Finally got through to OVO support this morning - and (not entirely unexpectedly) have now been told my account is NOT flagged to receive the £200 Alternative Fuel Payment automatically …
I know that there WILL eventually be a process to apply manually - although heaven knows how much longer that means we’ll be waiting to receive funds originally promised last October … but I’m at a loss to know why our account hasn’t been automatically flagged as eligible and wonder how many others are in the same boat.
We have lived at the same address for almost 30 years
Our supply was moved to OVO from SSE last summer - we had been with SSE for many years - therefore we clearly have a relationship with an energy provider.
There is no main gas to the village - this is confirmed by the inclusion of our postcode on the list of off-gas-postcodes compiled by X0serve
(Link to Xoserver provided in this government document:
Download directly from here: 2022.xlsx?term=Off-gas )
Our central heating runs on oil and like many others I have long-standing accounts with several large, local and national heating oil suppliers. Since this is the only form of central heating we have ever had in three decades at the property this WILL have been confirmed in the most recent census information.
Clearly I don’t fall into the houseboat or park-home dwelling, totally disconnected from the network category so I’m both puzzled and frustrated by now having to wait even longer for the support announced 5 months ago to help over winter - and jump through whatever hoops lay ahead in order to apply for this payment. I’m also worried that since I clearly DO NOT fall into any of the categories that would require me to apply manually, the system / form or whatever is eventually launched won’t be designed to fit those in the same position as us - since clearly we SHOULD have been picked up automatically … I guess that question will be answered when the application process opens at the end of the month
I do appreciate that if OVO haven’t been informed that we’re eligible there’s only so much they can do - but my question is WHY have we not been flagged as eligible and how many others are in the same position ?
Alternative Fuel Payment - Not Eligible?
Best answer by HMW
Updated on 22/06/23 by Emmanuelle_OVO
Think you are eligible for the Alternative Fuel Payment but didn’t receive it?
The scheme is closed now. We’ll update when further information arises for this winter.
You can still check out the GOV website here. If you cannot check online, call the helpline:
Telephone: 0808 175 3287
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Find out about call charges
We are in central Northumberland and no gas main within 20 miles in any direction. OVO confirm we are not entitled to the AFP. It’s turning into a farce and as we all suspect we’ll be bounced from one to the other and get nowhere quickly.
Are you sure OVO said you were not entitled to the AFP as they don’t make this decision? It may be that, like me, your postcode was simply not on the government list and therefore we have to apply manually when the application process opens (early March - still waiting!) See below from government website:
If you use alternative fuels for heating
You may be eligible for a £200 Alternative Fuels Payment (AFP) if both the following are true:
- your household is not connected to the mains gas grid
- you use alternative fuels as your main form of heating
This is on top of the £400 from your electricity supplier.
You’re eligible for this payment if the main way you heat your home uses:
- tank or bottled gas
- liquid petroleum gas (LPG)
- oil
- wood
- solid fuel
Most homes that are eligible for this payment will get it automatically as a credit on their electricity bills from February 2023.
You may not get the payment automatically if your home is either:
- in an area which is mainly connected to the gas grid
- not connected to either the gas or the electricity grid
If you do not get this payment automatically
You may have to apply for this payment through the AFP Alternative Fund if you do not get it automatically - for example, because you do not have a contract with an electricity supplier.
Applications will open in early March.
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