Hi There,
As you can imagine i am looking to reduce my Elec bill and i have calculated 40% of my elec bill is due to charging my PHEV car at night, so i am keen to get on the Economy 7 Tariff and take advantage of the discount rate timings.
I previously have managed to speak to Ovo customer service and was told this is not possible due to having a SMETS 1 smart meter which cannot do a dual tariff required for Eco 7 tariff. I asked if i can get the meter changed but was told this is not available at this time, even if i was willing to pay for the change...
After doing a bit of digging on here and online to see if there is anything else i can do, i believe i have a SMETS 2 (Landis & Gyr E 470) meter but linked to a Trilliant SEAP-2001-V comms hub which is limiting the capabilities of the smart meter. I believe this is true after reading this.
My Current Set up below.

Is it possible to change the Comms hub alone and not the meter to allow me to get on the ECO 7 Tariff? Is this possible to do with OVO?
Apprieciate the picture shows there is no space for the top mounted comms hub, but there is potential to move things around to make space.
Sorry if this is a repeat question but I would struggle to explain this over the phone so thought it would be best to ask here, as i have seen some really positive discussion and positive outcomes on other messages here!
Many thanks in advance.