I have storage radiators which are powered by two separate off-peak periods. One during the night and a second 2-hour period each afternoon. Would a 5-port Smets2 Smart meter be able to provide 2 charge periods as I now have?
Can a Smart meter provide 2 off-peak time periods for an Economy 10 setup?
Best answer by Jess_OVO
Updated on 18/07/24 by Shads_OVO
Welcome to the OVO online community,
As of Monday 17th June 2024, Economy 10 smart meters are now available for customers who already have Economy 10 traditional meters. If a customer would like to go from traditional Eco 10 to smart Eco 10, they can book a smart meter install or we can book them one.
Currently, customers who are not already trad Eco 10 cannot switch to having an Eco 10 smart meter, though this will hopefully be coming very soon - for example, if a customer has a traditional single rate meter or an Economy 7 smart meter, we can’t currently switch them to E10 at the moment. We can only change trad E10 to smart E10.
You can find out the exact peak/off peak times you’d be offered depending on your area here.
By the sounds of things, you currently have some kind of Complex Meter, which are sometimes known as RTS or DTS Meters if they’re controlled remotely. If you’re happy to show me some photos of your meters, this might help to make sure I’m on the right track.
Unfortunately, these meters are no longer installed by any suppliers and the support for them is being phased out soon - especially because the Radio Teleswitch Service is shutting down. This doesn’t affect any meters where a local timeswitch controls the switching, but it will effectively brick pretty much all meters that are managed remotely via the legacy RTS Service.
Not sure if your set-up is a Radio-Teleswitch (RTS) meter as
As part of the RTS Project development, we are really happy to share with you our progress:
As you may be aware, the RTS signal that instructs some of our meters when to move to the “Off Peak Period” will be closing down soon and we need to arrange for all of our RTS customers to have a meter exchange so they don’t lose any of their meter functionality.
The RTS signal will end for our customers on 30 June 2025. The period between 1 July - 30 September 2025 will then be used to close-down the RTS signal and allow us to manage any unexpected customers impacted.
After a very successful pilot, from the 17th June 2024 we will begin writing to our Economy 10 RTS customers to invite them to call us to arrange for their meter exchange.
We are continuing to work at pace to enable the same solution for the majority of our other RTS customers and our aim is to begin writing to these customers in Aug 2024.
We will continue to update you on our progress.
Be interesting to see how this affects your exact set-up...
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