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Struggling to achieve Power Move target!

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Carbon Catcher*
  • Carbon Catcher*
  • 45 replies
  • December 3, 2023

I've had my £15 each month so it does work. 

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • December 3, 2023

I wasn’t questioning yours, just my own, I can’t speak for yours

  • New Member**
  • 1 reply
  • December 3, 2023

Well I am very disappointed too! I got an email from OVO this morning saying that they couldn’t get enough readings from my smart meter so they couldn’t get accurate readings for the month. But no explanation as to why they couldn’t get readings, as they were able to on a lot of the other days, and it’s not my fault!! Anyway I had already decided that I wasn’t going to continue with this scheme through the winter as I didn’t like sitting in the dark and cold between 4 and 7. Not worth it for £15 for me. 

  • New Member**
  • 1 reply
  • December 3, 2023

I feel it's sad. I also need to use my electric in this cold spell. There should be a discount to all users anyway. But probably not

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 273 replies
  • December 3, 2023

Definitely do NOT sit in the cold and dark.  I quite agree @Redfoot123 that it’s not worth doing that. Dangerous anyway apart from anything else.


Have you @chrisnash30 tried looking in your usage pages in your online OVO account? You should see your half-hourly figures for each of the days last month…you need at least 14 weekdays full of half-hourly readings (i.e. 48 each weekday) to qualify for the incentive. Pencil and paper job to add up the 4-7 usage readings (i.e. 6 per day) ideally for all of them or, say, just a week’s worth to get an idea of how you’ve done. Then divide that by the relevant 24 hour usage for those days to arrive at the percentage. Don’t forget to select electricity only for your usage (gas doesn’t count) and use kWh not the monetary usage.


Let us know how you get on, good luck…


  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 43 replies
  • December 3, 2023
Tuckes1 wrote:

I feel it's sad. I also need to use my electric in this cold spell. There should be a discount to all users anyway. But probably not

The whole reason for the scheme is because demand is high at this time due to the large number of people who need to or chose to use a high level electricity between 4 and 7 (mainly cooking food). There is nothing wrong with using electricity (they say that the can cope with the high demand) you just won't benefit from this scheme.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2561 replies
  • December 3, 2023

Hi @Syd 

Welcome to the forum. 

I am just a customer like you.

What energy saving scam are you referring to ?

Lots of low use customers are reporting success every month with OVO Power Move which applies to electricity.

What gas scheme are you referring to?

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • December 3, 2023
Peter E wrote:
Simon 1402 wrote:

People tend to focus on what they can turn off between 4 and 7pm but there is another tactic. It may not be what Ovo want (and could be seen as gaming the system) but, if you can shift heavy usage (e.g. washing machine, oven, dishwasher, tumble dryer, ironing) from the weekend to a weekday (obviously not between 4 and 7pm) then your %age will be lower and you may hit your target.

I charge an EV so make sure to charge midnight to 4pm and 7pm to midnight on weekdays. That works a treat!

That last line is precisely the strategy you need to use! Well put.


If you don’t have a really heavy load you can put on outside the peak during a weekday then it is going to be a struggle to meet the target. My EV has used 64% of my total electric load so far this year so owning one is a massive advantage once you have cracked the strategy.


You may think this is unfair but the rules are not set by Ovo, they are set by the Demand Flexibility Service (DFS - link below) and in very simple terms it is saying - Whatever loads you have don’t put these on the grid during peak hours on a weekday. Choose another time to do this and we can generally avoid having to ask operators of high carbon / high cost power stations (e.g. coal) from either generating on line or having them on standby and we will compensate you.




And we thought doing all the power hungry things at the weekend. We will change tactics. Thank you 🤩 

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 66 replies
  • December 3, 2023


I think that if I boil 3 kettles during the day and have a shower outside the 4-7 block I would get my £15 simply because they are my biggest electric eaters but I havent checked that yet. However during the block I only have the fridge,freezer on. I use the ipad for TV and Radio and  use rechargable battery lights and  that gets me down to 5.6  = £15.

