submitting your readings, so you can easily check that the balance has updated. If the balance show on your monthly summary is estimated, you can always check the accurate balance by submitting another meter reading.


How are my estimated readings calculated?


If we ever use an estimated reading on your monthly summary, this is calculated based on the last actual reading you gave and your Estimated Annual Consumption (EAC) to give us an idea of what the reading is likely to be. You can always correct any over or under estimated readings by submitting an accurate reading.


What’s the best way to avoid estimated statements?


As a smart meter can be programmed to send us a reading half-hourly or daily, we can always be sure we’ve got a reading on the date your monthly summary is issued. This will mean no more worrying about reading the meter manually and more accurate billing and usage information on your online account or OVO app (download for Android or iOS.



OVO member but not got a smart meter yet? - Book today!


Interested but not yet an OVO member? - Check out our plans!


  • New Member**
  • 1 reply
  • October 25, 2022

Ovo Always remind when to give meter reading. My question is, why OVO add additional 3kwh every time they send bill? They always remind to send your meter reading on the 9th of the month which I do. Then I tried also sending on the 12th because this is the reading closing date and they still add 3kwh on my gas bill. I’m not using smart meter. 
Actual reading on the 12th= 55348

Estimated readin/ 12th = 55351

And when I send on the 9th they still add 3kwh same with electricity. They always do this…

Pleas help,thanks.


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7865 replies
  • October 25, 2022

Howdy @mharcpg ,

This isn’t actually as bad as it sounds. It gets automatically corrected the next time you submit a meter reading after that bill is generated. So you don’t need to worry. :)

Community Manager
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  • 2569 replies
  • October 26, 2022

Hey @mharcpg,


Sorry for the issues you’re having.


@Blastoise186 is correct, as we have a live billing system whenever you submit a meter reading your account balance will update accordingly. We have a great guide about this topic here:



But I appreciate it must be frustrating if you are submitting a meter reading but the bill is estimated. 


Can you send a screenshot of your monthly statement where it shows the reads you’ve been billed to. Also- a screenshot of your monthly statements page which will show your statement dates. 


Let’s get to the bottom of this!

  • New Member***
  • 1 reply
  • November 13, 2022

Is it something I’m doing wrong.  I pay my account online on receipt of my bill. I am asked to send a meter reading on the 7th of the month which I do and then OVO estimate my bill until the 10th. It then takes a week to actually see how much I have to pay. All other companies you put in your meter reading and pay immediately it takes less than a minute, OVO endless checking.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2569 replies
  • November 14, 2022

Hey @JBenson,


Welcome to the OVO Online Community,


OVO have a live billing system so whenever you submit a meter reading your Online Account balance will update accordingly within 24-48 hours. This means you can check how much you’ve used in between your billing cycle.



We’ll ask you for a meter reading with a few days notice, so that customers will have the opportunity to take a reading with fair warning. You can submit your reading on the 9th of the month and it will appear on your bill.


Or, you can get a free smart meter upgrade and you won’t need to submit manual readings at all!



Hope this helps 🙂

  • New Member***
  • 1 reply
  • November 27, 2022

 I have sent my gas and electricity readings on day requested. On my bill it acknowledges my reading but underneath this a final estimate reading is given. This is what the bill is then based on. Why? Are ovo estimating a final reading for 11.59pm on night of meter reading date. Seems pretty crazy if this is the case. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7865 replies
  • November 27, 2022

Heya @Mitchinator 

The bill would use the actual reading up until the point you submitted it. Any estimates beyond that will be automatically corrected the next time you submit an actual reading.

You might want to consider getting Smart Meters though to prevent this issue completely. .

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2569 replies
  • November 28, 2022

Hey @Mitchinator,


Welcome to the OVO Online Community,


We do request meter readings in advance of a statement being produced, this is so that we give customers enough warning.


I’d check back on your previous statements to see the date the statement in billed up to, you can then submit a meter read on that day.


