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Updated on 16/02/24 by Abby_OVO


Had a change of payday or just want to rearrange when we collect your monthly Direct Debit? You can easily get this updated on the OVO app (download for Android or iOS).


Exact appearance may vary


From here, head over to the ‘Payments’ tab at the bottom of the screen.


Exact appearance may vary


You’ll just need to scroll down slightly until you see ‘Manage Direct Debit’.


Exact appearance may vary


This will give a handy reminder of what date your payments are currently being taken, how much and from what bank account, as well as the option to ‘Change’, both the Monthly amount and the Payment date.


Exact appearance may vary

Simply click, ‘Change’ next to the Payment date section, to take you into the selection menu for a new date.

Exact appearance may vary


Click the drop-down menu to select the date you’d prefer your payment to be made. It’s worth bearing in mind that any changes made in the next 5 working days won’t take effect until next month.


Exact appearance may vary


Once you’ve selected a new date and clicked ‘Let’s go!’, you’ll see the following message to confirm the update (date may vary).


Exact appearance may vary


Here it confirms the date you selected, as well as your next scheduled payment date. These may be different if your next payment date falls on a weekend.


You’ll receive an email notifying you of this change and this will also be reflected on the Direct Debit info shown if you refresh you Homepage.


Bish!Bash!Bosh! Payment date adjusted without even needing to call. :smiley:

Hi there, my direct debits come out my bank on the 1st of the month, at the moment i am able to change the amount on my ovo account so that it’s more in line with the recommended amount. My question is, throughout the year, when is the kinda latest date of the month i can do this for it to have changed in time for the 1st?

Howdy @Ian Phillips !

For this one, I’d recommend doing it at ideally least 11 days before the next payment date to allow OVO enough time to sort out the paperwork behind the scenes. For the absolute safest play, make the changes by the 15th of the month.

It’s worth noting however, that OVO also does this action automatically every six months on your behalf. If OVO thinks you’re massively overpaying, the system will attempt to force your payments down by itself so you don’t have to.

I moved into a new house 12dec on Tuesday by the Friday I had my smart meters installed- on the 18th they took a direct debit for 115 £


im in fixed tariffs for 2 years. Gas and electricity 

I just checked my bank and they have taken another one for 115


i did change my dd to be taken out on 27-29th of month but I thought they wouldn’t had  taken payment until my next bill in Jan. 

is there a reason so close together?? 


I thought they wouldn’t had  taken payment until my next bill in Jan. 

Unfortunately, there’s no direct relationship between the date your bill is issued and the date of the Direct Debit. When you change the date of the DD, your bank will - unless instructed otherwise - make the payment on the first date it can manage. If you had waited a week or two before changing the date, the situation you find yourself in wouldn’t have arisen.

If this is a problem for you, and your account balance is healthy, you may be able to ask for a refund of the balance less £115: How to request a refund on your online account or OVO app | The OVO Forum ( 

Otherwise, if you can do without the cash, the extra will just stay in your OVO account. It will be taken into account when your DD comes up for review in a couple of months’ time and might bring about a reduction. 