To check I click on usage, then electric, then day  and you can clearly see your numbers for the day before

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • December 3, 2023

Using less total energy between certain times for me to do this I would have to turn everything of as my total usage is so low 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 9 replies
  • December 3, 2023


I reckon that you need to check your online account. In Usage choose "Day" and then select "Electricity". Scroll down and your readings should be shown. They need to be half hourly for the Power Move scheme. My smart meter was set to that when it was installed.

I've seen other posts on here where people have discovered that their meter was set to submit daily readings. That really is incompatible with Power Move. Although I've seen it claimed that the frequency of meter readings can be adjusted online, I've never been able to locate any such facility via my desktop PC. Maybe it's only available via the smartphone app. It would seem sensible for such a facility to be available on all platforms.

Hope the above is helpful. If not then you need to EMail Ovo and ask them to change the setting remotely. Good luck.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 15 replies
  • December 3, 2023

I find this Power Move Challenge laughable and I’m no longer bothering with it. Look at what’s going on around the world, China and USA burning coal like there’s no tomorrow. Wars raging….polluting everything, yet I’m expected to sit in the dark, not cook during the 3 hours or use heating etc to save pennies? I find it hilarious that people are watching their smart meters like hawks, drawing up graphs and spreadsheets. I’m 65 and I’m certainly not depriving myself for what amounts to nothing. 

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 39 replies
  • December 3, 2023


If, like me, maths isn't your strong point, bookmark and use it to check your percentages each day. I find that it helps to keep me on track. 

I've recently discovered that making sure that everything not in use during the 4 to 7pm block is switched OFF at the socket really does make a difference. The kettle, washing machine, dishwasher, lamps, computer peripherals etc., but also the oven and electric hob (big red switch) - things that we usually just switch on on the appliance itself use small amounts of power which, taken together, count. 

I  first noticed the half hourly overnight usage from fridge and fridge/ freezer being lower when everything else was switched off. 

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 43 replies
  • December 3, 2023
Sleepysusie wrote:

I find this Power Move Challenge laughable and I’m no longer bothering with it. Look at what’s going on around the world, China and USA burning coal like there’s no tomorrow. Wars raging….polluting everything, yet I’m expected to sit in the dark, not cook during the 3 hours or use heating etc to save pennies? I find it hilarious that people are watching their smart meters like hawks, drawing up graphs and spreadsheets. I’m 65 and I’m certainly not depriving myself for what amounts to nothing. 

We are easily achieving the challenge. We don't sit in the dark, we just think more about how many lights we have on. We use our central heating as it is gas and uses very little electricity. I actually enjoy having 2 hours after I get in from work (I get home at 5) to rest and catch up on the TV I have missed. I can prep ours meals over the 2 hours calmly and it is much more enjoyable. And with a £15 bonus which over a year will cover at least 1 months gas and electricity for us it is well worth it.

We are surprised how many people who are retired or who work from home and therefore can use electricity whilst the rest of us are at work struggle with the shift in electricity usage (obviously there are exceptions on medical grounds were electricity must be used all of the time.)

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 43 replies
  • December 3, 2023
Sally123 wrote:


I think that if I boil 3 kettles during the day and have a shower outside the 4-7 block I would get my £15 simply because they are my biggest electric eaters but I havent checked that yet. However during the block I only have the fridge,freezer on. I use the ipad for TV and Radio and  use rechargable battery lights and  that gets me down to 5.6  = £15.

To check I click on usage, then electric, then day  and you can clearly see your numbers for the day before

You are doing the right things clearly. Most people don't seem to realise how much electricity popping the kettle on uses, we have got rid of ours completely.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 71 replies
  • December 3, 2023

Maybe l might try doing that. do like a cuppa when l come in from work which l finish at six. don’t get into after 6.30. I do my jobs when l am not working like washing and hoovering. so will give it ago. see what happens .










Carbon Catcher*
  • Carbon Catcher*
  • 45 replies
  • December 3, 2023

I don't have a problem with it, and have earned my £15 each month. 


  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 10 replies
  • December 3, 2023
Sleepysusie wrote:

I find this Power Move Challenge laughable and I’m no longer bothering with it. Look at what’s going on around the world, China and USA burning coal like there’s no tomorrow. Wars raging….polluting everything, yet I’m expected to sit in the dark, not cook during the 3 hours or use heating etc to save pennies? I find it hilarious that people are watching their smart meters like hawks, drawing up graphs and spreadsheets. I’m 65 and I’m certainly not depriving myself for what amounts to nothing. 

