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Balancing the electricity grid - a guide

Balancing the electricity grid - a guide
Carbon Catcher***

Updated on 08/12/23 by Emmanuelle_OVO:


Good news! OVO now offer two grid balancing schemes for eligible customers! Earn rewards while reducing pressure on the grid. Want to find out more? Check out our FAQs:


The electricity grid in balance - guide


We are more often hearing energy experts use the phrase “Balancing the grid”. It is an important concept and one with which we should try to be engaged as we accelerate towards a zero-carbon, energy-efficient future.


However the term “Grid Balancing” is applied in various ways according to which part of the electricity grid is being referred to. A Government spokesman will use grid balancing in a very different way to a Network Planner working for a Distribution Network Operator (DNO).


1: National Grid Balancing - Supply and Demand

This is the concept of grid balancing which is most often being referred to, and is the simplest to understand. It is also one that has existed since the formation of the National Grid in 1926.


To keep the electricity grid in balance, the amount being generated (the Supply) must equal the quantity required for consumption (the Demand).

This is the task of National Grid PLC. However, they are only directly in control of the Transmission Grid - a network of cables throughout the UK which operate above 132kV.

Electricity generation is the province of a plethora of other companies of which only the largest will supply power directly to the Transmission Grid.

As the UK electricity supplies are ever diversifying to a wide range of renewable generation techniques, the majority of these feed in their energy via the regional Distribution Grids. Nevertheless that energy is offered/traded at the national level without the involvement of the Distribution Network Operators.

It therefore remains the role of National Grid to ensure that Supply meets Demand, whether they are dealing with EDF offering megawatts from a large nuclear site, or Kaluza negotiating on behalf of 400 owners with Nissan Leaf EVs plugged in via their V2G chargers.


2: National Grid balancing services for Export

The electricity grid is divided into two main parts - Transmission and Distribution.

Joining these parts together are the Grid Supply Points (GSPs) - large oil-cooled transformers that take the 400kV of the National Grid and deliver 132kV to the regional DNOs.



Many of these large transformers were designed and manufactured 20+ years ago, before we entered the period of widespread renewable generation.

By 2015, 116 of the 350 GSPs exported power back onto the National Grid, since when that figure continues to rise.

A typical GSP might be rated at 200MW. Unless they were designed with “reverse power” in mind, their ability to feed energy back up the line is restricted to approximately 50% of their forward capacity.

The region that is most often exporting back to the Grid is Scotland, due to the large number of hydro-electric generation sites connected to the Distribution Network.

National Grid PLC make a charge for balancing servicesBSUoS (Balancing Services Use of System charge). As of autumn 2020 this is capped at £10/MWh, chargeable every half-hour.

The BSUoS reflects the system usage to absorb the exported power, particularly from renewable sources whose output can’t be controlled (primarily solar and wind). This includes the need to maintain generating stations “in reserve” which can be called upon at short notice to deliver power when there is a rapid fall-off with solar or wind energy.


3: Constraints on the regional Distribution Grid

There are areas on the Distribution Grid which have insufficient power available during short periods of the day or during some weeks of the year. These are called Constraint Management Zones (CMZs)

This map is taken from Western Power’s Flexible Power procurement document, 2020-Q1.

The yellow areas contain Constraint Management Zones (CMZs), within which there are various factors preventing Western Power being able to satisfy the required load. The constraints vary from month to month and hour to hour. So there is a large network of solutions which are brought together to resolve the issues.

In some cases larger commercial users will be compensated for reducing demand, whilst in other areas the DNO will buy stored energy from individuals and community groups. Payments can also be made for holding an electrical generation source on stand-by, even if it doesn’t actually get called on.

A copy of the CMZ Procurement document for the Summer 2020 round of bidding can be downloaded here. This covers 45 CMZ areas with a total requirement of 302MW.

Below is a brief extract of a Procurement Requirement for one CMZ:


requirements for three months of 2021

The predicted Energy Demands in this graph are for 2021 at the identified times of day.

Flexibility demand forecasts are calculated using computer modelling, and are for a variety of different reasons. The minimum offer is for 6kWh, which enables individual households to respond and help balance the grid.


