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Why is my new electricity smart meter not showing on my online account?

  • 13 December 2018
  • 34 replies

After my smart meters installation, My OVO payment site tells me that there is no meter found for electricity. But it is logging the usage . So I need advice if you need meter reading or not.

Updated on 10/07/24 by Abby_OVO


Great to hear about your newly installed smart meters and an important question to ask about why you can’t yet see these meter details updated on your online account or OVO app (download for Android or iOS).


If your meters have just been fitted you may not see this reflected on your online account straight away, we usually advise it can take up to 6 weeks from the date the meters were replaced. This is due to the fact that we need to confirm the final meter readings from your old meters before we can amend the details and start billing you on the readings received automatically from your sparkling new smart meters. You might notice a pause to your usual monthly billing during this time too.


For a full lowdown on the checks we carry out following the engineer’s visit check out this great user-generated installation guide. Once these checks are complete you should see your usage data update on the ‘usage’ pages of your online account as well as on your In-Home Display (IHD)


If it’s been over 6 weeks since the meters were installed and you’re still not seeing all the up-to-date meter details or usage info, reach out to our Support Team who can check what’s causing the delay. It might indicate a communication issue with the meters in which case we’d recommend carrying out a smart meter health check for your meter type below:


SMETS1 Secure Smart Meter Health Check

SMETS2 Smart Meter Health Check


Hope you see those meter details update ASAP - read more about the great benefits of going smart here:smiley:


OVO member but not got a smart meter yet? - Book today!


Interested but not yet an OVO member? - Check out our plans!

Thank you , I shall try the messaging on Facebook
I had smart gas and electricity meters installed on 2 January and I asked the installer whether he was taking final readings on the old meters. He replied yes.

Now two weeks later the new electricity meter is showing on the electricity reading history, with 0000000 on 2 January and 0000022 on 6 January.

However, no sign of the new gas meter. It just gives my historic manual readings up to 28 December. I can see the smart gas meter readings on the in-home display, so I infer that the HAN is working OK. And the electricity readings are (or were) getting through, so the WAN has been working too.

Am I being too hasty or is there a problem?
Since having smart meters fitted, twice previously I have been receiving statements that do not include my electricity charges. I first reported this in 2017, the problem was 'corrected', only to have the same occur in May 2018, and subsequently 'rectified' again in August 2018. I have just renewed my 2 year contract, and the first statement received has reverted back to gas only and my balance not debited sufficiently. This is becoming most annoying and it makes it impossible to monitor my account, why does this same problem keep re occurring? The correct statement was present yesterday, but today it has changed to gas only charges, and my balance increased accordingly.
Hey @Nigel.011 - I've moved your post onto this thread where you can find more info above ⬆️

Am I being too hasty or is there a problem?

I was being hasty. Both gas and electricity reported correctly at the end of January and February.
Hi @RogerCornwell - glad to hear this has sorted itself out!
I’ve recently had smart meters installed at my property, but up to now since the 10th July my electric reading hasn’t been taken?

It it used to show daily on the app - no longer does, only shows to the 10th.

The smart device which shows your current usage etc currently only shows gas which used to show electric.



Hey @jikbryn

When you have smart meter fitted, it usually takes 6-8 weeks from the installation date to update your new meter details. Once your account has been updated, it should show on your online account and you’ll be sent an up to date bill.

Alternatively there could be a communication issue with your smart meters, so it may also be worth checking with the Customer Service team by messaging us on FacebookTwitter, or webchat via the Help Centre! We’ll just get you a quick survey to fill in; your answers will help us work out what’s causing the problem and how to sort it out.


Welcome to the forum @CDMarkou, I've popped your post here, the above best answer should help.


@Amy_OVO - Thanks for the reply but this doesn’t help me as I’ve had readings come through and they still are coming through for gas but all of a sudden electric readings have stopped as of the 10th (see picture).

I would phone or email but I’m quite hesitant as I’ve seen people complain about losing their self service reward despite it being a system error at the supplier end not the customer.

