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Economy 7 tariff changes on SMETS2 meter but fifth terminal not activating at all!

Hi, hoping someone may be able to help with this - I’m having an absolute NIGHTMARE trying to get through to a OVO/SSE department who is able to help progress this.

Not sure if they’re going through a change with call centres or the like but there’s a language barrier happening and the operators, in the several departments I’ve tried to speak to, over several hours, can’t understand the technical aspects and vocabulary such as fifth terminal, secondary contactor, etc, only picking up on words like ‘heating’ ‘not’ ‘working’ until eventually I was put through to a lady in Scotland who is in the home cover insurance department for when your boiler or water heater stops working!

Any help in getting through to the proper support line would be really helpful - I can sympathise with the call centres abroad not understanding the technical aspects, as it’s a totally different language for everyone whatever their first language - but at the moment I have a OSO 210L water heater that’s only half-working (on a very expensive day tariff!) because the fifth terminal which feeds the bottom element isn’t getting any electricity during the night when it should.

Basically, I had an Alcara SGM1416-B smart meter fitted a few days ago, and noticed the bottom element didn’t kick in during the night (more obvious now that I have a smart monitor to help look for the 3kW spikes).  Second night, after reading the Alcara manual to work out what I should look out for, I stayed up until 00:30 to check the status of the secondary contactor, which should show a ‘closed’ switch symbol around this time when the tariff changes from day to night (I can confirm the night-tariff changeover is working fine, on 00:30, off 07:30).  As far as any movement goes on the secondary contactor - not a sausage - no change on the digital display - no click heard like before.


Apologies not easy to see but bottom right of digital display shows open switch symbol (o/o) for secondary contactor when it should show closed (o-o).  This taken just after 00:30 tariff change.
Much easier to see on this photo, bottom right of digital display, secondary contactor still open (o/o).  This taken just before tariff changes back to day rate.

Fortunately I had the installer’s mobile number, so called him, and he suggested it’s a faulty meter and needs to be sorted - but I’d need to go through customer service to organise this - which is proving a very difficult problem!!!  I seem only to be left with writing to Smart Customer Services at the Havant address, but this would seem to be a very long way around.

I’ve just messaged the installer to ask if he did an ECAUL and waiting a response - not sure though if he might go silent on me because he has plenty to be getting on with.  I know the tariff change may not exactly correspond to the secondary contactor change (hence the ECAUL query) but in this case it’s not activating at all, at any time throughout the day.

All help and guidance will be gratefully received.  Many thanks in advance.


PS You may also notice that the smart monitor is not fully configuring - showing 0.000p standing charge - that would be nice 😶

Best answer by Tim_OVO

Updated on 28/01/2025 by Ben_OVO

*update on this @SteveBee :


I’m told that with smart meters connected with a 5th port,  the tariff and ALCS schedule are separate objects in the meter, and they both need to be set for the 5th terminal (or any ALCS connection) to work.


The team found your meter based on its serial number and they could see that the ALCS calendar wasn't set on that one, they're not quite sure why. It has been set now.


As a result, this should now be fixed. Please let us know.

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  • March 20, 2023

Thanks for the post, @SteveBee - lots of helpful information and images to work with which is great. 


Sorry to hear about your experience when calling in. You’re correct in saying this stuff can get a bit technical, but that’s from the customer perspective. We should be pro’s with this stuff. A few more questions to help us narrow this down:



  • You’ve just had the meter fitted. So your online account won’t be updated with new details yet I’m assuming? 
  • Was it the installer of the smart meter that you contacted?
  • The heating system connected to the meter’s 5th port: has it never worked since the meter install? From your topic title, I’m going to assume no.
  • Is this the only thing connect to the 5th port?

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  • Answer
  • March 20, 2023

Updated on 28/01/2025 by Ben_OVO

*update on this @SteveBee :


I’m told that with smart meters connected with a 5th port,  the tariff and ALCS schedule are separate objects in the meter, and they both need to be set for the 5th terminal (or any ALCS connection) to work.


The team found your meter based on its serial number and they could see that the ALCS calendar wasn't set on that one, they're not quite sure why. It has been set now.


As a result, this should now be fixed. Please let us know.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 8 replies
  • March 20, 2023

Thank you Tim, great news.