4: Regional generation constraints due to over-supply

Single phase connections to the Distribution Grid are normally accepted if they are less than 16A (3.68kW) and comply with the relevant G98 standard (was G83). This covers the majority of inverters installed for the connection of PV Solar Panels. The standard is defined by the Energy Networks Association.

Other Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), including many Home Storage Battery units, fall within the G99 standard. The current version of the G99 Standard document can be downloaded here.

Those Resources limited to 16A per phase are categorised as G99: Type-A.

Power Generating Modules (PGMs) with export potential between 3.68kW and 50MW are divided into categories B, C & D and might be connected to a local substation (440v), a Primary substation (11kV) or a Bulk Supply Point (33kV).

G99 B, C & D installations are only granted consent if there is enough spare capacity at the transformer to accept that level of export energy.


Network Capacity map; SW Region

This is the status of the Distribution Network Capacity Map for Devon & Cornwall in summer 2020. The Grid Supply Points are the Blue/white pins. The smaller local substations are not shown.

Any BSP or Primary transformer which still has export capacity available for further renewable-energy connections is shown in green. Those already at full capacity are in red.

Whenever the SW Region supply of renewable energy exceeds demand, Western Power Distribution (WPD) require a proportion of Generating Sites to reduce their export or cease altogether until balance is restored.

Discarding renewable energy in this manner adversely affects our Carbon footprint. Depending on their contracts, some Generators also have to be compensated for lost revenue.


10am on Thursday 10th December (winter; sky overcast)

The data above is from a Bulk Supply Point in central Cornwall showing that the transformer is accepting 162MW out of the specified maximum 151MW of renewable power - an excess of 7%.

The figures in the zone highlighted pink are “live”. This data is publicly available from the excellent Carbon Tracer site provided by Western Power.


5: Mains power specification

The only constant parameter of mains electricity supply in GB is the 50Hz frequency. This means that every generator using a mechanical rotating shaft is spinning at the same speed.

It is not possible to connect additional generators to the National Grid unless the frequency is matched. Any attempt to do so would cause excess current to flow, thereby throwing the contact breakers open again.

The voltage must be kept within 230v -6% +10%, which equates to 216-253v AC.

As demand increases, the voltage at the far end of a cable will fall.

The regional DNOs have to set taps on their grid transformers in order maintain the voltage within these minimum and maximum limits. Too high a voltage causes premature aging of equipment. Too low a voltage means that renewable-energy sources will automatically de-couple themselves from the Grid, which is a required safety feature. {1}

Where there are locations fed by long overhead cables which suffer significant voltage drops at times of peak demand, the town from which that feed originates may have to suffer higher voltages in order maintain the overall balance.

The unfortunate consequence of this will be overly-high peak voltages in the town at times of low demand.


substation 3-phase voltage fluctuations; March 2019

The graph above is from a monitored substation in a town which has long 11kV feeds to villages in the surrounding rural area.

RedYellow and Blue lines show the average voltage for each phase during a half-hour period. The higher orange line is the peak-voltage on the red (L2) phase. This reaches a maximum 254v at 7am on 29th March and again at 5:30 am three days later.


6: Substation meshing

Where there is medium scale housing expansion, it is often the case that a substation is running close to its limits but it isn’t viable to install a completely new substation for those houses.

Meshing resolves this imbalance by bringing in additional electricity from a nearby transformer that is more lightly loaded.


substation meshing with LV CAP by EA Technology

The houses above are always connected to substation-1 on the left.

Each transformer is equipped with temperature and current sensors providing data to an LV CAP™️ monitor.

When substation-1 is approaching its capacity limits, a signal is sent to the LV CAP™️ monitor at the second substation. Provided its sensors detect that it can accept the additional loading, an ALVIN Recloser breaker is energised. This allows the 440v Feed to those houses to be shared equally between the two transformers.

This isn’t a universal solution. For example, each transformer must have the same earthing arrangements and phase-topology (either DYN-1 or DYN-11).

On the positive side, meshing may provide a temporary solution to localised overloads as more consumers install EV Chargers at home.


7: Transformer losses due to imbalance

The two greatest causes of energy loss on the Distribution Grid are harmonics and phase imbalance.


7a: Harmonics are the result of non-linear and inductive loads such as motors with saturated magnetic fields.