It looks like there may be a communication issue with your meter, @CDMarkou , if one supply is updating and not the other. If you needed to get in touch about something you're not able to do online, or you can't find the answer to on our website, then you wouldn't run the risk of losing the Self Service reward.

You can find more information about the Self Service reward here.

Please reach out to our team.

You can send us a message on Facebook, Twitter, webchat via the Help Centre, or give them a call. You can reach our Customer Care team 8-6 Monday-Friday on 0330 30 5063.


Had both smart meters fitted for a few months now and gas is fine readings sent daily to Ovo and I can see my daily/hourly usage. Electric only sends once per month and I get no data for my daily or monthly usage via the graph. Can this be changed manually to send readings daily?

The reading schedule on your meter will need to be changed, @Mcother. Send us a message on Facebook or Twitter with your name, DoB and account number to get this sorted.

Don't worry if you don't use social media, you can contact us through the webchat via the Help Centre.

I thought as much, thanks for the help.
Hi -

We had both electricity and gas smart meters installed by OVO. The electricity is not sending readings automatically to OVO even though the gas readings are sent automatically.

Any idea why this is the case and how to get it fixed, please?


Hey @jikbryn

When you have smart meter fitted, it usually takes 6-8 weeks from the installation date to update your new meter details. Once your account has been updated, it should show on your online account and you’ll be sent an up to date bill.

Alternatively there could be a communication issue with your smart meters, so it may also be worth checking with the Customer Service team by messaging us on FacebookTwitter, or webchat via the Help Centre! We’ll just get you a quick survey to fill in; your answers will help us work out what’s causing the problem and how to sort it out.


Welcome to the forum, @europa, check out the above best answer!



Hey @jikbryn

When you have smart meter fitted, it usually takes 6-8 weeks from the installation date to update your new meter details. Once your account has been updated, it should show on your online account and you’ll be sent an up to date bill.

Alternatively there could be a communication issue with your smart meters, so it may also be worth checking with the Customer Service team by messaging us on FacebookTwitter, or webchat via the Help Centre! We’ll just get you a quick survey to fill in; your answers will help us work out what’s causing the problem and how to sort it out.


Welcome to the forum, @europa, check out the above best answer!


It's been months since my smart meters were installed, though.


Ah in that case you'll need to reach out to our team, @europa.

You can send us a message on Facebook, Twitter, webchat via the Help Centre, or give them a call. You can reach our Customer Care team 9-5 Monday-Friday on 0330 303 5063.

They'll be able to help!



A quick story ….yawn !! I will keep it brief 


Moved to OVO in September 19

smart meter fitted Oct 19 

smart registering on app but not online account 

NO invoices generated since joining just credit showing 

Email sent in December to advice of this (no reply from OVO received) 

Jan invoice raised completely wrong account still associated with previous meter and not smart meter. 


can we get someone to look into this agin please ? i have tried the email route but it appears it doesn't work so I will try the forum route !!!!


@Nancy_OVO  @Transparent 

Ah @D10hul this isn’t uncommon. In fact I discussed this situation with an OVO SMETS Engineer this morning!

There is a difference between these four scenarios

  • OVO’s techies receiving Smart Meter readings from DCC
  • Smart Meter readings being imported to the App
  • Smart Meter readings being displayed on your MyOVO page
  • Smart Meters readings being accepted by Billings on which to base your Statements

This last stage is the most tricky of the lot.

Not only do Billings have to correctly account for readings on the meter(s) which have been removed, but they also have to comply with the regulatory framework laid down by Ofgem.

It took 9 months before I had all stages completed… not helped by me having two further exchanges of both gas and electricity meters during that period. As I was still paying by Direct Debit, I built up a healthy credit on my account for which OVO paid me 4% interest!

Billings have to check the meter readings with ECOES (electricity) and Xoserve (gas) because they are the independent bodies responsible for the meter databases in the UK. It can sometimes be the case that a new meter installation reveals inconsistencies in historical readings. ECOES and Xoserve will spot these and have the statistical analysis tools to check if there has been meter tampering or fraud.