I'll be back tomorrow so will be able to report on Wednesday morning as to what happens overnight.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 8 replies
  • March 22, 2023

Oh dear, the remote tweak has managed to switch the 2A auxiliary load control relay on at 00:30, but the secondary contactor / fifth port remains inactive (photo below, symbol LC1 is 2A relay).  Good news is though that these changes can seem to be done remotely, so remain hopeful that a fix can be found.



The smart monitor should be showing over 3kW load at this point were the secondary contactor to be closed and supplying the bottom element of the water heater.  Photo below is general set-up for info, showing dedicated fifth port/terminal feed to right side of consumer unit for the E7 bottom element.



The installer has not come back to me when I texted him about the ECAUL request.  I remember him saying that he was sure the ALCS request got the green light on his system, so thought it might be a faulty meter?

Some useful info following, extracted from the Smart Meter User Manual (with some highlighting/annotation by me), might help as background.






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  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 8 replies
  • March 22, 2023

Oops, sorry Tim, meant to include @Tim_OVO so you would be notified.

@cwebster17 also looking to have similar problem post-install.


  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 8 replies
  • March 23, 2023

Fantastic, smart meter timings for secondary contactor / fifth port look to be working correctly now, hope yours is sorted soon @cwebster17.



Saw (and heard) it switch off this morning at 07:30 so presume it switched on at 00:30.  Smart monitor is showing around 1.5kWh for the 00:00-01:00 window - equating to half hour of 3kW bottom element in cylinder - which makes sense.  Will stay up tonight just to be sure.

@Tim_OVO, are you able to let me know if this was further work on your part (or @Blastoise186) as I did also recently send a letter to Smart Customer Services in Havant to investigate, which they might have also acted on.

Not mentioned here before, but I did also highlight in the letter that the installer seems to have taken the wrong final readings from the old meter, taking the ‘total’ and one of the ‘day’ or ‘night’ readings, rather than the usual ‘day’ and ‘night’ readings - obviously can work out the missing number if you have either of the other two - but did seem a bit odd and not sure if the installer training covers enough of the Economy 7 systems to ensure near-faultless install - might be worth the installation department circulating a memo to highlight recent installation issues?

Also, still puzzled why my smart monitor is not showing the standing charge - still stating 0.000p 😶?  Not a major issue though, it still seems to include the standing charge in the overall totals.

Thanks to all in getting this resolved!

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 9 replies
  • March 23, 2023

That’s great news @SteveBee! Fingers crossed they can fix mine too. I stayed up last night to see if that second circuit closes when on the off peak tarrif and it does not - I have the same as you in your first post.  At least it sounds like it is the same problem as you had so I am hopeful it can be fixed easily! 


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  • March 23, 2023

Thanks for reporting back, @SteveBee.


The team have just sent another message to that meter which we're fairly confident should get the correct ALCS triggering. Without going in to too much technical detail, there's a chance what we've sent might not have worked (and we're also working on resolving that issue too), but would you be able to check and let us know if it's worked tomorrow?


Please bear in mind that randomised offset is a thing too. What this means is that whilst your switch time might be 00:30, the meter will switch up to 10 minutes after that scheduled time (e.g. times set are 00:30 to 07:30 but meter actually switches at 00:36 to 07:36).

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 8 replies
  • March 25, 2023

Thanks @Tim_OVO, all seems to be working ok so far.

Will report back end of next week, to be doubly sure.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 8 replies
  • April 1, 2023

Hi @Tim_OVO, after a week of observation, I can happily confirm that the smart meter is now operating as wished, with the secondary contactor switching on (and off) for 7 hours overnight.

I can also confirm that the dual tariff and the secondary contactor timings have also stayed synchronised since moving to BST, so now switching on at 01:30 at the same time as the change to the night tariff, and switching off at 08:30 when the tariff changes back to the day rate.

Many thanks for all your help, and hope that the main OVO/SSE support channels are now more switched on (pardon the pun) to this install issue on E7 smart meters and ALCS requests so to help others like myself and @cwebster17 get it sorted without such a fuss - I couldn’t believe it when on first raising it with them they told me to first get a written report from an electrician to confirm that it’s nothing to do with my (consumer side) installation - fancy getting an electrician out at one o’clock in the morning?!

Hi @Tim_OVO ,

I have exactly the problem descibed above. I’m on an Economy 7 Tariff but the 5th terminal / night storage circuit isn’t being switched on overnight. Could the same fix be applied to my meter please? I’ve just moved in and switched my account to Ovo last week, I’m assured that all was working previously. Many thanks!

