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I'm an ex-SSE customer that was migrated to OVO in June 2023.
I had a new smart meter fitted on the 16th of December 2022 by SSE and since then I had an issues with the Economy 7 tariff.

Initially, all appliances connected to the off-peak rate circuit (port 5) were always ON instead of turning on and off during rate changes.

After contacting SSE support and later on OVO support multiple times, on the 17th of July 2023, OVO sent an engineer that supposedly fixed our issue but instead it changed to the opposite way:
All appliances connected to the off-peak rate circuit (port 5) are now always OFF during both peak and off-peak hours.

Our heating system consists of storage heaters which are all connected to this off-peak circuit so we are now effectively without heating.

We contacted the OVO support multiple times about this issue with no luck.
They sent multiple emergency and non-emergency engineers and none of them was able to fix our issue beside worsening it on the 17th of July.

By going through other posts on this forum, I came to the conclusion that our problem is probably due to a misconfiguration of our smart meter that could be fixed remotely by OVO, specifically the ECAUL and ALCS config via SMETS commands.

I tried to mention this possible fix and those commands multiple times during phone calls and chats with support but they don't seem to understand what I'm talking about or flat out ignore it.


Both yesterday and today they sent an emergency engineer that as aforementioned were unable to do anything about it and told us to ask for an OVO engineer.
I tried this but the earliest would be the 29th of January which is ridiculous as we would be without heating for 2 more months during winter.

I’m not sure what to do at this point. I also raised formal complaint through the webchat but that seems not to do anything.


The smart meter that we got fitted.


You’re not the first to be subjected to this shameful treatment, and sadly I don’t suppose you’ll be the last. Your meter’s dysfunction has become a well-known issue that should be easily fixed remotely by OVO’s metering team, but not (as you’ve discovered) by a visiting engineer who happened not to be otherwise engaged.

I’ve tried to get OVO staff involved, so please keep an eye on your private messages. You’ll have to identify yourself and your meter, so please have your MPAN and MSN handy. The MPAN you find on a recent bill; the MSN is clearly visible in your screenshot (21M0378161) and should be enough for OVO to identify the misbehaving device. 

Hey @npirritano,


Really sorry to hear this,


I’ve asked Forum_Support to reach out via private message. 

I’ve spoken to OVO_Forum_Support via private message and they told me that the ECAUL has been sent which hopefully fixes my issue. I’ll check tonight and update in the morning.


Thanks both for your help.

I'm pleased to let you know that the issue is fixed now. The storage heaters did switch on last night!

Thanks for your help!

Before tariff change, the icon on the bottom right is open as it always used to be.
After tariff change, the icon on the bottom right actualy changed to something else for the first time!

My last question is, why were both the phone and webchat support unable to fix this issue?
It took about 3 hours from when OVO_Forum_Support first messaged me to get the issue fixed, but the support was unable to for 11 months even though I kept suggesting what actually turned out to be the right solution?

I’m very confused and upset about all the time wasted talking to the support.

That’s really good news. Kudos to @Emmanuelle_OVO and @OVO_Forum_Support for sparking when the call came 👍👍👍👍👍 

Hey @npirritano,


I’m really sorry you had such a negative experience with the support team, I can confirm that I’ve raised this issue internally with the smart meter experts. 


This hopefully means the problem will be more easily identified in future!




I've joined the forum to ask for help with a very similar problem to that experienced by @npirritano. I had a smart meter installed in a rental flat in January this year. It was vacant at the time and I had no need to turn on the heating until late March, as I had a rental arranged for the beginning of April. I live nearby and I went in early morning and found the storage heaters were stone cold. It was around 6 a.m. and the In House Display was indicating that it was in the off-peak period. I had a voltage tester and confirmed that the meter tails to the off-peak consumer unit were not carrying any current.
The account was with SSE at that time, so I called them and they arranged for an emergency callout that day. The engineer replaced the smart meter with the a regular Economy 7 meter (not a smart meter), which he had in his van. All the storage heaters were back working again the next morning.
SSE never updated the change of meter on their records and I have never been able to send in a manual reading since because the account was still showing the (removed) smart meter number. I rang SSE and was on the phone for over an hour. I sent them a detailed email and I sent a letter to Ovo in July, enclosing images of the meter and the card which the engineer had left in the meter box. No-one ever replied to the email or letter.
Just over 2 weeks ago, I had an email saying, "Urgent. We need your meter reading!" They had been estimating since the smart meter stopped sending a signal at the end of March. I called them and customer service said they would send an engineer.
This engineer installed a new smart meter on 27th November. The heaters were all swirched on that night and I can’t believe that I have the same problem again!! The off-peak consumer unit is not receiving power at all. The IHD works fine, shows the two tariffs and changes at midnight and 7 a.m., but the 2nd circuit for the storage heaters is not activating at all. I found this forum and it seems that something is wrong with the configuration that, hopefully, can be corrected remotely. A customer service agent arranged for an engineer from a smart meter company to look at the meter a couple of days ago. He did some tests and found no fault with it. He asked me enquire what SSC code the meter is set up with. He suggested the meter function that opens and closes the fifth port could be on a 24/7 tariff setting, which would explain why it always stays off.

