
Non-essential meter maintenance, relocation or removal - Engineering work we can arrange and job costs

  • 5 October 2020
  • 26 replies
Non-essential meter maintenance, relocation or removal - Engineering work we can arrange and job costs
Userlevel 7

Updated on 21/08/23 by Abby_OVO


OVO Engineer job costs


As your supplier we’re responsible for any essential repairs to your meter and any essential work (ie. replacing a faulty meter) is carried out free of charge. However we can also help with non-essential metering work. These jobs are carried out at cost but there may be a charge to you to cover our costs. Check out the list of jobs below as well as cost to get this booked in.


If you would like to schedule in some on-site work, it’s best to give the Support team a call so we can make sure we discuss all aspects of the appointment. Our Support team can be contacted by phone on 0330 303 5063 between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. 



Costs for 3-phase meters are in brackets if different from single phase. 

Prices below include VAT and are subject to change:


Job Type Cost
Site survey (non-technical)* £106 or Free, see below
Site survey (technical)** £106 or Free, see below
Faulty/damaged meter exchange Free
Meter removal £106 (£325)
Meter exchange due to functionality change (eg single rate to dual rate if non-smart) £106 (£325)
Meter exchange due to re-certification Free
Check PME Earthing - Live/Dead test £106 (£325)
Fit isolation switch (also called a 'Double pole isolator') £158.25 (£325)
£52.25 if alongside another job (not SMEX)
Meter reposition £125 (£325)
Meter accuracy test £149 (£325)
De-energisation / re-energisation (if both required, it’s recommended to get an isolation switch installed) £106 (£325)
Install new meter (where we supply your property already) £106 (£325)
Upgrade / downgrade from single phase to 3-phase £325


Job Type Cost
Faulty/damaged meter exchange Free
Meter removal (cost applies even if meter has been disconnected from pipework) £106
Meter exchange due to functionality change £106
Meter exchange due to re-cert Free
Meter reposition £145
OFMAT (meter accuracy test)  £157
Fit security bracket Free
Install new meter (where we already supply that property) £106
Meter exchange from U6 to U16 Free, with National Grid. May require site survey(see cost for this above)
Emergency jobs
£130 (only applies in specific situations - to be discussed with our Support team)


Missed appointment fee


*Site Survey (non-technical): This is for meter details, for instance a fuse finder would be booked under this.

**Site Survey (technical): This covers sealing meters, reconnecting meter tails, meter tail upgrades and assessments for any non-standard work.


Thinking of booking in one of the jobs mentioned above but need more advice? Comment below and we’ll see if we can find out the best option for you! :thumbsup:

26 replies

are ovo still able to do a meter exchange of single rate to dual rate for a charge? need to move over to economy 7 as having storage heaters installed. am happy to pay for an engineer to do this.

at the moment I have a traditional dial meter, or is there a smart meter I can upgrade to that will.give me the option to convert to economy 7 at a later date? 

Userlevel 7
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Upgrading to a smart meter would be best. It's free and will be capable of running in both modes.

With that being said… Make sure to get a 5 terminal meter installed if you’re going to commit to storage heaters.

I’m trying to find out how to book an engineer to come and remove my gas meter, as I don’t want to use gas any more.  Can’t get through on the phone, can’t find a email address, the chat bot can’t do it, and the live chat has a wait of 3039minutes !   How can I get this done ?


Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hi @Alanockendon ,

To the best of my knowledge, any of the contact options at https://help.ovoenergy.com are valid. Things will calm down soon!

Userlevel 2

I might have missed something but what do the prices outside and inside brackets mean please?


Userlevel 7

Hey @ALH,


Good question!


Costs for 3-phase meters are in brackets if different from single phase.”


Hope this helps. 

How do you arrange an OVO engineer to come out and upgrade the meter cables to 25mm for a fuse upgrade to 100 Amps?

Userlevel 7
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Hey @Jastom ,

This definitely sounds like it’s in-scope for OVO’s engineer jobs list. If memory serves, this job would come under Site Survey (Technical) for a meter tail upgrade and it’ll cost about £106 in most cases. OVO’s Support Team can help you with this and if you want to go ahead, they can put the request in - I think it then goes to the Operations Team to handle from there, but either way you can set this up by either calling 0330 303 5063 or using Live Chat via https://help.ovoenergy.com .


Hope this helps!

When the engineer calls does it come up as UNKNOWN NUMBER? 

Userlevel 7

Hey @Joann Russell,


Welcome to the OVO Online Community,


That would depend on the engineers privacy settings, as they’ll be calling off their mobiles.


if you’re awaiting an appointment I’d answer. If it’s not the engineer you can hang up, hopefully the engineer would leave a voicemail if you didn’t answer.


Hope this helps. 

My elderly mother has recently had her faulty electric meter replaced in her property. I noticed on her latest bill there is a deduction of £60 for change of meter, electricity, domestic. 
Does anyone know the situation regarding charging a customer for a replacement meter as my understanding was this was the responsibility of the Electricity Supplier to provide. 

Userlevel 7
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It is usually free if the meter was faulty. Have a chat with Support in the morning as they can help there

Userlevel 7

Hey @dalegharris21,


Sorry for the issues you’re having,


Can you please report back to this topic with an update when you’ve spoken to the Support Team if possible. This may help other customers.


I’ve not heard of a customer being charged for a faulty meter exchange, they should be free and a maintenance job usually costs more than £60. 



Spoke to OVO Customer Support this afternoon about the £60 charge to replace the faulty electric meter. After over a hour on the phone, 6 different advisors and phone hung up on me twice, I was informed that no one at OVO knew why this charge was made on my Mothers account and if I would consider my complaint closed, they would refund the £60 to her account. 

Userlevel 7
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If it were me, I’d take that offer as it’s almost certainly the easiest solution

Userlevel 6

Hey @dalegharris21 


Sorry to hear about all of this, as the others have said they certainly shouldn’t have been charged for this appointment. Did the Support Team start the refund process of the £60?

The support team refunded the money to my Mothers account straightaway. I did ask why this charge had been made but did not get an explanation as no one from that support team had seen this charge before. 

Userlevel 6

Hi @dalegharris21 


I’m glad to hear they’ve got that refund process started straight away. Hopefully your mother won’t encounter any similar problems again.

Booked for an isolation switch fitting visit, but they were a no-show. I only have one day left of holiday this year which I will have to use to rebook-can they guarantee that they will be there?


Also, here is say it will cost £158 to fit an isolation switch, but the email we have is saying free of charge-which is it?

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

It’s a chargeable job - you don’t get it for free I’m afraid.

Can you tell me how to arrange that OVO move my gas meter?

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Sure thing.

Easiest option is via https://ovoenergy.com/help and use the Live Chat. They’ll tell you whether you need to get anyone else involved.


I need to get the meters removed and the supply stopped as the property is due to be demolished very soon. Usually there is a form that you complete to request this but i am not sure how to do this with Ovo. Does anyone know?


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @fruitionprop , take a look at this 

be sure to get the MPAN removed from the national database too otherwise you could still be charged 

thanks for your response