Photo of meter below.

Plan Zero Hero
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  • July 17, 2023

Hi @martincollett ,

Sure thing. The fastest way is for the Support Team to get the ECAUL/ALCS config set up for you via SMETS Commands. Forum volunteers like myself don’t have that power unfortunately (otherwise I’d do it right now!). Try Live Chat via .

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  • July 18, 2023

Hey @martincollett 


Did you contact the Support Team to have them run the commands on the smart meter like Blastoise186 advised?

Hi @Abby_OVO , yes I did. The person I chatted to didn’t really understand the problem but promised to escalate it. I can see this morning that the LC2 Switch is now being activated overnight, but not the second switch / fifth terminal. This is a different behaviour from previously, but sadly still not right. My immersion and night storage are wired to the fifth terminal, so still no hot water! I’ll try the chat again today, unless there is another way to progress this?

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  • July 19, 2023

Hey @martincollett 


Sorry to hear you’re still having some trouble with this.


Did you manage to speak with the Support Team again yesterday? I know they can run the required commands but it’ll be escalated to a team with the right access to do so, they should be in touch soon to sort this with you unless they got it sorted yesterday, but it may speed things up by contacting them.

Hi @Abby_OVO , yes I spoke to the Support Team yesterday, but again this morning the ‘Switch 2’ wasn’t activated overnight so still no hot water.

I used the chat to speak to them again just now. I was again told that this was being escalated with the ‘relevant team’ and that I could expect a response in 3 - 5 working days.

This is all very frustrating, the solution to the problem is right here in the forum but I can’t get it applied to my meter. I’m not getting any comms back to let me know how this is progressing within Ovo.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 73 replies
  • November 26, 2023

 I believe we have a similar problem with our meter readings. We are all electric with storage radiators on economy 10, last night the consumption on peak rate was, 17kwh whilst to off-peak consumption was only 3kwh! Despite having 5 hours of 'cheap' power, when power hungry storage radiators were on. Customer services don't really know anything, waiting for an off-peak time to see if LC2 activates!

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  • November 26, 2023
pegem wrote:

 I believe we have a similar problem with our meter readings. We are all electric with storage radiators on economy 10, ...


We have seen several customers with this problem here in the forum over the past year or so, and none that I can remember who have got it working properly. That’s not to say that there aren’t any, of course. 

The problem seems to be to get the meter to switch both the registers and the auxiliary load in the right direction and at the right times. One was seeing peak rates applied in the offpeak periods and vice versa, so this may be what you’re experiencing.

There are different models of meter involved in these cases, so it would be good to see a photo or two of yours, clearly showing the current rate and state of the load switches during both a peak and an offpeak period. It would also help to know which supply region you’re in, and if you’re really adventurous, what Time Pattern Regimes (TPR) have been set on the meter.*


*   It’s the TPR that specifies the peak and offpeak timings. To find yours on your computer:

  1. Using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, visit and sign in. 
  2. Open a new tab and copy this URL into the address bar:
    substituting your own account number for 1234567 at the end of it.
    This should show you a JSON file with some details of your meter configuration, including the TPRs for its registers. You might save the page contents in a text file for reference.
  3. If you want to know what these numbers mean, open this PDF: TPR Reference. Search (e.g. Ctrl-F) for the numbers (make it a bit easier by adding leading zeroes to make up five digits. I.e. if the TPR for Tier 1 is 374, search for 00374).

Does what you find tally with your experience?



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  • November 27, 2023
Firedog wrote:
pegem wrote:

 I believe we have a similar problem with our meter readings. We are all electric with storage radiators on economy 10, ...


We have seen several customers with this problem here in the forum over the past year or so, and none that I can remember who have got it working properly. That’s not to say that there aren’t any, of course. 

The problem seems to be to get the meter to switch both the registers and the auxiliary load in the right direction and at the right times. One was seeing peak rates applied in the offpeak periods and vice versa, so this may be what you’re experiencing.

There are different models of meter involved in these cases, so it would be good to see a photo or two of yours, clearly showing the current rate and state of the load switches during both a peak and an offpeak period. It would also help to know which supply region you’re in, and if you’re really adventurous, what Time Pattern Regimes (TPR) have been set on the meter.*


*   It’s the TPR that specifies the peak and offpeak timings. To find yours on your computer:

  1. Using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, visit and sign in. 
  2. Open a new tab and copy this URL into the address bar:
    substituting your own account number for 1234567 at the end of it.
    This should show you a JSON file with some details of your meter configuration, including the TPRs for its registers. You might save the page contents in a text file for reference.
  3. If you want to know what these numbers mean, open this PDF: TPR Reference. Search (e.g. Ctrl-F) for the numbers (make it a bit easier by adding leading zeroes to make up five digits. I.e. if the TPR for Tier 1 is 374, search for 00374).

