My new SMETS 2 meters were installed in mid September. Since then, there has been no change in my account page. The last entry there was that my electricity and gas were to be supplied from 5 May.
My smart gas meter does not appear to be sending any data, I’m only getting a feed from the electricity meter.
I would like an idea of my usage, given the state of the fuel industry at the moment, I would at least like to have an idea if I will be in for some nasty surprises downstream.
Best answer by Jess_OVO
Updated on 07/02/25 by Emmanuelle_OVO:
Great to see you’ve already met our community volunteer and smart meter trouble-shooter, @Blastoise186.
Blastoise186 wrote:
Thanks for the question, this does sound a little strange and I would have expected your gas meter to have started sending in readings by now.
Just wanted to step in here just to clarify this point. As you mentioned your smart meters were installed in mid-September we’d generally advise that it can take up to 6 weeks from the install date for the meter details to be updated and your usage data to be populated both on your In-Home Display and on the usage pages of your online account or OVO app (download for Android or iOS).
There’s more info on this related topic, although I’m sure @Blastoise186 will be able to offer a slightly more technical explanation if you’re still noticing the same communication difficulties in a few weeks time.
Do keep us updated as we’re always happy to help and offer advice here where we can.
I had a smart meter fitted Tue morning. Its now Thur PM and nothing has updated on my portal, no new readings at all. Should. wait a little longer for it too settle?
Yes @TD12345 there’s quite a synchronisation period unfortunately but it should be fine one all settled down. You can still monitor readings if you feel the need in the meantime but the remote links will certainly give you more info.
@BPLightlog This old pedant can’t help but recall Yes, we have no bananas, because he reads that as “Yes it will (not now ever be updated understood).” But he understood what you meant nevertheless 😉
A week to the day my IDH dropped out. And i logged onto my portal and OVO had updated it showing my smart meter asking for a reading. i have waited 24 hours and northing. is there a quick way of testing my side? I know ovo are in my area this week , is it worth me trying to get someone back?
A week to the day my IDH dropped out. And i logged onto my portal and OVO had updated it showing my smart meter asking for a reading. i have waited 24 hours and northing. is there a quick way of testing my side? I know ovo are in my area this week , is it worth me trying to get someone back?
My previous post seems to have vanished. So Ovo engineer finally called and changed out the dead gas meter on 27 April. However, since then there are precisely no readings on my account. On one page it tells me it's not receiving readings, whilst on another it tells me it is. The new meter once installed was at zero and IHD is showing me a cost. Is this usual because I'm totally confused?
It is normal for the new meter once installed to start at zero again.
You should see a cost on the IHD. Any cost on the IHD includes the standing charge and VAT.
Yes I had a look at that and no readings since it was installed bar one. I was going to ring them but honestly can't be bothered. Thanks I'll keep an eye out.
Oh another thing. Previous post about my ongoing travails with Ovo appears to have vanished. Page not found is what I'm getting. Are posts deleted for whatever reason?
Oh another thing. Previous post about my ongoing travails with Ovo appears to have vanished. Page not found is what I'm getting. Are posts deleted for whatever reason?
Click on your forum name and you can see your previous posts.
Threads are often merged by the OVO moderators which may be the reason.
Alternatively type your forum name in the forum search bar to at least bring up the threads you are in.
Hey all. Just had my intermittently working SMETS 1 meters replaced for SMETS 2 (yesterday). The meter readings the installer took from the old meters before removing them haven't appeared in my account yet, and it's the end of my bill cycle on Monday. Should I submit those old ones manually, even though I now have new meters that were 0000 on install, or just wait for the ones he submitted get through on the system?
New meters not yet showing in my account so no readings yet.
Cheers @Blastoise186 It's never easy to tell when you need to do something and when you don't. Just hoping they start sending readings quite soon. The old ones were decommissioned off the DCC a few weeks ago, so in theory these new ones should register pretty quick. Think it took 48 hours when the original ones were installed to start getting readings. Although I don't know if the DCC was a thing then.
Not sure which version of IHD I've ended up with. Well, it's one of the Chameleon ones (without power button) but that's called an IHD 3 and the Ivie style ones are called IHD 6 but just cos the numbers are low/high doesn't necessarily follow that higher is newer. Bit surprised the Chameleon doesn't appear to add the standing charge to "daily usage". I do like knowing my total for the day rather than having to remember to add the SC myself in my head. Once the meters are back running I'll reconfigure my Ivie anyway I think.
HAN connection seems weak on this new meter/IHD combo I've found. One little bar of the WiFi symbol, sometimes 2, but drops off completely once or twice. And I can't really put the IHD closer to the electric meter without putting it on the stairs which seems a bit redundant.
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