Although, as @Blastoise186 has helpfully pointed out we do have a live billing system, so whenever you submit a read your account balance will update. We have a great guide on this topic here:



Hope this helps. 



  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • February 9, 2023

Can someone please explain for me.  Got fed up with waiting on the phone and to be honest the message reply left me non the wiser.

My billing period is from 3rd - 2nd and the "Best day for next reading" is 2nd.  On the 2nd Feb I submitted my what I thought was a closing read for the month,  only to see under my read "Closing read as of 2nd Feb" an Estimated read".

The person on chat says a closing read needs to be 3 days before. So when should I submit a closing Bill read?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7865 replies
  • February 9, 2023


Ideally, I’d do it a couple of days before the billing cycle resets. That’ll give enough time for things to go through.

However, having a smart meter would fix this completely. It may be worth considering one

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • February 9, 2023

Thank you @Blastoise186will submit a read a couple of days before and see what happens.  No Thanks to the smart meter.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • February 9, 2023
lovethelight wrote:

Thank you @Blastoise186will submit a read a couple of days before and see what happens.  No Thanks to the smart meter.

Because OVO have what they call a "live billing system", you may still see an estimated reading a little bit higher than you submit manually when your bill is created. 

It does take some getting use to compared to some other companies.

It is common question from new customers to OVO.

I don't work for OVO, i am just a customer like you. 

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • February 9, 2023

Sorry for the late Thank you @Jeffus As a newbie I guess it takes a while to settle in. Thanks again.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 15 replies
  • May 26, 2023


As requested, after being forced onto monthly billing without my agreement, I submitted ACTAUL readings.

The bill has now been produced and even though they are shown, the ACTUAL readings have been ignored.

Off-peak has been increased by 25% and Peak doubled!

Why did I bother after I did as requested and then have it ignored.





Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7865 replies
  • May 27, 2023

OVO uses live billing. I suspect your actual reading got used to calculate everything up until the point of the actual reading. If you missed the window, the next bill will factor it in.

You might want to consider smart meters though, as that would completely eliminate this problem.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 15 replies
  • May 28, 2023
  1.   The reading was submitted on the day requested.
  2.    The “estimating” software obviously does not look at previous usage correctly and just doubled the actual.
  3.    OVO will NOT install an Economy 10 Smart Meter

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7865 replies
  • May 28, 2023

Smart Meter support for Economy 10 is coming soon. Once ready, OVO can fit a Smart Meter and set it up for E10 for you.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 23 replies
  • June 16, 2023
Jem16 wrote:

“So give your reading on the same day your Billing period starts.”


I can confirm from personal experience that the above-quoted advice works. In my case, the billing period runs from the 17th of each month. The final day of the billing period is therefore the 16th, and my monthly bills cover the period from the 17th of one month to the 16th of the next.

Every month the system urges me to submit a reading on the 16th (the so-called “Best day for next reading”). This recommendation may seem like common sense, but when I followed it my actual readings would invariably be superseded by (none too accurate) system-generated estimates. I tried submitting actual readings as late as 11.45 pm on the 16th, but it didn’t resolve the issue.

Eventually I learned to ignore the “Best day for next reading” - it isn’t the best day. I now submit an actual reading each month on the morning of the 17th; i.e. the first day of the NEW billing period, not the last day of the OLD one. Postponing the reading by just one day has eliminated the problem entirely. No more annoying estimates!

I would urge OVO to fix the confusing “Best day” advice. It’s surprising how frustrating it can be to have your actual readings effectively rejected every month - it implies that you aren’t being believed. It also leads to bewildering fluctuations in past bills as older estimates are silently updated. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2733 replies
  • June 17, 2023

The ‘best day’ for readings experience noted above sounds useful and worth adjusting to reduce any agitation from unexpected estimates. As this isn’t directly seen by the product team it might be worth highlighting in the Ideas section of the forum. 


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