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An important update about VAT for Power Move

An important update about VAT for Power Move
Retired Moderator

We’re correcting the way we calculate your VAT for your Power Move discounts. This is because we made a mistake – and undercharged you. You won’t need to pay anything back, but we want you to know what the change means for you.


Here’s how we fixed things and what this means for your bill.


We’re really sorry. We had been calculating your VAT charge incorrectly for your Power Move discounts, meaning you were undercharged. 


You won’t be charged for any underpaid VAT


From your next energy bill (August credit being paid in September) the calculations will be right and there’s nothing you need to do. 


Here’s what happened 


Normally, VAT should be calculated as 5% of your total energy costs. Instead, we were deducting your Power Move discount and then applying the VAT.


What this means for your bills


Here’s an example of what VAT you’d pay if your total energy cost was £50. Below, you can see how the steps for our calculation will change. 


Old calculation

New correct calculation

Step 1

Total energy cost = £50

Step 2

Minus Power Move discount 

£50-£10 = £40

Step 3

Apply VAT at 5% 

= £40 x 0.05 = £42


Final total:  £42

VAT charge: £2

Step 1

Total energy cost = £50

Step 2

Apply VAT at 5% = 

£50 x 0.05 = £52.50

Step 3

Minus Power Move discount £52.50-£10 = £42.50


Final total: £42.50

Correct VAT charge: £2.50


As this table shows, an extra £0.50 VAT is charged on the bill that is calculated correctly. Remember, you won’t be billed for any undercharged VAT. This table is to show how the correct calculations are done going forward.



The OVO Team


14 replies

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 65 replies
  • September 3, 2024

One of those things! We all make errors now and again. Decent of OVO not to claw any undercharging back. They take a lot of stick on these forums, usually for issues outside their control. I've been a customer since they took over my SSE account and have never had any major issues (apart from a gas smart meter that has never worked - again not OVO fault - should never have been fitted by sub-contractor - too far from hub).              So before all the castigations start, give credit when credit is due. Life is short and we're quids in on this one so resist the urge to vent unnecessarily!


  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 51 replies
  • September 3, 2024

All I can say is sharp practice!!!

We used to get £10 from OVO, and 50p from the VAT man, now we only get the £10, and OVO gets the VAT back.   So, now we will be paying slightly more than 5% VAT on our bills!!!  Wonder what the VAT man will say about this??? 



  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 54 replies
  • September 3, 2024

I would think that the VAT man has already has his say and it was him who told OVO they were doing it wrong.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 51 replies
  • September 3, 2024

Well it still looks wrong to me!!

The VAT rate actually charge on a bill is:   (VAT charged) / ((Total Bill) - (VAT charged))

For old bill it’s: 2 / (42 - 2) = 2/40 = 5%

On new bill it’s:  2.5/ (42.5 - 2.5) = 2.5/40 = 6.25%




  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 54 replies
  • September 3, 2024

Nothing wrong with your arithmetic but the question is whether OVO are allowed to give you a rebate on the VAT element of your bill.  Someone seems to have decided the answer is “No”.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 51 replies
  • September 3, 2024

Reading the VAT regulations, it appears that OVO are allowed not be reimburse small amounts of VAT overcharged.  It’s only a small amount for each of us, but for OVO it will amount to a pretty large amount in total.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 65 replies
  • September 3, 2024

No rebate due! We have been undercharged! Not rocket science?! Stop while you're ahead. Get real, we're talking about a few pence. What is wrong with you people?

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 54 replies
  • September 3, 2024

“ but for OVO it will amount to a pretty large amount in total”.  It maybe does but they have to give it to the VatMan and still do even if, over the last few months, they have already mistakenly give it to you.

As the last poster says, you’ve been undercharged, quit when you’re ahead.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 51 replies
  • September 3, 2024

Hang on a sec!!!   I’m a pensioner, and not all my pension is index linked.   Energy costs used to increase with inflation, and where, reasonably predictable, and didn’t concern me that much.  Now they do, and am sure they concern many pensioners, and others on low and/or fixed incomes considerably more.   

In my view, there is something seriously wrong with the electricity industry in this country.  Renewable energy has been cheaper than gas for several years, but we still rely on gas.  I acknowledge that OVO can’t do much about this itself (as it isn’t a generator), but they need to be fair, and be seen to be fair with us.   

And, while I’m getting things off my chest; I’m not at all impressed by the Power Move scheme; even though I am a careful user, I have never managed to trigger the thresholds.   On the other hand, Power Move Plus  does work for me, but it isn’t really an OVO scheme, but part of the DFS initiative from the National Grid.

What do other pensioners think???







  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 54 replies
  • September 3, 2024

You started off complaining that OVO were no longer giving you Power Move discount on the VAT element and now you say you have never qualified for a discount.  Speaking as another pensioner I think you’re making it up as you go along.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 51 replies
  • September 3, 2024

True, but I was thinking of other people, who may be in more difficult situations than me!!!  

Carbon Cutter*****
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 24 replies
  • September 3, 2024

Well, I think……. thank you OVO for the transparency.

I admit I don’t seem to either understand, or want to be bothered with, (on a ‘life’s too short basis’) the kind of detail others go into on this forum but I like OVO’s overall ethos and not sure any other supplier would be any different.


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 755 replies
  • September 3, 2024
IanFerguson wrote:

They take a lot of stick on these forums

That is the nature of any company forum.

You only get to see the complaints on such fora, justified or not, because the majority of customers who don't have any complaints are not shouting on their forum.

A company forum can, and will, make things look one sided - until you realise that it is not representative of the majority of customers who have no need to shout.

(Disclosure - I'm active on a few company sites, and even a moderator on a major software company forum - unpaid volunteer moderator there I’ll add, they prefer/value having some independent, possibly disenting, “official” voices on their forum; and believe me we let them know in no uncertain terms if we consider that they do anything wrong).

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 51 replies
  • September 3, 2024

Yes, I do agree that OVO are a reasonable and efficient supplier; in particular, their Smart meter works fine, and their billing is accurate.  And, I wouldn’t consider switching to one of the smaller companies, with (slightly) cheaper tariffs, because they have a tendency to go bust!!

But, they could do better!!!!

In particular, my view of this change is that a 50p rebate is due on a £10 discount.  We used to get it ourselves, but they are planning to pay it to the VAT man instead to offset some of their future VAT liability.



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