Having said that, it is a regulatory requirement for an Energy Supplier to provide a customer with correct Annual-usage statements in order to allow them to assess switching to a rival Supplier.

The January invoice you’ve received may be correct… in that you obviously should receive a final-bill for units registered on that old meter. This is probably an indication that the Billings Dept are currently sorting out your account.

@Transparent  thanks for the info, I am not too concerned at this stage but I like to highlight issues before they become out of control, as issues like this can easily produce a unplayable bill for someone who hasn't been billed for some time and has been using more than the direct debit will cover. it is a concern of mine as I have been the unfortunate end of this with Scottish power 2 years ago, when they couldn't provide a invoice for over a year. it ended in a deficit on my account of just over £500 when they eventually worked the amount owed out in December, that was demanded to be paid in 14 days, not very nice I can tell you. 

Hah! - Well if I’d been in your situation, I’d have raised a formal complaint against Scottish Power and most certainly not paid within 14 days.

If they’d tried to recover the money through the Small Claims Court, they’d have been lambasted by the judge for their failure to provide correct invoicing.

And if they delayed resolving the issue for as long as 8 weeks, then I’d have taken the matter to the Office of the Energy Ombudsman. That would probably have incurred a nominal compensation payment to you of about £50  and them being reported to Ofgem for their failure to abide by the regulations.

You were actually in a stronger position than you might’ve supposed. The debt would still have to be paid of course, but not under SP’s time constraints!

Coincidentally I spoke with an OVO customer this morning about a similar matter whereby they had failed to operate within Ofgem regulations. They came to a mutually agreeable settlement without the customer needing to take action against them.

I think that shows the difference in attitude, which is reflected in OVO’s consistently high score for complaints-handling. :relaxed:

No idea why that email wasn’t picked up @D10hul - please make sure it’s sent to us on webchat via the  Help Centre, or over a FB PM 


As Transparent said, there could be a one of a number of pain points to blame. But one thing’s for sure: smart meter details take time to get updated on your account. But until this happens, both the app and the desktop MyOVO should be looking the same……. needs a look! 

Ah @D10hul this isn’t uncommon. In fact I discussed this situation with an OVO SMETS Engineer this morning!

There is a difference between these four scenarios

  • OVO’s techies receiving Smart Meter readings from DCC
  • Smart Meter readings being imported to the App
  • Smart Meter readings being displayed on your MyOVO page
  • Smart Meters readings being accepted by Billings on which to base your Statements

This last stage is the most tricky of the lot.

Not only do Billings have to correctly account for readings on the meter(s) which have been removed, but they also have to comply with the regulatory framework laid down by Ofgem.

It took 9 months before I had all stages completed… not helped by me having two further exchanges of both gas and electricity meters during that period. As I was still paying by Direct Debit, I built up a healthy credit on my account for which OVO paid me 4% interest!

Billings have to check the meter readings with ECOES (electricity) and Xoserve (gas) because they are the independent bodies responsible for the meter databases in the UK. It can sometimes be the case that a new meter installation reveals inconsistencies in historical readings. ECOES and Xoserve will spot these and have the statistical analysis tools to check if there has been meter tampering or fraud.

Having said that, it is a regulatory requirement for an Energy Supplier to provide a customer with correct Annual-usage statements in order to allow them to assess switching to a rival Supplier.

The January invoice you’ve received may be correct… in that you obviously should receive a final-bill for units registered on that old meter. This is probably an indication that the Billings Dept are currently sorting out your account.


We I had a smart meter installed by EDF in our second home and it IMMEDIATELY on my online EDF account. I was able to monitor the smart meter readings IMMEDIATELY from my phone. I just think that OVO / SSE are complete rubbish if it takes up to 6 weeks for the readings to appear on my online account. I am seriously thinking of switching to another company because I am losing confidence in OVO and their customer service. I see absolutely  no reason why it would take so long for smart meter readings to appear on my account. 