Does what you find tally with your experience?



Firedog has given some really helpful advice here.


Keep us posted @pegem. Let us know the results after the ‘off peak’. 


If this is still an issue you’ll need to escalate this to our support team

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 73 replies
  • November 27, 2023

The TPR appears to be correct in its timings, but There is something seriously wrong with the tariff on my Smart meter  We are all electric Storage heaters on Economy 10. Since putting the storage radiators on we have had the following readings.


                26 October                            26 November

Peak.         1078                                    1603                       525kwh      £153

Off-Peak     1717                                    1857                       140kwh     £30


Historically there is no way we have spent only £30 on high consumption things such as Storage heaters, and £153 on everything else! 

I believe the tariffs have been reversed. According to the Forums, a problem that OVO have had with other accounts that have migrated from SSE to OVO. The coding for the meter is switching the tariffs correctly, but the tariff number is wrong.  Tarif 1 has been linked to off peak and tariff 2 has been linked to peak. IMHO!


  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 73 replies
  • November 27, 2023
*edited by moderator* ","meterType":"S2BDE","mapId":"SGNS","lineLossFactorClassId":"104","registers":[{"tier":1,"clockingTimeId":374,"timeOfUseLabel":"offpeak","meterRegisterId":"1","timePatternRegime":374,"measurementQuantityId":"AI","switchedLoadIndicator":true,"meterRegisterMultiplier":1,"registerMappingCoefficient":"1"},{"tier":2,"clockingTimeId":375,"timeOfUseLabel":"peak","meterRegisterId":"2","timePatternRegime":375,"measurementQuantityId":"AI","switchedLoadIndicator":false,"meterRegisterMultiplier":1,"registerMappingCoefficient":"1"}],"start":"2018-11-07T00:00:00.000Z","end":null,"fuel":"Electricity","meterNoOfDigitsOrDials":5}]

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 73 replies
  • November 27, 2023


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • November 27, 2023

You might want to delete your location and meter information in the previous data post @pegem 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 73 replies
  • November 27, 2023


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2017 replies
  • November 27, 2023

Brilliant, thanks. Here’s your problem, I think:

pegem wrote:
[{"tier":1,"clockingTimeId":374,"timeOfUseLabel":"offpeak","meterRegisterId":"1","timePatternRegime":374, ...
...{"tier":2,"clockingTimeId":375,"timeOfUseLabel":"peak","meterRegisterId":"2","timePatternRegime":375, …


The TPRs look like the right ones for an E10 tariff, but they’re applied to the wrong registers. DCC (who collect usage data and readings for suppliers and others to access) expect the first register to record peak usage. I’m not sure whether they look for the tier number or the register ID, but in your case they’re the same anyway. Your first register (tier 1) is recording offpeak usage:
SSC: 0935   TPR: 00374   Timings: All days 0000-0500, 1300-1600, 2000-2200   Name: Off Peak

It seems that when the readings reach OVO, the contents of the first register are wrongly assigned to peak and - more worryingly - billed as such. 

I think this is quite simple to rectify by means of remote commands from OVO’s metering team, so you should contact support (webchat might be best, so you can copy and paste stuff like this post) and ask them to persuade Metering to reconfigure your TPRs: Tier 1 should be TPR 375, tier 2 TPR 374.

At the same time, I’d suggest you ask for your reading frequency to be changed to half-hourly. This gives you much more clarity about your consumption. It used to be the default, but it seems that it’s reverted to monthly during recent meter installations. You should also ask to have your bills corrected for the period from when this started (probably when the meter was installed) up to the date of the TPR fix.

Last, your photos show (I think) that LC2 (the Load Control for your storage heaters) is active, so there should be power to the heaters. If this was during what should be an offpeak period, then the LC is working as designed. If it wasn’t, scream!


Full disclosure: I went through a similar experience following a meter exchange a few weeks ago. Support were able to get the TPRs fixed and the reading frequency changed back to half-hourly, where it had always been previously.


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