I moved house over 18months ago and moved to a new supplier. All bills were paid. I am now getting harassed by debt collectors as ovo have linked the period since leaving the house to my phone number due to a trace and search but not my name, so they won’t give me any information regarding the account. I have spoke to ovo who won’t stop the collectors ringing me as they need to find who is liable. What should I do?
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- My OVO energy
- Switching suppliers and moving home
- I moved house and closed my OVO account but my details have been found through 'trace and search' - how can I stop the debt collectors contacting me?
I moved house and closed my OVO account but my details have been found through 'trace and search' - how can I stop the debt collectors contacting me?
- May 22, 2021
- 109 replies
- Carbon Cutter*
- 2 replies
Best answer by Jess_OVO
Updated on 19/06/24 by Shads_OVO
Sorry to hear you’ve been contacted about a debt since moving house and closing your account with us,
I am now getting harassed by debt collectors as ovo have linked the period since leaving the house to my phone number due to a trace and search but not my name, so they won’t give me any information regarding the account.
This does sound frustrating and hope we can get this one sorted quickly for you.
If we don’t know who is responsible for a bill, our collections team will carry out a ‘Trace and Search’. This process involves using the information held for the address by credit reference agencies and the electoral roll to find who was registered at this time. If your details have been found in error, we can remove them once we’ve confirmed that this was a mistake. We may ask for a document to prove this, such as a signed tenancy agreement or council tax notification showing you were living at a different address by this date - you can submit this to our Support Team via email.
It is unusual that we have only located your phone number and not your name, is this the same number that was registered on your account with us? It might also be worth checking this account to make sure there were no outstanding charges once the final statement was issued.
I’m hoping this will help us get to the bottom of this, don’t forget to pop back and let us know how you get on..
109 replies
- Plan Zero Hero
- 7975 replies
- May 22, 2021
Hey there
I’m really sorry for the delay. I was out all day and only just checked in. Please allow me to introduce myself real quick. I’m Blastoise186, one of the trusted forum volunteers on here. I can’t make changes to accounts or access your information, but I can offer advice completely free of charge and can often help you solve tricky puzzles. As this is a public forum, please make sure to avoid posting personal info, just in case.
What I can say is that if you are NOT liable for the debt in question because it was racked up by someone completely unrelated to you, then you are NOT LIABLE for the debt at all. Even if you just so happen to have picked up that persons old phone number, that alone is not good enough to actually link you to them. If you have made any payments to the debt collectors, you will be entitled to a full refund of every penny you have paid them on the basis they’re not supposed to have taken it from you at all.
I’ll let
I’ll be here if you need more advice, so please ask me for as much help as you need. We’ll do what we can to help you get this cleared up.
- Retired Moderator
- 593 replies
- Answer
- May 24, 2021
Updated on 19/06/24 by Shads_OVO
Sorry to hear you’ve been contacted about a debt since moving house and closing your account with us,
I am now getting harassed by debt collectors as ovo have linked the period since leaving the house to my phone number due to a trace and search but not my name, so they won’t give me any information regarding the account.
This does sound frustrating and hope we can get this one sorted quickly for you.
If we don’t know who is responsible for a bill, our collections team will carry out a ‘Trace and Search’. This process involves using the information held for the address by credit reference agencies and the electoral roll to find who was registered at this time. If your details have been found in error, we can remove them once we’ve confirmed that this was a mistake. We may ask for a document to prove this, such as a signed tenancy agreement or council tax notification showing you were living at a different address by this date - you can submit this to our Support Team via email.
It is unusual that we have only located your phone number and not your name, is this the same number that was registered on your account with us? It might also be worth checking this account to make sure there were no outstanding charges once the final statement was issued.
I’m hoping this will help us get to the bottom of this, don’t forget to pop back and let us know how you get on..
- Author
- Carbon Cutter*
- 2 replies
- May 24, 2021
I have had this phone number for about 20years. I can understand if it might have automatically come to me as the previous owner - however it has my number registered with a different name so I can’t find out anymore information to try and chase this due to GDPR. My account for the address has zero balance.
Surely having purchased another house the trace and search would have placed me and my number there. A document to show where I was living won’t prove anything different than what they have as the name on the account isn’t mine hence why I can’t get any information, just calls and messages saying I owe money.
- Retired Moderator
- 593 replies
- May 25, 2021
I have had this phone number for about 20years. I can understand if it might have automatically come to me as the previous owner - however it has my number registered with a different name so I can’t find out anymore information to try and chase this due to GDPR.
I really appreciate the frustration,
In your case, as you have confirmed the number belongs to you, we will remove it from the account so you should stop receiving contact in relation to the erroneous debt. Please be aware that you may still receive contact in the next 7 days whilst this is fully updated. It might also be worth contacting Experian to ensure that the information that is held on your phone number is up to date.
Hope this helps.
