Just moved home - Is our usage correct it seems very high?
We have just moved into our rented property and are worried that the usage stated on the app is not correct.
there is a smart meter in the property but not one that we have assigned to our account! Or asked for, Is the smart reader for the property? so therefore reading our electricity correctly and the online account is wrong?
the daily standing charge on the smart meter is also different to what it says on our tariff account online.
we are now worried as it says we are using over £10 per day!!!!!
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Hi @Bearclaire ,
First thing to check - does the Meter Serial Number on the Meter itself match the app under Account → Meter Readings? And does the address in the app match your new address?
If it DOES NOT match, something’s definitely not right and it could be a Crossed Meter issue and you’ll absolutely want to alert OVO via Live Chat at https://ovoenergy.com/help . Make sure to also create an OVO account too if you haven’t already - the agent can assist with that.
If it DOES match, let me know and I’ll advise further.
We have a OVO account already. the serial number on the actual meter is the correct one linked to the account and the address is also correct
Gotcha, thanks.
Your meter is correctly linked up. When did the last Meter Reading go in? That’s what OVO uses to bill you - the IHD and everything under Usage in the app is just a guide.
Please show me your Meter Readings from the app
Under the app it has taken 2 smart reader meetings even tho the smart meter isn't on but then says there's an error and to enter manually which we did
Ok. Are they showing as Estimated, Manual or Smart?
As you can see 2 are smart and one is manual
AH HA! Diagnosis is easy. You’ve only got them on Monthly reads - I strongly recommend you change that to Daily or (preferably) Half-Hourly. That’ll solve part of the problem and should be possible via the app or OVO Support.
You appear to have a multi-rate setup with one Smart Meter doing Peak and Off-Peak readings. What heating/hot-water has the property got?
Hey @Firedog …
Is it me or do those manual readings look the wrong way round? Just wanted a second opinion!
I will change them to half hourly then but is that via the smart meter? We never knew we had the smart meter as we were told we didn't have one by the property manager.
Heating wise we are on an economy 7 package and we have a hot water tank upstairs in a cupboard
Under the app it has taken 2 smart reader meetings even tho the smart meter isn't on but then says there's an error and to enter manually which we did
The smart meter itself is always on (even if you’re not using power). It’s not the table top device (in home display or IHD), but the device near your electricity switches and that is where you take readings from. If you show photos as suggested above, someone will be able to check.
We may have done them the wrong way round but we double checked online as these manual meters don't make life easy!!! And this is our first time as renters
You probably do have one - please post photos of it and I can verify for you.
You can change the reading settings via the app and it’ll ping a command to the meter to apply the update. OVO Support can also correct those manual readings for you if you let them know - they can flip the readings around.
Bear with me, I’m gathering some info - keep an eye out for my next reply.
I'm so scared that in putting the wrong readings we're going to get charged crazy money we only rent a 1 bed house!!
OVO can fix them for you so that your billing gets corrected. Don’t worry - there’s a fix for that!
The only meter we've found is this one and then the table top device
That Aclara unit is your Smart Meter itself - this is what’s recording your meter readings and usage. The tabletop unit is your IHD or In-Home Display which is what you can use as an indicator of current usage. it should not be used for billing.
I can confirm it is indeed a SMETS2 Smart Meter.
Rate 1 is Night, Rate 2 is Day - they’ll show up as ToU 1 and ToU 2 respectively on the Meter.
Ok so we have change to half hourly readings but think we will also phone OVO in the morning to clarify things
shall I re put the meter readings tonight?
No. I’d let the Meter process the changes and get OVO to fix the existing readings instead of doing more potential damage with manual readings.
Cool thank you so much xp
Is it me or do those manual readings look the wrong way round? Just wanted a second opinion!
Sorry to be late to the party.
Either the smart readings or the manual ones are the wrong way round. One register goes 622 - 665 - 713 (91 kWh in the month) and the other 861 - 1137 - 1164 (303 kWh). At this time of year, I’d expect the offpeak usage to be a lot bigger than the peak usage if storage heaters are working as they should. So, I suspect that the latest reading of 713 to be for the peak (day) register and 1164 for the offpeak (night) one. That means it looks like the meter got it right and Claire got it wrong this time. It would be nice to get Support to swap the manual readings round, but it won’t make any difference to the bill, which only uses the opening and closing readings.
Claire should check that it’s the register labelled TOU Rate 1 that changes during the daytime, while TOU Rate 2 stays the same. This should be the standard: 1 = peak/day, 2 = offpeak/night.
I don’t think there’s any need for manual readings at all since the smart meter is doing its stuff. If Claire has managed to switch to half-hourly readings all round, she’ll now be able to see meter readings every day and usage figures for every half-hour each day.
@Bearclaire With those readings, you’re using a lot less than £10 a day. Even if the 22.*10 p/kWh showing on the meter were the rate for both peak and offpeak usage, the monthly bill would be around £110. If it’s the peak rate, the bill would be much less, but I can’t say without knowing what the standing charge and the peak and offpeak rates are.
Here's is a pic of peak/ off peak charges and standing charge it's now saying in 5 days we've used £45 worth of electric???
Thank you.
Although your meter is set up for Economy 7, you’re in fact paying the same rate for peak and offpeak use. Unless you have storage heaters (that charge up during the night to keep the house warm during the day), this may be your best option.
Because your account was set up for monthly readings, the figures in the current billing period will be based on estimates, which as you can see can be wildly inaccurate. You can probably see the estimates themselves on the Usage tab. From the smart meter readings you shared earlier, we can see that in the last billing period (8 Dec - 7 Jan) you used 303 + 91 = 394 kWh in total, averaging ~13 kWh/day. In the five days since then, you probably used something like 5 x 13 = 65 kWh (and not the ~168 kWh the charges breakdown shows).
65 x 0.2344 = £15.24 6 x 0.6104 = £ 3.66 Total ex VAT £18.90 VAT @5% £ 0.94 Total £19.84
… a lot less than the estimate.
I can’t find the plan you’re apparently on. Could you take a screenshot of your Plan page (little person icon > Plan details > View plan and rates) and post it here together with the first part of your postcode, please? Crop the screenshot to remove everything below Standing charge before you post it - it’s not a good idea to broadcast the meter identification numbers.
And our living room heater is a storage heater where we buy electric overnight but the bedroom is an oil filled radiator I believe and then we also have a heated towel rail in the bathroom
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