
Moved into a home- Am I OVO or Boost?

  • 12 December 2022
  • 17 replies

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 10 replies

Hi I have just moved into a house, there is no gas or electric 

I have been trying now for 3 days to get in touch with OVO

i have been informed that the supply is with OVO

on Saturday the lines said it was closed at 11am even though the website says you close at 2pm


i have been trying to call since 9am I have been hung up or cut off 5 times

ive tried calling trough the vunerable person number and options and again disconnected, I’m getting desperate, I have no electricity or gas and I’m freezing cold

please OVO let me set up an account no one seems to want to help


Best answer by Blastoise186 12 December 2022, 17:17

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17 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @ZoeC ,

Could you post photos of the meters real quick? I’d like to check something. If you could also post clear photos of the displays and a wider shot as well, that’ll be great.

This will help me figure out whether you’re talking to the right part of OVO and what the next steps are.



Since I have posted this I have been hung up again 2 times…. And now I’m on hold again for 15mins

Userlevel 7
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Updated on 26/06/24 by Shads_OVO


Got a pay as you go meter? Why not check out of topic hub:



Thanks. You’re actually on Boost PAYG by the looks of things. Try calling 0330 102 7517 instead as that’s the team you actually need to speak to. Alternatively, Live Chat via .

Once you’re set up with Boost, you can ask their team to move you over to OVO Pay Monthly if you wish. I’d probably recommend doing so given the circumstances.

I can’t take it anymore, I have just been cut off again by Abbie who said 20 mins ago she would check my postcode

i was in chat also for over an hour and that’s stopped updating

i don’t know what to do, someone please help

Userlevel 7
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It’s not OVO you need to speak to. It’s Boost. 0330 102 7517 or 

Thanks. You’re actually on Boost PAYG by the looks of things. Try calling 0330 102 7517 instead as that’s the team you actually need to speak to. Alternatively, Live Chat via .

Once you’re set up with Boost, you can ask their team to move you over to OVO Pay Monthly if you wish. I’d probably recommend doing so given the circumstances.

I shall try that now, thank you 🙏 

Do you know whether boost are the ones who supply both the electric and gas? 

Userlevel 7
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They might be, it’s quite likely. Since both meters appear to be in Prepayment Mode and your property is on “OVO” it’s very likely to be Boost right now

Do you know how I could be able to turn those meters on? I was able to get through to an advisor but they were asking for the readings, when I’ve tried it before the screens are just blank and I’m not sure how to turn them on

Userlevel 7

Hey @ZoeC,


Sorry for the issues you’re having,


If you spoke to OVO they may have asked for readings, this is how pay monthly meters work.


But as @Blastoise186 advised you’re pay as you go, this means you’ll need to get an account set up with Boost Energy. You’ll then need to top up your meter, you can do this in shops or through the App


Hope this helps. 

Do you know the options I click for going through to customer service to make an account because the woman on the phone said it’s currently only for emergencies and I’d either have to call later or tomorrow 

Userlevel 7
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You should just be able to explain you’ve moved in and need to set things up. This is allowed so I’d recommend telling them you need to set the account up immediately to avoid going off-supply.

Hi, I explained this each time I called and was then told to call back later, when I called back I got the same woman who told me to call again at 2pm


i called at 2pm and got the same woman again who basically told me she won’t help me and to call again tomorrow I am freezing cold I’ve not slept all night

i have given up, my neighbour went online and set me up an account with British Gas for gas and electric within 10 mins

it goes live on Thursday! 

thank you for all your help in here, but OVO and Boost I’m afraid are completely useless, and if it not for you and my neighbours I would probably have frozen to death by next week!

I have found the complaints email both my housing officer and neighbour will be lodging complaints 


thank you ( I’m off to get warm somewhere)



Userlevel 7

Hey @ZoeC,


Sorry for the issues you’re having,


It sounds like maybe you were calling an emergency number. If you’ve moved into a property supplied by Boost please contact them through web chat and they’ll get you set up with a new card and key. They’ll also give you a payment code to top up with until your new payment card reaches you.


Hope this helps. 

It’s ok I’m now with British Gas