These unbalanced loads create harmonics at frequencies that are multiples of the basic 50Hz. They are picked up by the coils in the grid transformers where they resonate, resulting in varying voltage and current. The energy from these unwanted fluctuations produces heat in the transformer windings due to a drop in efficiency.


voltage variation due to harmonics on a 33kV transformer feed


7b: Phase imbalances occur at local substations because most houses have single-phase connections (230v).

Houses with higher loadings, such as electric showers and EV Chargers  take more current. This results in a greater voltage drop on that phase.

Houses that export from PV Solar Panels or Home Battery Storage will reduce the current required from the grid for that phase.

Since the introduction of Government subsidies for installation of solar panels around 20 years ago, losses on the Distribution Grid have risen from 5% to 10%.


phase imbalance showing as temperature rise

The graph is taken from a lightly-loaded ½MW transformer on the OpenLV Trial funded by Ofgem during 2019. It uses data logged in May from an LV CAP™️ monitor reporting the average current every 30-minutes.


During the daytime the transformer temperature (top magenta line) slowly rises. After 10pm it falls again as the domestic load reduces.

Phase-L2 has more solar export than the other two phases. On the Wednesday there was significant power being generated which resulted in less current being required from the grid B. The phase imbalance can be detected by the higher temperature of the transformer’s cooling oil.

In contrast the Friday was largely overcast with little solar generation. The daytime temperature rise is proportionally less because the current drawn from the three phases is more balanced. As a result the energy loss (pink area) is reduced.




Ben Godfrey (Network Strategy) and Tom Weekes (Network Engineering) from Western Power, Karl Jones (Southwest Water Hydro-electric generation), Bridget Newbery and Rachel Haycock (Centre for Sustainable Energy), Ky Hoare (Regen) and EA Technology:- all of whom have put up with my numerous technical questions over the past two years. Finally a thank-you to Andy Wise whose inspiring explanation of grid-connection standards set me on the right course; Western Power won't be the same without you.

34 replies

Community Manager
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  • December 17, 2020

Really great to see this now published in the public Plan Zero area, great topic, @Transparent and thanks for the contributions and feedback @Blastoise186 @PeterR1947 @Jequinlan @SianiAnni  



  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 34 replies
  • January 12, 2021

Thanks for the overview. 

I think it illustrates nicely that “smart meters” are not enough to make the grid smart. We need intelligence throughout the grid, and we need to invest to remove pinch points.

But we also need to think about matching supply and demand, both temporally and geographically. There is no point installing more wind power in Scotland if we cannot get it to London. There is no point installing more solar energy when we have electricity shortages in winter. Those balances need to be maintained or restored. 

Community Manager
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  • 1866 replies
  • March 29, 2021

Sharing some exciting news here about OVO’s technology company, Kaluza in transforming the energy system in Australia by joining forces with AGL. See our blog post, here.


Tagging some meters that I think may be interested in this news…. @Transparent @ArundaleP @Jequinlan @MrPuds  

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1866 replies
  • July 20, 2021

A very interesting read this morning, in this Guardian article here:


National Grid to lose Great Britain electricity role to independent operator


In my opinion, a lot of the reasoning behind this newly proposed structure is very similar strategically to OVO’s Plan Zero programme:


  • A revolution in the electricity grid via smart digital technologies.
  • Connecting EVs and smart appliances to the grid
  • Export of energy from EVs and storage batteries at peak demand


Good to hear others seem to be on the same page as OVO. Agree? Want to discuss this sort of stuff and more with someone with experience within the energy sector and politics, and now OVO Energy? Come along to our online event in August!




Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • July 20, 2021
Tim_OVO wrote:

A very interesting read this morning, in this Guardian article here:


National Grid to lose Great Britain electricity role to independent operator


In my opinion, a lot of the reasoning behind this newly proposed structure is very similar strategically to OVO’s Plan Zero programme:


  • A revolution in the electricity grid via smart digital technologies.
  • Connecting EVs and smart appliances to the grid
  • Export of energy from EVs and storage batteries at peak demand


Good to hear others seem to be on the same page as OVO. Agree? Want to discuss this sort of stuff and more with someone with experience within the energy sector and politics, and now OVO Energy? Come along to our online event in August!




