I am not a customer of OVO but this the best forum I have found and felt that I could get the instructions I need.
Originally Scottish Power installed the Smart Meter SGC1311 (believed to be SMETS1), both Elec & Gas were linked. The IHD3 worked for just a few weeks and for no reason, stopped displaying data.
I now have an account with British Gas and they confirm that they are receiving both meter reading, but have so far been unable to help me with this issue.
The IHD3 (black frame) remains idle with no data. Notice that the WAN and HAN are alive, but it seem that it is not linked to the SM. I would very much appreciate it if anyone can give me the steps for linking or the contact of a Technician that can.

Unit is powered OFF

HAN (don’t know of the meaning of +R and +A) - WAN on the right is strong