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Updated on 08/10/24 by Shads_OVO

There are several discussions currently ongoing regarding smart meters, reliability of connection and the effect on users habits. 
What may not be too well known are the raft of projects currently underway to expand the capabilities of the smart meter network to measure and record other criteria which could help to tackle energy loss in the home and ultimately contribute to a ‘net-zero’ energy emission goal. 
Termed a Smart Meter based IoT (internet of things) program, lots of organisations are looking into how additional sensors might be able to utilise the smart meter network to add monitoring for the likes of heat pumps, temperature, humidity and other parameters for a better package of control capabilities for home energy management. 
Some of the projects are listed here 

Smart Meter IoT Projects

Phase 2 


There is indeed lots happening here, @BPLightlog


I’ve shared this with our friends in OVO’s Smart platforms team in case there’s any OVO insight we can share...
