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I have a prepayment meter.  How can I set up an online account? I am asked to supply an account number from a bill but with a prepayment meter, I don't get a bill.

In that case, you’ll have to go elsewhere to get the answers you seek. We’ve given you too many chances to provide us with information that we needed and you refused to provide it. We are not prepared to give advice to anyone who wastes our time like that.

If you ARE the affected Landlord/Tenant in this matter and you have - as we suspect - already been through the Energy Ombudsman with the outcome being that they ruled in favour of the Supplier, then you’re at an impasse. Your two options are therefore this:

  • Accept it as a Game Over scenario since you’ve exhausted the entire Complaints Process, pay the debts off, sort out a new account in the new tenants name and then switch to Pay Monthly
  • If you still feel strongly about this matter, escalate the it to the Courts and have a Judge make the final decision - be warned that if you lose, it could cost you dearly

We’re done here. Farewell.

Spooked ya.

The jury is out ......Imposters or genuine forum advisors.

No hard feelings, you've fooled 99%, not bad.

Hey ​@Andrew Burton 

We have five forum moderators Bradley_OVO Emmanuelle_OVO Abby_OVO Shads_OVO & Chris_OVO.

You’ll see from our profile’s we have a green ‘OVO’ marking that shows we’re employees. All OVO employees that have forum accounts would have a username ending in _OVO & the same banner.

Nukecad & Blastoise are really active & helpful community members with specialist areas of expertise. They are entirely independent & free to express whatever opinions they like & are indeed critical of OVO when they feel there has been an injustice or something isn’t working as it should. 

The forum is intended to be a safe space for all:

Please let me know if you have any questions about our house rules or guidelines 🙂