- Plan Zero Hero
- 7975 replies
- May 25, 2021
The other thing that may also be worth doing as well, would be to get Experian to run a credit report and credit score check - but I’d recommend waiting at least seven to 14 days from today first to allow OVO to sort things out. If all goes well, the Collections Team (I think that’s the right one for this process) will zap any black marks within the next few days or so. If you want to play it super safe, I’d also recommend running the numbers with Equifax, TransUnion (formerly Callcredit) and Crediva as well.
OVO’s team should make sure that any black marks on your credit record from this issue are either completely struck off and wiped out completely, or at very least have some kind of ignore flag set to tell everyone else to disregard the mark. If you still see any traces after 14 days, please feel free to get in touch with OVO’s Support Team and mention that you’ve had help from me and Jess here on the Forum. If you provide a link to this thread, that’ll also help too. The Support Team will then make sure the records are repaired and that you’re credit files are restored to what they would have been in had this issue not occurred.
If you need anything else, we’ll be here for you. :)
- Plan Zero Hero
- 7975 replies
- May 26, 2021
No worries!
We’re really sorry for any trouble there too. If you still get any calls from the debt collectors or the Collections Team in the meantime, please let them know that enforcement of the debt against you has been terminated and that (if it’s the debt collector) they need to check in with their client to get the corrected case details. Seven days should be long enough to have all further enforcement stop, but if you get lucky it might be faster.
However, if you still have any trouble beyond that, please let us know! If needed, I can ask Jess to reach out to the Collections Team again and ask for them to force the process to stop.
- Retired Moderator
- 593 replies
- May 26, 2021
The other thing that may also be worth doing as well, would be to get Experian to run a credit report and credit score check - but I’d recommend waiting at least seven to 14 days from today first to allow OVO to sort things out. If all goes well, the Collections Team (I think that’s the right one for this process) will zap any black marks within the next few days or so. If you want to play it super safe, I’d also recommend running the numbers with Equifax, TransUnion (formerly Callcredit) and Crediva as well.
This is a great suggestion from our ever helpful community volunteer,
In cases where there is an negative mark reported in error our Collections team can, of course, correct this. However we as we only report to Experian monthly, it’s worth bearing in mind that it could take up to a month for this correction to be applied.
Hope this helps set things straight.
- Carbon Cutter*
- 2 replies
- October 8, 2022
I am leaving in the “A” and not leaving in the said “B” flat. Both these flat has same post code. New tenant come in the “B” in April/22 and I came in “A” in Aug/22.
OVO energy made a search on credit score firm and sending me bill for the flat “B” from April/22 onward where i have no connection. I called them many times to make a complaint that remove my name from the bill but they are not doing it and not listening to me. Even i said to them this will affect my credit score and some agent said it wont but actually it is showing debt in my credit report.
Now, should i go to ombudsman or police for this matter as OVO customer support is useless.
- Plan Zero Hero
- 7975 replies
- October 8, 2022
Well… The police won’t accept the case as it’s not a criminal matter, so good luck with that route, and the ombudsman won’t bite if you didn’t give the supplier a chance to resolve it first.
Try using the form at https://ovoenergy.com/feedback .
- Carbon Cutter*
- 2 replies
- October 8, 2022
I have mailed them from my end but they are not helping me saying it is not made from the registred email adress.
should i go to court for this now ??
- Plan Zero Hero
- 7975 replies
- October 8, 2022
Email is no longer a valid contact option. You need to use the options at https://help.ovoenergy.com to get in touch generally, or to make a complaint it’s https://ovoenergy.com/feedback .
DO NOT take the matter to court, it’ll likely get thrown out and leave you with a big bill - especially because Alternative Dispute Resolution exists for this stuff.
As previously mentioned, you cannot take this matter to the police as they will not accept it. If you try to force them to act despite this warning, you may find yourself in trouble for wasting police time.
- Community Manager
- 2562 replies
- October 10, 2022
Sorry for the issues you’ve had.
It sounds like due to the address mix up (the postcodes being the same), your details have been found through trace and search for the property next to you.
If you have a tenancy agreement I'd advise contacting Support with this to show you are in fact liable for flat A. You can also send a photograph of your meter as this will show the meter serial number which will confirm you are not liable for the OVO supply.
Here are some similar threads with advice that might be helpful to you:
Hope this helps.
- Carbon Cutter*
- 2 replies
- December 29, 2022
I have raised a case as I am being hounded for money I don’t owe. We left the property in July last year, paid by DD and they refunded over £600 we had overpaid. The account was in my husband’s name. Now, new tenants in the property obviously did not tell Ovo who they were and Ovo found my name and I am getting letters from them. I have rang and written to them - I have a case number - but now I have received a letter (by redirection) saying that they are handing this over to a debt collection agency. It’s only £92.47 would I be better to just pay it and see an end to this. It is making me ill.