I can see the rational for V2G and think it has a part to play. 

The unknowns for me

- Are EV manufacturers all openly enthusiastic about V2G? 

- If i buy an electric vehicle in the near  future might there be compatibility and warranty issues with V2G? 

- There must be an impact on battery life. What sort of impact might we see?

- Are we going to see easy and affordable end of life battery swapping services? 

- A third of homes have no off street parking. 45% of households in London do not have a car, 24% in England as a whole. How do we protect these people and others from fuel poverty if V2G is seen as critical? Should any V2G financial benefits be shared with vulnerable people who have no access to this sort of solution? 

-Is car ownership expected to fall in some age groups or some parts of the country? Should we discourage car ownership in favour of shared car hubs, uber like services, public transport, walking, cycling etc. 

Might we  have another problem with the availability of battery materials and the costs of batteries in 50 years?


Carbon Catcher***
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  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • July 20, 2021

As this topic is about Balancing the grid, I’m going to pick up just that aspect of the post from @Jeffus -

1: as currently trialed, V2G chargers do cause losses at the local substation when they export. It’s not just the current which they feed back onto that phase, but also the consequential lower demand for that phase to supply neighbouring houses.

It is theoretically possible for such imbalances to be mitigated if there was a universal smart-control system which ‘managed’ distributed networks of electrical devices in homes.

That’s what the Flex Platform is intended to do… but thus far has not been tested with local data on the 440v substation feeds.


2: Community-owned V2G chargers in off-street and on-street public areas are likely to be 3-phase. So there will be no losses due to phase imbalance.


3: V2G assets can be shared with households in fuel poverty. If they had electric heating or immersion heaters which were also part of the same Distributed Control Network, then they can be supplied with cheaper electricity which has been generated locally.

The key to this is not just the Flex Platform, but that Community Energy Groups are able to operate as energy-aggregators. That requires Kaluza to open up dialogue with such aggregators and undertake trials where they can use their local knowledge to balance the grid within the neighbourhood.

Such Balancing Services are already part of the electricity Distribution Grid and can be paid for by the regional Distribution Network Operator (DNO).

Community Manager
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  • 1866 replies
  • October 19, 2021

I always enjoy sharing the latest EV doings from @Chris_OVO’s LinkedIn page. Today he’s posted this, and I’m keen to hear from a certain @Transparent. Why? Well they’ve discussed a lot on this forum (such as this guide above) about the grid, single phase supplies and electricity devices such as EV chargers and storage batteries, and it’s not all plain sailing I’m told… @MrPuds might also enjoy reading this chat...


“The "Grid can't cope" fallacy has jumped to the top of my anti-EV annoyance this week, and it's only Tuesday!

Firstly, those who parrot it (which actually feels offensive to my extremely intelligent African Grey), have failed to read up on what the National Grid say, which is that the Grid will cope. It's extremely frustrating to constantly be fighting against misinformation that's the same falsehoods over and over again.

Secondly, they ignore the potential of EV's to balance the Grid by storing and deploying renewable energy, which is a fairly digital "on/off" supply based on being windy or sunny. With 50kWh being a fairly average battery size, we're looking at 200 x 50kWh of potential storage this year alone.

Thirdly, it's based on an absolute fallacy of some miracle overnight switch. Unfortunately there isn't some magical EV Fairy that's going to turn up with a horse drawn transporter and swap their ICE for an EV on January 31st 2029. We're not going to see this overnight switch where everybody has an EV. We'll instead see around 200k electrified cars on the roads this year, maybe 300k the following year and so on. This is a gradual transition.

Again, trust the experts, not Alice on Facebook or Dave down the pub!”

Retired Moderator
  • Retired Moderator
  • 574 replies
  • October 20, 2021

Some really interesting comments from @Chris_OVO there on the readiness of the national grid:


Tim_OVO wrote:


“The "Grid can't cope" fallacy has jumped to the top of my anti-EV annoyance this week, and it's only Tuesday!

Firstly, those who parrot it (which actually feels offensive to my extremely intelligent African Grey), have failed to read up on what the National Grid say, which is that the Grid will cope. 



