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Can I get a SMETS2 smart meter installation when I sign up to OVO?

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  • Carbon Cutter**
  • January 16, 2019
Like many others I just want a SMETS2 from the start. Can somebody let me know at what point in the smart meter booking process I find out if I would get a SMETS2 please. I think the screens are numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4 - I don’t want to go too far and find out I’m going to get older SMETS1. (No answers please about getting a SMETS1 and waiting for over air upgrade - I really don’t want to go down that route - just after understanding where I can understand before pressing the book button 😉). Thanks 🙏🏻

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • January 17, 2019
Which Model of Smart Meter will I get if installation booked for January 2019?

I do not wish to have the SMET1 version fitted. If I book and installation date on-line it doesn't state which type will be fitted. I don't want to have to turn the fitter away if they arrive with the wrong version.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • January 19, 2019
....can i have a SMETTS2 meter installed. I authorised switch yesterday and it said 3-4 weeks to effect. Was wondering if i can order meter to coincide as soon as poss to switch date?

  • New Member*
  • January 22, 2019
I currently have Smets1 meters for both my gas and electricity from SSE, the electricity meter has been fine but the gas meter has given me nothing but problems and stopped sending off data from October 2016 to July 2018, during this time I received estimated bills. What I would like to know is can I change my supplier to OVO and have a Smets2 meter installed? thanks.

No wanting to start a whole new thread on what seems to be a major topic and issue around the whole smart meter debacle that we face.

I have just moved over from BG. Am in a new build property and am fairly sure that I have SMETS2 meters fitted as they have a WAN led on them, which using my comms engineering background and knowledge from internet searching about SMETS2 indicates that it uses the dedicated WAN that has been established for SMETS2 to use, which then gives interoperability between all suppliers.

My question is, will OVO be able to access these meters and so negate me from having to book an engineer to come and fit new smart meters? From what I have read so far, it appears that there is no guarantee that the meters that get fitted will be SMETS2 and I will more than likely get a SMETS1 fitted, so taking a step backwards.

If this is the case, I will be hanging onto what is fitted and accept that I have to submit readings each month until OVO sort their game out and get everything into one sock and can use the meters I have fitted.

EDIT - Have been to Harry's bedroom and can report that I am fitted with a Landis+Gyr E470 electricity meter that feeds into a Trilliant SEAP-2001-V comms module.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • January 23, 2019
Anyone from OVO here who can advise on the sign up screens please?

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • January 24, 2019
OVO stated that they can only fit the SMET1 version in my area. They obviously haven't checked the status of the mobile phone signal where I live as it is extremely poor and unreliable. The SMET1 meter relies on a mobile phone signal for communications! Come on OVO please get your act together and contact me to arrange to fit a SMET2 . My contact is due renewal very soon, and after 5 years with you, will have no option to switch suppliers if I am ever to get a Smart meter.

  • New Member*
  • January 28, 2019
@Tim_OVO or @Eva_OVO

Could one of you help please? I'm in the same situation and I'm now looking to have a SMETS2. How do we go about finding out some sort of rough idea (emphasis most certainly on the "rough") of when SMETS2 will be available in different regions please?

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • January 29, 2019
Hello - does anyone know if anyone from Ovo still participates in these forums or is it just a user community forum now?

  • New Member***
  • January 29, 2019
I have switched to Ovo from Scottish Power. It is a new build house and there are smart meters installed but they work as traditional meters because they have not been commissioned yet. Will Ovo be able to commission the meters so that I can use the smart functionality?

If this is not possible I would like to have new smart meters installed and commissioned, preferably SMETS2. How do I contact Ovo?

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • February 1, 2019
Another one asking the exact same questions here. Won't book a smart meter installation until it's confirmed, for definite, that we'll get a SMETS2 meter

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • February 6, 2019
Just commenced supply with you (dual fuel) Can i have a SMETS2 installed. Postcode is cm9 6jh?
Thank you.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • February 6, 2019
@achmelvic @Organic @Iwan79 @Shelster1973 @NeilFoz see the 'best answer' at the top for info on our SMETS2 roll out.