Yes its laughable. 24p for sitting in the dark for an hour. You are so right

The monthly target is also so low, as to be unattainable unless you close down the house and go on holiday for a month. Should be a realistic 20pc

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 13 replies
  • December 3, 2023

2 versus 1. I only have a light on in the room where I am anyway. Can't reduce any more than that short of candles for 3 hours!

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 43 replies
  • December 3, 2023
pauly113 wrote:
Sleepysusie wrote:

I find this Power Move Challenge laughable and I’m no longer bothering with it. Look at what’s going on around the world, China and USA burning coal like there’s no tomorrow. Wars raging….polluting everything, yet I’m expected to sit in the dark, not cook during the 3 hours or use heating etc to save pennies? I find it hilarious that people are watching their smart meters like hawks, drawing up graphs and spreadsheets. I’m 65 and I’m certainly not depriving myself for what amounts to nothing. 

Yes its laughable. 24p for sitting in the dark for an hour. You are so right

The monthly target is also so low, as to be unattainable unless you close down the house and go on holiday for a month. Should be a realistic 20pc

Closing down your house and going on holiday won't help you achieve the target as you need to use more electricity out of the 3hr slot to reach the target. The challenge is not about reducing your usage but moving it away from peak times.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 43 replies
  • December 3, 2023
Topsy wrote:

2 versus 1. I only have a light on in the room where I am anyway. Can't reduce any more than that short of candles for 3 hours!

Are you using any other electricity during the 3 hours? Ie kettle or microwave?

  • 0 replies
  • December 3, 2023
chrisnash30 wrote:

I don’t understand how I failed to meet the required target through November, I would like detailed ½ hourly usage readings because

1 between 4-7pm every day i switched off EVERYTHING with the exception of fridge/freezer, and a tv on standby. All washing, drying, dishwasher and heating have been outside these times.

2 my in home monitor was showing that it was the lowest usage during these times also.


i feel that either its being fudged by ovo so as not to pay out and/or there’s something wrong or inconsistent with the way they take the readings.

You can get half-hourly readings from the Ovo website or others such as Glowmarkt. 

I was out of the country for two weeks so all that was on was fridge freezer didn’t achieve my target! *edited by moderator*

  • 0 replies
  • December 3, 2023
pauly113 wrote:
Sleepysusie wrote:

I find this Power Move Challenge laughable and I’m no longer bothering with it. Look at what’s going on around the world, China and USA burning coal like there’s no tomorrow. Wars raging….polluting everything, yet I’m expected to sit in the dark, not cook during the 3 hours or use heating etc to save pennies? I find it hilarious that people are watching their smart meters like hawks, drawing up graphs and spreadsheets. I’m 65 and I’m certainly not depriving myself for what amounts to nothing. 

Yes its laughable. 24p for sitting in the dark for an hour. You are so right

The monthly target is also so low, as to be unattainable unless you close down the house and go on holiday for a month. Should be a realistic 20pc

3 hours is 12.5% of a 24 hour day. The original 12.5% target was set so that people who used less than average between 4 and 7pm would hit the target. It has been revised to 13.5% in recognition of the fact that many of us need a bit more juice at that time of day.

Also @Sleepysusie, Power Move is not primarily a net zero initiative. It aims to reduce the peak usage during the day to make it easier for the system to cope. There is a small net zero effect in that the extra power needed at peak time is more likely to come from a high-carbon source but that is not its primary purpose.


I hope that helps. 

  • 0 replies
  • December 3, 2023
Topsy wrote:

I find it impossible to achieve the targets now it is winter. As a single person household where I am really frugal with the power anyway - i do my washing early to use economy 7 rate and every non-residential appliance is off when not in use - so my normal usage is low. 4pm is when it is necessary to have lighting on, but only the room I'm in and I can't cope with having my main meal till well after 7pm as it is too late and I need something hot in the this weather. So short of sitting in the cold by candle light for 3 hours and eating cold food, I can't cut down any more. How do I exit this system?

Hi @Topsy ,

You can opt out of Power Move by following the instructions under point 21 on this faq page:


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