And for those who’d rather ‘listen up’ than read up, I’ve just discovered there’s a great podcast made by the National Grid called the ‘Future of Energy’. Covers a lot of topics we’re already discussing on the forum (The road to clean: Electric vehicles and decarbonisation or The Future of Heat, for example) with some more complex terminology for me to get my head around!


 @Transparent any diagrams to help explain ‘inertia’?? (discussed in episode 3 - Transforming an electricity network with renewables)

Carbon Catcher***
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  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • October 20, 2021

I once attended a ‘public consultation’ on the proposed closure of a rural maternity home. The spokesman from the Area Health Authority carefully described the process they had been though, and the 9 beds which would now be kept for maternity care in the nearest general hospital.

That seemed a significant drop from the 15 bed home which was to be replaced, so the Area Clinical Manager produced a chart showing the gradual fall in average monthly births over the previous decade.

A lone male voice interrupted from the back of the room:

And since when have babies been born according to averages, Doctor?!:face_palm_tone1:


And therein lies the problem with using national statistics to demonstrate that there is adequate capacity to support the steady increase in EV charging over the next decade.

Households don’t buy EVs according to national projections, nor evenly spread across the country.

And what household would start by checking the cable capacity of the electricity feed for their road? (OK, I would… but I’m not Mr Average!)

If three households in a road with 30 houses switch to a new EV, who would notice that all three just happen to be on the same phase?

In the great majority of cases, even the regional DNO would be unaware of an impending problem when they processed three applications for EV Charge Points with the same post-code. Very few houses on the Distribution Grid maps have any indication of which phase supplies them.


Let me show you a Distribution Grid map of Ham Drive – an anonymised area of a town or city somewhere in England.

It’s in a post-war estate of 192 terraced houses, a corner shop and a community centre. All houses have grass or a parking area to the front, and some back onto areas with garages.

The estate has a local substation with two underground 3-phase Feeds leading from it. Each feed splits in two within 50m of the substation building.

This map shows one section of the estate with the dark-blue 440v 3-phase route crossing the road to the eastern end.

That underground 3-phase cable delivers electricity to 33 houses. It’s marked 0.1 4c which means it has four copper cores, each of 0.1-inch². It’s old and would now be marked as 65mm² which gives it a maximum current capacity of about 160A (per phase).

The single-phase 240v feed to each house in light-blue is 0.0225 2c. Again,that’s in square-inches and equates to 14½mm² cross-sectional area of copper conductor. It leads to a 60A service fuse inside the house. If that cable were being replaced today, it would be a standard 16mm² – nominally rated at 80A.


The electricity supply to the estate will probably cope with the first 20 EV chargers if they’re spread out. We’ll assume that they’re all 7½kW Smart chargers taking 32A each and operate at night outside the evening period of peak demand.

The first indication of additional stresses on the Distribution Grid will be that the underground 3-phase 65mm² Feed will no longer have a period to cool down overnight.

But no-one will know that. Only 24 out of the 230,000 ground-mounted substation transformers have had 24/7 live monitoring for longer than a year, and none of those have temperature sensors on the underground cables. (see topic on the OpenLV Trial)

substation distribution rack

As each of the two 3-phase Feeds from the transformer has 400A fuses, at first they won’t blow either.

Until the insulation in the old underground cables breaks down with thermal stress, no one will notice that anything is wrong.


So perhaps @Chris_OVO is right about the Grid being able to cope.

Perhaps within the next 5 years the DNOs will be able to visit the 100,000 similar estates, dig up all the cables and replace them with new ones. :confounded:

Let’s just hope that no-one does anything ‘adventurous’ in the meantime… like removing gas boilers from sale and promoting electric Heat pumps instead! :scream:

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • December 20, 2021

Another company trying to help out balancing the electricity load.

Seems to be a variety of different offerings popping up trying to help us in the absence of any single standard for now at least. 


Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 411 replies
  • December 20, 2021

That looks interesting @Jeffus but the website is very light on detail. What does the app actually do?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • December 20, 2021
M.isterW wrote:

That looks interesting @Jeffus but the website is very light on detail. What does the app actually do?

Only briefly looked but there is quite a bit in the help section

The app either prompts you to manually turn appliances on/off or the app can do it automatically via a TP Smart Plug.

The App also works with many EVs and decides when to charge them. You can give the app your tariff details so the app knows when it is cheapest to charge. Doubt it works with V2G but will work with tarrifs with off peak periods. 

