Updated on 04/07/23 by Tim_OVO: Got issues registering or resetting a password for your OVO app or online account? We’ve made a recent change that might help:
OVO customers should ideally complete these steps in the web portal (online account) first. Once complete, these details will be copied over and available for use in the OVO App.
- Request a password reset from the online account login page.
- Select the option at the bottom of the reset email "open this email in your browser"
This should then allow you to follow the steps as prompted and login into your account.

Please note: This has been extensively tested and in the vast majority of cases will resolve the issue. However, there are still some issues with users of any Microsoft email domains such as Hotmail, Live, Outlook, Microsoft. We are working on the resolution for these customers and will update once a fix is made available.
There may still be issues for other customers with different email domains but these could be related to something else. See the advice below for some ideas to try, and let us know in the comments below if you still have an issue resetting your password. Alternatively our Support team may be able to advise with this.
Just to share my experience which i hope may be useful to someone.
When I tried to reset my account password on my win 10 computer I ended up in a loop which never successfully changed my password.
Each time I was sent a reset password link, followed it, and set a new password the OVO system reported the link I had been sent was invalid or expired.
Having tried several times using three different browsers, Firefox, Chrome, (and grudgingly) Edge, and clearing cookies between each attempt I gave up for a month or so. Each time I was using the win 10 default mail app to open the reset password email from OVO.
Trying again some months later produced the same result, time wasting and frustrating.
As an alternative approach this time around I tried to change my password using my Android mobile phone, using the Firefox app and the default Android mail client app. Well what do you know that worked and I could login successfully.
From this experience it appears that the problem cause is the email link sent by the OVO password reset system. The provided link appears not to be interpreted correctly by every email client; this is an OVO problem i.e. they should fix it or at least include the symptoms that I and others appear to have experienced with an appropriate work around.
Now following this success I just have to change my password again from one containing lots of swear words. :) 🙂