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After endless problems with Scottish Power I'm looking to switch and am really interested in OVO (I've been a previous customer and should never have left!). However I currently have a twin rate meter (Economy 7) and would like to move to a single rate. My current meter shows the single rate as well as the two E7 rates. Am I able to join OVO and use the single rate reading or submit the two rates? And if not I understand I would need a meter change. Do OVO charge for this and if so how much?

Thank you for your help.

Hi thanks for your reply, shes on single rate tariff so why does it matter if its all clocking on the day meter? Thankyou

When we phone up the meter reading line (automated voice) it asks for peak and off peak readings, these are labelled normal and low in the photo. Which is Which? Thanku

As you say, if she is now on a single rate tariff then there is no need for two readings at different times of day - because all times, day or night, are now charged at the one rate.

It looks like her account (at least the automated voice bit) hasn’t fully caught up with the change though.
How long is it since she changed tariffs?
If it’s not long then it should sort itself out soon, but if it’s been a few months then she might want to ring support to get that corrected.

I assume that the one that is still changing reading is the ‘Normal’, whilst the ‘Low’ is now a stationary reading?

Whichever it is then I’d give them the changing reading for Peak and the non-changing reading for Off-Peak.
You actualy said that yourself in your first post:

my sis has an old electric meter with 2 sets of numbers for peak and off peak.

.. her off peak/night reading stopped clocking. is that normal for it all to clock onto the peak/day counter?

Hey @Anna Dedman 


Economy 7 to Single Rate 


Although we're unable to physically change the functionality of meters right now. We can offer an Economy 7 to Single Rate plan! This means you’ll be paying the same rate for each register.


Even if it’s now a single rate tariff, it should still be registering usage on both registers, but both will be charged at the same rate.


You can view more on this on some of our other topics:


On a traditional meter sometimes the readings will be labelled - high and low or day and night - if not you might be able to check the current reading against your reading history on the ‘Meter Readings’ page of your online account or OVO app (download for Android or iOS).

If you can’t work it out using these methods the best way to tell is to carry out a Load Test​. This involves taking two sets of readings during your peak hours - only one reading should change which will be your daytime register:


How to do a load test


Just read both readings on your electricity meter twice on the same day – first in the morning (after 9am) and then in the afternoon or evening (before 9pm). Then email us at with the following info:

  • Meter Serial Number: ***********
  • Date you took the meter readings: **/**/**
  • Morning meter readings and the time you took them: 
  • Time: **am
  • The day register ID and reading: R* - *****
  • The night register ID and reading: R* - *****
  • Afternoon or evening meter readings and the time you took them: 
  • Time: **am.
  • The day register ID and reading: R* - *****
  • The night register ID and reading: R* - *****
  • Do you have an electric heating system (e.g. storage heaters)? Yes/No

Register IDs are the little numbers or letters on the left-hand side of the reading (e.g. R1/R2/L/N etc).

We’ll then get back in touch with you to clarify matters! 


Not sure how to find your peak/off peak times? - This topic might help.