The app keeps track of the co2 you have saved and gives you rewards.

Energy companies operate incentive programmes that pay any initiatives that help to reduce energy usage at peak times. Equiwatt saves energy collectively across its users and passes this money on. 

Part of the Catapult programme of initiatives. Was part of the OpenLV trial where it looked at local  load balancing. 

Yet to download it. I have Wemo energy monitoring smart plugs, shame only TP fully integrate with it. 

Carbon Catcher***
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  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • December 20, 2021

Thanks @Jeffus for highlighting this initiative. They seem to have got a high-powered team behind them.


1: Of the seven broad categories of grid imbalance that I list at the beginning of this article, they are only tackling one. It also happens to be the same one that Kaluza addresses with the Flex Platform and is based on modelling supply and demand on the National Grid.


2: The more users they attract onto their App, the greater will be the surges when their appliances join in an energy-saving Equivent.

The Government strategy (called Demand Side Response) is for such power-control scheduling to be sent via our Smart Meters (not the internet). Smart Meters have a minimum of five inbuilt channels for Auxiliary Load Control Switch (ALCS). These are subject to random time-offsets in order to stagger load demands and hence avoid surges.

At the moment Flex also fails to use ALCS.


3: Their WiFi-enabled Smart Plugs are designed for appliances with 13A plugs. They don’t operate effectively on the major Low Carbon Technology devices, such as Heat pumps and EV chargers, which are causing the greatest increase in Grid losses due to rapid adoption by consumers. These require more sophisticated control.

The current approach by Equiwatt to interface to an EV  manufacturer’s app isn’t able to tie into the other Equivents being scheduled - the manufacturers aren’t passing charge-schedules back to Equiwatt. So there is no certainty of any savings at all.

The energy consultancy, Regen, has published a study which demonstrates that using smart-switching on washing machines isn’t viable. The investment in the smart switching isn’t likely to be recouped by the resulting savings. You will note that almost everyone now uses a tumble-drier as the illustration of smart control rather than the washing machine.


4: Equiwatt’s approach is a stop-gap for the UK whilst the Energy Suppliers fail to deliver Time Of Use tariffs. Why would you want to earn their rewards and prizes if you were able to directly alter your energy bills by scheduling your energy consumption?


5: Along with both Kaluza’s Flex and the rival Kraken-Flex from Octopus, this Equiwatt strategy is another one which provides no coordination between smart load control mechanisms in the home.

As a result it’s unlikely to be adopted by consumers with Storage Batteries, PV Solar Panels and V2G chargers on disparate systems because they will fight against each other, causing losses.

Despite what Robin Abraham suggested in our video-conference a couple of weeks ago, I still believe that there is room for only one smart load-control system within the UK. I know that it’s company policy from OVO Group Ltd because I’ve discussed directly with the CEO, Stephen Fitzpatrick!

There is no development of a universal standard to be shared between smart-control systems, as Robin suggested was required.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • December 20, 2021

I get your points @Transparent and i can see the long game and i don't disagree with the premise you are making. You make the same good points when i have posted about other transition technologies. I know you are not a fan of them. 

But for what it's worth here are my thoughts... 

It is what it is.... I think we are several years at least away from an all singing and dancing single integrated balancing system across all tariffs, suppliers, appliances, homes, regions at a local level etc. I don't think we should wait until then as i don't know how long it will take and i don't yet know what the end state is. 

It is not perfect but I think it is another potential nudge application to get people interested/keep people interested in the mean time. By all means don't use, in all honestly i doubt you are the target market anyway. 

1. I like the fact they are giving it a go to experiment with load balancing, including at a local level where possible in the OpenLV when they started. Why not give it a try, it costs nothing. I am going to try it with my nieces given they have shown interest in the green agenda and buy them a smart plug now after your post. 

2. The more users they attract to the app, the more chance they have of experimenting with local load balancing, customer behaviour and the more their company will be worth. Of course it is a long way off a perfect solution or the end game. 