- Plan Zero Hero
- 7975 replies
- December 29, 2022
Personally, I’d advise against making payment for debts you don’t owe. It causes other headaches further down the line. I’d call Collections again on 0800 069 9831 to report that letter. They should be able to help freeze it.
- Carbon Cutter*
- 2 replies
- December 29, 2022
Thank you - I will try that - but as I have spoken to them so many times and nothing has been done I’m so worried.
- Plan Zero Hero
- 7975 replies
- December 29, 2022
You’re welcome. Please keep me updated with how things go. I’ve got more tricks up my sleeve if you need them.
- Community Manager
- 2562 replies
- December 30, 2022
Really sorry to hear, it sounds like a very stressful situation to be in.
It sounds to me like your name was found and wrongly assigned to the property through a process called ‘trace and search’. If a case has been raised to resolve this, then you shouldn’t experience any more letters.
It may be that the re-directed letter was sent before the case was raised.
If you have any further issues I'd advise contacting our Collections Team and giving them your case number (if you have it to hand), it should also be on your account.
Hope this helps.
- Carbon Cutter***
- 4 replies
- January 3, 2023
Good day
We had moved to new home in July last year. Called to your good company for set up the account. Nothing was happening till received the first and second billing invoice under “occupier” account
I had called to your company again in September 2022, provided my personal detail. Nothing happened but received the invoice under “occupier” account.
I had called it again in Oct 2022 provided my detail. It had received the WELCOME PACKAGE under my wife name. I never even provided it via telephone conversation.
We were shocking when received the welcome package because the package including the DUPLICATED BILLING, under my wife name, covered from July 2022 to OCT 2022. Nevertheless, OUR family had been settled all expenses from July 2022 to Oct 2022, once received the billing under name of “occupier” .
WE had made make calls and sent a email to your good company to require to resolve this simple matter including our complaint either by email or by photo. Please bear in mind that one of your employee declared I should receive the follow up call within 72 hours but nothing receive as usual.
Until today, what I had received from your good company are :-
- Billing from July 2022 to Oct 2022 under name of “Occupier”
- Billing from July 2022 to Dec 2022 under my wife name (I still considered this is illegal collection the data since I had called your good company third times to provide my detail NOT my wife)
- Reminder letter to set up the account, at least three times
- Reminder letter to pay the “OUTSTANDING” payment. Indeed the outstanding is considering caused by a duplicated billing
- Email requested to provide the evidence WE had paid to you good company
- Email declared your good company could not locate my payment (I am not sure how come the paper invoice, under name of “occupier” was mentioned received safety)
- Pressurize letter, date 19 Dec 2022, to settle the “OUTSTANDING” billing. OTHERWISE passed the detail to DEBT Collection agency
Following is what I had sent till today
- Evidences including bank statements for proved WE had settled the billing TWICE
- Several complaint emails and clearly requested to CEASE the reminder of OUTSTANDING message.
- Also cleared mentioned WE do not have spare money to resolve the “ISSUE” temporarily.
- In complaint emails, it had clearly mentioned that we are suffering the impact of “Credit rating” by this "OUTSANDING issues” due to your good company system failure.
Otherwise, We do not receive any official telephone call or written letter or email from your good company regarding complaint, migration account and duplicated invoices but potentially facing the scary from DEBT COLLECTION AGENCY because your failure
Might we take this opportunity to asking your response in this forums how to resolve this problem, response our complaint and scary from the “ILLEAGE” action.
- Community Manager
- 2562 replies
- January 4, 2023
Really sorry to hear of the issues you’ve had, it sounds like a very stressful situation.
I’ll get Forum_Support to reach out to you, please keep an eye on your private messages.
Hope this helps.
- Carbon Cutter****
- 17 replies
- January 7, 2023
Why have I received a letter advising of money owing on a closed account for energy incorrectly billed by yourselves over three years ago ? (Back billing)
I have spoken to Ovo who wrote off £30 of the bill requested but not all and insisted I had to pay the outstanding £8.55 for an error in billing in 2018.
According to Ofgem energy not billed by error can not be charged after 12 months of usage.
- Plan Zero Hero
- 2729 replies
- January 7, 2023
- Plan Zero Hero
- 7975 replies
- January 7, 2023
To be honest, if it’s such a small amount, you’re probably better off just paying it and getting it over with. Amounts under £10 are rarely worth fighting over and paying it now will mean it gets wiped immediately without further issue.
- Carbon Cutter***
- 4 replies
- January 7, 2023
Good day
follow up with unprosfessional follow up from your good company.
How dare you are charging Missed Payment Charge ? Are you asking your customer to pay the cost for your system failure ?

Kindly advise
BTW, the billing charge is also inaccurate as well.
- Carbon Catcher***
- 1257 replies
- January 7, 2023
Did forum support get in contact? As this is account specific we can’t help on the forum.
Can I commiserate with you though, and thank you for being so polite on here even under these very frustrating circumstances.
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