Here is the link to our booking platform, where it will specify which meter type you'd get!

More info on SMETS2 here!

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • February 6, 2019
@Tim_OVO thanks for the reply but I'm afraid that doesn't answer the question which I think has been mentioned on here plenty of times.

That online booking platform DOES NOT tell you what type of meter will be supplied during the booking process, I assume you only find out in the confirmation email once the booking as been made which is not very helpful, again I believe this has been pointed out numerous times already by other people.

So if we then find out it is a SMETS1 meter once the booking has been made one would have go through the hassle of cancelling the booking, a waste of time on everyone's part rather than OVO have a better means of confirming it prior to booking.

It appears these same questions have been being asked for the last 18 months along with the vagueness about if/when SMETS1 meters will get a software upgrade to SMETS2 at some point.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • February 6, 2019
I agree. My question is quite straightforward. Where in the booking process does it show? Come on - it’s not that difficult to be transparent please?

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • February 6, 2019
@Tim_OVO to confirm and make clear here are screen captures of the online booking system right up to the confirm button. At no point does it ever mention what type of meter will be supplied.

I have a smart meter installation booked for this month (Feb 2019) on the understanding that it will be a SMETS type 2 meter but I am seeking confirmation. ( I don't want a type 1)

Can anyone confirm the situation for Berkshire area, please?

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • February 7, 2019
I'm on the list, but no date yet. However I was advised yesterday that "SMETS2 are not being fitted in your area", ie Suffolk. In that case I will not bother, seems a complete waste of time installing SMETS1. I'm told software is available to convert 1 to 2 by the end of 2019, I've been involved in software "upgrades" a few time, 5 years late and still do not function correctly! I'll stick to my old meter!

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • February 8, 2019
Tim_OVO wrote:
@achmelvic @Organic @Iwan79 @Shelster1973 @NeilFoz see the 'best answer' at the top for info on our SMETS2 roll out.

Here is the link to our booking platform, where it will specify which meter type you'd get!

More info on SMETS2 here!

Please can you screenshot where on booking platform it shows where you ascertain what type of smart meter you will get?

I finally managed to speak with Ovo and they confirmed my suspicions; they are still installing SMETS type 1, so I cancelled my installation.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • February 18, 2019
smarthome_dave wrote:
I finally managed to speak with Ovo and they confirmed my suspicions; they are still installing SMETS type 1, so I cancelled my installation.

Thanks for the info, useful to know.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • February 18, 2019
NeilFoz wrote:

Tim_OVO wrote:
@achmelvic @Organic @Iwan79 @Shelster1973 @NeilFoz see the 'best answer' at the top for info on our SMETS2 roll out.

Here is the link to our booking platform, where it will specify which meter type you'd get!

More info on SMETS2 here!
Please can you screenshot where on booking platform it shows where you ascertain what type of smart meter you will get?

@Tim_OVO, is any one from OVO going to answer this question at all??

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • February 18, 2019
Hi @achmelvic

I've had a few conversations with OVO staff about this issue. As I understand it, they have a certain number of engineers who have been trained to install SMETS2 meters. Since the Installation Teams can be moved around the country, there is no clear answer to your question.

Whether you get a SMETS2 depends on when the installation is to occur and where you live. The generic forms on the website don't give that level of detail.

What I don't understand is why OVO have been granted an exemption to continue installing SMETS1 meters beyond the 5th Dec deadline announced by Ofgem. There must be a good reason for it otherwise Ofgem wouldn't have agreed.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • February 25, 2019
Thanks @Transparent for the info.

Yes as as far as I knew company’s aren’t allowed to still fit SMETS1 meters but from the sound of it OVO still are.

And yet another week goes by without any response here with some official answers or explanations....
@OVO any update or clarification??

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • February 26, 2019
OK... so I have an update:

From 16th March, any SMETS1 meters which OVO installs in the south of the UK will not count towards their Ofgem targets. So logic suggests that these sites will be fitted with SMETS2 units from that date.

I don't know where is the demarcation line for north/south, but perhaps one of the Moderators like @Tim_OVO could find out for us please?


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