3. The App works with the majority of EV cars directly. It doesn't need the 13A smart plug for that. I am not convinced about Kaluza directly controlling heat pumps as we have discussed before, as you have said previously a battery may be needed for this. Heat pump installations are increasing but it is hardly rapid at the moment and the RHI replacement only funds 30k heat pumps a year for 3 years. We have time i think for interim apps while things ramp up and a single fantastic balancing system is rolled out. 

4. Of course it may end up being a stop gap, possibly taken over by someone larger if they get traction and have something worth buying. That is the nature of startups having been personally part of two startups. It may also expand into something different, or it may fail. That is inevitable with these companies. It does work with things like Octopus Go. I assume it doesn't work with the likes Octopus Agile. No I wouldn't personally sign up to a time of use tariff at the moment based on my home, campervan and general usage but would select the appropriate tariff in the future as my usage and the market evolves. I really value entrepreneurs personally. 

5. Of course there will be better solutions for the early adopters with V2G, batteries etc. and this market will grow. But this is just a tiny market right now. I don't see a problem in transition technologies for the next few years. I am not in the market for an electric micro camper yet or a heat pump or home batteries but the time will come when i am and i applaud the people who have and are making the transition now, and the likes of OVO and their trials and investments.

Finally I really value the passion in your posts about load balancing and the need for a single solution. Thanks for those, i mean that sincerely. 

Geoff Phillips
Carbon Cutter*

@Jeffus @Transparent @M.isterW thanks for your mentions of equiwatt and grid balancing in general. I am actually part of the team at equiwatt (and also an OVO customer) hence the interest in your thoughts - hope you don’t mind a quick reply. We are still a small startup team at equiwatt but it is amazing what you can do quickly with technology. 

I won’t try to answer all of the points raised but it is fair to say that Smart Plug connection was one of the most accessible ways for our community to help validate a model - not only that consumers are definitely interested in doing more to be efficient/environmentally friendly with energy at home but also the possibilities of collective DSR at a residential level.

It has been fascinating to welcome users who connect the obvious fridge/freezers, white goods and heaters as well as more unusual appliances to take part in events. Smart metering and broader IOT are on the radar as well as some other interesting integrations. Our new EV smart charging app is currently in beta and integrates directly with manufacturer credentials and third party services to automate charging according to TOU tariffs.

Users definitely appreciate the value of automated smart charging/power management to avoid having to understand the complexities of market dynamics. The market itself is still in the early stages of development and initiatives like MHHS will definitely help drive further innovation (in areas like tariffs). More broadly, we are definitely not in a position to make a difference to all of the seven categories originally highlighted (!) but subjects such as regional power generation/distribution are very interesting.

Carbon Catcher***
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  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • December 20, 2021

Oh great… a reply from the manufacturer. Thanks @Geoff Phillips - and I note that equiwatt is lowercase throughout. So I’m going to put it in bold or a colour from now on, just to be sure that we don’t lose sight of it being a company name :slight_smile:

For the sake of others wishing to follow the discussion, may I also provide the definition:

MHHS = Market Half Hourly Settlement. MHHS is already the standard for wholesale buying and selling of electricity. [color=#6060b0]Ofgem[/color] would like to move the domestic/retail market in that direction, but only [color=#40b0b0]Octopus[/color]’ Agile tariff has thus far offered such a [color=#703000]ToU[/color] facility.

I provided a very simple narrative of how the wholesale MHHS system operated over here in reply to points raised in our video-chat with Simon Maine of [color=#00c030]Kaluza[/color].

Carbon Catcher***
  • Author
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • December 21, 2021

So can I put a point to you @Geoff Phillips ...

As I understand it, the MHHS can only operate on a national basis, taking no account of (renewable) electricity which might be in abundance within a region of the UK. As equiwatt relies on this in order to obtain revenue, are you locked into a nationwide financial system?

Are there other revenue sources which you would like to move into?

What about Piclo, or the relatively few consumers who just happen to live in a designated Constraint Management Zone? (Ie point-3 in the header for this topic)

Please explain simply. I doubt that many others here will have heard of Piclo until I’ve just mentioned it! :nerd:


Geoff Phillips
Carbon Cutter*

Hi @Transparent there are various routes we’re engaging in to provide flexibility to all markets - from national to regional (and including the type of trading service offered by Piclo). There are some interesting projects we are involved in at city/regional level - unfortunately I can’t share many details via this forum because of confidentialities to other parties. The point about MHHS was simply that such initiatives will help to open up more innovation and opportunities for balancing. Hope that helps?