There is a complication: in my online account, it still shows that I have the original smart meter, which was installed in January and removed in March. However, under Usage, I can see the hour by hour usage of the meter which was installed on 27th November. So, it is communicating with my account, but the MSN is not correct.

I'd be most grateful if this could be brought to the attention of the team that can look at the ECAUL/ALCS settings and, if necessary, correct them remotely.


Hi @insoctek ,

Unfortunately we can’t usually arrange that via the forum - no-one here has access to the account.

Try for this one.

Thank you @Blastoise186 for your prompt reply. I will try that.

Let us know if you have any issues getting this raised with the support team @insoctek!

Hi @Emmanuelle_OVO  Thank you for your message.
I sent an email complaint to Support on Friday and received an automated reply saying that someone would respond within 2 working days. I did also get a phone call on Friday evening from someone at Support, but he was not able to offer any immediate action as he would be on leave for a few days. I didn't get the impression that he was familiar with this issue.

I will keep you updated.

Updated on 19/09/24 by Emmanuelle_OVO:

Hey @insoctek,


Sorry for the issues you’re having, 


It might be worth speaking to the support team via webchat and sending them this topic. It is something we’ve seen on the Forum several times but might not be something agents are aware of.


They need to ask smart support team to send the ECAUL command to update the ALCS configuration.


Hope this helps. 

Hi @Emmanuelle_OVO

Thank you for your message. I tried webchat yesterday and chatted to 3 agents in total, spread over 90 minutes. Unfortunately, none of them could help. They asked me what is the problem, asked security questions, then said they have to leave me on hold for a few minutes, then I am passed over to another agent! The third agent said the team were not trained to handle such queries and suggested I try calling the number on the Support page. That was the first thing I did several days ago. I am hoping now that agent who phoned me on Friday, but who is on leave for a few days this week, will take the matter up when he comes back, as he did say he would "own the problem".


Hey @insoctek,


Sorry to hear this,


I’ll ask Forum_Support to get in touch via private message to find out who the agent is whose sorting this out for you. 

Keep an eye out on this page for the message @insoctek

Thank you @Emmanuelle_OVO for you help. I much appreciate it.

Thank you @Jeffus for that link. I will check it regularly.

I am sorry to report that no-one has contacted me yet to say they will be sending an ECAUL command to update the ALCS configuration on my smart meter.  This is taking so long to resolve!

Replying to this thread as it seems to be the most recent one I’ve found - I believe I’m having the exact same issue as @npirritano. This forum has been the only thing giving me any idea of what could be the issue… other than me being without heating for nearly two months!

I cannot believe the hassle I’ve had today with OVO support via webchat - I’ll be complaining about that for sure. But any chance I could be put in touch with the correct people to get this sorted out fast?

Here’s hoping…


Hey @npirritano,


I’m really sorry you had such a negative experience with the support team, I can confirm that I’ve raised this issue internally with the smart meter experts. 


This hopefully means the problem will be more easily identified in future!



We’ve seen several similar cases over the past few months, the common symptom being no power to the second, switched circuit when it is supposed to be active, i.e. during offpeak hours. Assuming you have the same type of meter as  shown in the screenshot above, it should be a quick and easy fix so long as you can get the message to the Smart people. That seems to be the difficult bit, but I can only suggest you keep trying via Support. As Community Manager Emmanuelle wrote earlier, Support have to ask the Smart support team to send the ECAUL command to update your ALCS configuration. 

I hate to think of you having to be without heating until the New Year, but I hope your alternative arrangements make it possible for you to have a happy Christmas nevertheless.


Hey @insoctek,


So sorry for your experience, I know Forum_Support was looking into this on Friday. Has your issue now been resolved? 


@VeeNotV I’ll ask Forum_Support to reach out. Please keep an eye on your private messages. 

Hi @Emmanuelle_OVO

Thank you for your message.

I did get a private message on Friday that Support were trying to resolve the issue, but nothing subsequently to say they had sent an ECAUL update. I know there has been no change as I have checked.


Hey @insoctek,


So sorry to hear this,


Forum_Support are looking into this today, you will be contacted once the ECAUL request has been sent. 

Hi  @Emmanuelle_OVO 

Thank you for following this up for me. 

No problem, let me know if you have any further issues. But the ECAUL has now been sent 🙂

I am very happy to report that the ECAUL did the trick and the off-peak circuit on my smart meter is working now!

Help and advice from the Forum has been crucial in getting my problem resolved and I am most grateful to all who gave assistance,  especially @Emmanuelle_OVO  Thank you.
