Hi, I live in Dundee, Scotland which is a fairly large city, senior citizen currently on pre payment meter THTC and know all about the RTS switch off. Made arrangements with OVO to change over to pay as you go Smart meter, Engineer arrived yesterday and couldn't do the switch as the Smart meter failed to connect, he sent the relevant information to OVO that no installation had been made, what happens next?
Engineer just said let OVO figure it out, can someone help
Best answer by Firedog
janie wrote:
I live in Dundee, Scotland … Smart meter failed to connect,
The smart meter will probably have tried to catch the LRR signal from the Angus TV tower. If your meter is on the wrong side of the Law or the house, not to mention if it’s down in a dungeon, the signal may well have difficulty getting through. It may be some time before a good solution is available, but you’ll have to get a new meter before next June anyway. If all else fails, you’ll probably get an Economy 7 meter.
I’m not sure whether pre-payment is another complicating factor. Are you sure that’s the best solution for you? The new smart meter will do its job of measuring your electricity consumption, but you’d have to submit readings manually until the connection is made. It could be that topping-up will be a pain, but @Blastoise186 would know more about that.
What I don’t understand is why we are at this point. It was 2011, over 13 years ago, that it was announced the radio signal would be switched off. It’s not like electric companies didn’t know this was going to happen. In all the years I’ve lived in the house nobody ever mentioned complex meter setups until the last couple of years. I had upgraded meters fitted about 5 years ago and was told I couldn’t have a smart meter, so it’s not like the meter setup up wasn’t known about! The electricity suppliers need to be reassuring people that a solution will be found and not threatening people that their system won’t work! I have an elderly neighbour whose THTC system failed nearly 2 years ago and it was only in October when they fitted her smart meter (same set up as our house - explain that to me) that her storage heaters started to work again! Appalling that she had been left with only convector heaters due to a faulty meter. I have other elderly neighbours who are still saying they don’t want these new meters which they can’t read, they need a planned visit to properly explain the situation not threatening letters. also if you know all of this, why do I still get texts and emails telling me I need to arrange a smart meter appointment when you can’t do it! It’s a shambles! I don’t want to move to oil heating but I’m sorely tempted by this fiasco.
I completely understand your frustration. However, problems like yours aren’t just OVO’s fault. You mention new meters being installed 5 years ago - that was long before OVO got involved. I have a sneaking feeling that SSE knew there was a bumpy ride ahead for THTC and other RTS customers, so divested themselves of their retail arm rather than try and tackle the problems they knew would arise. I don’t think OVO had much idea what they were letting themselves in for when they bought SSE.
It’s almost a perfect storm: the government insists on everyone having a smart meter, the BBC runs out of valves for its long-wave transmitters, and DCC can only reach 99.5% of customers in Scotland. OVO’s engineers had to start from scratch to develop a meter that could replace RTS systems, work that was first completed (at least for deployment to start) last summer.
I’m afraid I don’t understand the difficulty of substituting one smart meter for two existing ones when they’re not adjacent, but we’re hoping a senior OVO meter engineer will be along soon to explain. Configuring the system once the meter is in place can also be a headache, but luckily much of it can be done remotely - so long as the meter can call home.
In any event, you can be sure that OVO’s infrastructure teams are doing everything possible to get all their customers currently relying on RTS sorted out before the June deadline.
It does seem that OVO have bought a vipers nest from SSE then. I’m still not sure if I agree that their tactics are helpful, they are just scaring older customers and it’s backfiring.
it was suggested to post pictures of the set up so I hope these are helpful.
Well… Technically OVO inherited a massive nightmare from the 1980’s. When RTS was first developed, I’m pretty sure nobody ever thought that some day it might get terminated - the engineers back then definitely didn’t consider how to handle long-term outages!
Hi sorry, I didn’t get a notification of his post, just yours today Blastoise.
It was not an OVO engineer and I did tell him that my neighbours had one fitted in October and her set up was the same. He did say that the part I would need had not been invented yet but to be honest it was cold and snowy (although we have a long carport so he wouldn’t have got wet) and I actually thought he just couldn’t be bothered but didn’t want to say that initially.
I’m sorry I don’t know what MPAN is. The appointment was booked through the complex meter team.
Contacted OVO again today to raise a complaint regarding their lack of information regarding my failed installation from 29th November and the complaint advisor spoke to the RTS team who have said there is no solution as yet for "no signal areas" like mine and I will have to wait and see if a solution can be found and then they will contact me. They will not be fitting smart meters that cannot communicate in no signal areas. Complaint opened and closed, apparently it's up to the RTS team to resolve it.
Well, so today I called OVO again as they keep sending me emails to book a smart meter appointment. I phoned and explained that I was told they haven’t invented the equipment I need yet, so why should I be phoning when only they will know when the equipment is available?
So , turns out as I expected that the subcontractor (Michael) put on his form that he couldn’t replace meter due to the weather as it was an outdoor meter. Yes it is outside and under a carport. The fitter should not have told me a lie just because he didn’t want to be out in the cold or he should have said if it was unsafe due to the risk of snow blowing into the carport. It wasn’t actually snowing, it was very cold and there was snow lying on the drive, however the meter is under a carport and the area was free of snow, ice and not wet beside the meter.
I have his phone number so if OVO would like to take this up with his employer as this is NOT acceptable. I have now had 2 days when I have had to stay at home waiting for a fitter ( I am not prepared to call this man an engineer).
rebooked for next week but I have little faith ………..
As you can see from my post above yours, I was on to OVO on the 30th January and after 50 minutes the reply allegedly came from the RTS team saying they have no solutions as to what's happening in no signal areas and will not be fitting smart meters that will not communicate.
This has been ongoing since my failed installation 29th November so I am absolutely not going to be switched over by June but no one is willing to own the problem.
Complaint opened and closed within 50 minutes, am none the wiser but by the end of February I intend to escalate these issues by any means possible.
That’s disappointing and I’m sorry to hear that. Regardless of circumstances, I also don’t tolerate deliberately logging invalid reasons for not getting something done - especially if it’s just to cover up the “I can’t be bothered because I’m feeling lazy” excuse.
I will flag this with the Forum Moderators so please bear with me. Feel free to keep hold of that phone number for now or dispose of it as you see fit you want, just as long as you don’t post it on the Forum!
So have had another more thorough engineer visit. He confirmed that the meters cannot be replaced due to not being able to access the wiring and needing some device that has not been designed yet. He didn’t suggest it was an issue with signal. He took photos and logged the issue but I’m still getting letters and texts from OVO saying I must book a meter fitting! I wish OVO had some joint up working between departments!
@FClarke I too kept getting texts and emails after my failed installation and when I contacted them they removed me from their mailing list. After my last conversation with them there wasn't a cure for no signal areas but they were working on the issues and would contact me as and when something was available. It's not a great scenario for me and others like me but there is no option but to wait and see unfortunately, hopefully something comes up sooner rather than later.
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