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1866 replies
  • December 29, 2021

It’s good to have access to your insights on equiwatt, @Geoff Phillips


As Robin mentioned in this month’s online event, the more brains we have working on solutions of this kind, the better! In fact, that’s what I want to call out here:


Transparent wrote:

Along with both Kaluza’s Flex and the rival Kraken-Flex from Octopus, this Equiwatt strategy is another one which provides no coordination between smart load control mechanisms in the home.

As a result it’s unlikely to be adopted by consumers with Storage Batteries, PV Solar Panels and V2G chargers on disparate systems because they will fight against each other, causing losses.

Despite what Robin Abraham suggested in our video-conference a couple of weeks ago, I still believe that there is room for only one smart load-control system within the UK. I know that it’s company policy from OVO Group Ltd because I’ve discussed directly with the CEO, Stephen Fitzpatrick!

There is no development of a universal standard to be shared between smart-control systems, as Robin suggested was required.


Robin was pretty clear that a private and universal demand side response flexibility offering is both unlikely and undesirable, and problems with not having this are mitigated with effective data sharing. We’re hoping to publish some of those AMA threads in the new year. In the meantime I’ll be on hand to make sure previous assumptions take on board Robin’s (and @Geoff Phillips perhaps) expertise...

Carbon Catcher***
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  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • December 30, 2021

The [color=#f67a0e]National Grid[/color] is a prime example of a national energy asset which is privately owned. There is a precedent for such an approach, and it achieves widespread public support.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • December 30, 2021

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2730 replies
  • November 15, 2022

Continuing my search of topics and today I found this guide from @Transparent .

It’s of real interest to me as I used to call on various Western Power sites back in the 90’s and early 2000’s being into the test & measurement part of the electrical industry. 
One of the things I could never understand was the imbalance of generation supplies for the grid. Once Fawley closed and also Richborough after a time on balancing duties, it at least appeared to me that the south was at a disadvantage power generation wise. I realise now that with the inter-continental links, this is not as critical but even today, looking at the carbon map of the UK, it is heavily weighted higher in the south of the country. 
There is lots of monitoring capability now employed in various supply links hopefully giving some additional surety of supply but I’m still cautious of our grid capability once more is electrified (EV’s and the like added). 
I have read about the various flywheel connections to the grid for extra storage capability but this then needs large networks for users to be able to plug in and use. Although mostly out of the industry now, I continue to keep in touch where I can and watch in anticipation of an enhanced infrastructure being built. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • November 15, 2022
BPLightlog wrote:

Continuing my search of topics and today I found this guide from @Transparent .

It’s of real interest to me as I used to call on various Western Power sites back in the 90’s and early 2000’s being into the test & measurement part of the electrical industry. 
One of the things I could never understand was the imbalance of generation supplies for the grid. Once Fawley closed and also Richborough after a time on balancing duties, it at least appeared to me that the south was at a disadvantage power generation wise. I realise now that with the inter-continental links, this is not as critical but even today, looking at the carbon map of the UK, it is heavily weighted higher in the south of the country. 
There is lots of monitoring capability now employed in various supply links hopefully giving some additional surety of supply but I’m still cautious of our grid capability once more is electrified (EV’s and the like added). 
I have read about the various flywheel connections to the grid for extra storage capability but this then needs large networks for users to be able to plug in and use. Although mostly out of the industry now, I continue to keep in touch where I can and watch in anticipation of an enhanced infrastructure being built. 

The South West will get power from a  couple of new sources if all goes to plan to reduce their emissions. 

1. From the new Hinckley nuclear plant (obviously depends on individuals views on nuclear) 

2. From the XLinks interconnector with Africa.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • November 29, 2022

How on earth am i meant to put my washing machine, dishwasher when its greener if its constantly on the red high carbon? been like this for 48hours and will br red for thr next 48hours! sitting here in my house freezing because i have to choose between heating and washing my clothes! 


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2730 replies
  • November 29, 2022

Hi @Slr75 it is the lack of wind which is causing the carbon levels to be high at the moment although the levels in the north are lower than the south currently. You can’t control this of course


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