Updated on 07/03/23 by Emmanuelle_OVO
Single phase and three phase electricity supplies - Your guide
How to tell if you have a three phase meter

Requesting an upgrade to a three phase supply
- If you’re increasing the electricity demand required in your home (eg by installing multiple EV chargers or a new electric heating system) an electrician can advise whether you might need to upgrade to a 3 phase supply.
- You’ll then need to contact your Distribution Network Operator (DNO) to schedule an engineers visit to upgrade your main fuse to 3 phase fuse.
- As your supplier, we can then book a 3-phase meter exchange (Currently this would be a traditional meter although we have started testing 3-phase smart meters) for a 3 phase trained engineer to upgrade your meter at the cost of £325 - Check out our full guide to 3 phase meter maintenance costs here.
We’ll provisionally schedule your appointment with at least 20 working days notice, however as the availability of specialist 3 phase engineers can vary depending on your area, SMS (our third-party contractors) will get in touch with you directly to confirm this appointment date. Once the meter has been installed you may also need to enlist an electrician to re-connect your consumer unit.
Do OVO offer 3 phase smart meters?
3 phase (aka polyphase) installations in domestic properties are few and far between, so it's a minority of meter engineers across the country that have the skills required to complete these installations. There are also some technical challenges in making sure your job is allocated to an engineer with these skills but we are just as keen as you are to have Smart available for these sites ASAP, so if you would like to take part in this beta stage release, please consider the steps below:
From the start of May 2023, if you have a single rate 3 phase meter (i.e. not Economy 7 / 2-rate etc.) we would encourage you to book a smart meter appointment as normal online or over the phone on 0330 303 5063. (Please do not attempt to book sooner than May unless you have been contacted.)
This will then go through to a specialist team who will validate that it is single rate job and that an 3 phase engineer is available in your region. If this is the case, they will re-book your appointment with the right engineer. (So please bear in mind your appointment date/time will likely change, but we'll try to keep it the same where possible.)
Unfortunately, if you have a 2-rate meter or are not in an area covered by our current crop of 3 phase skilled engineers, you will need to continue with your heritage meter. We know this will be frustrating, so we are sorry about that, we are working to expand our coverage and by you flagging your interest to us, you are helping us shape where and when that coverage develops. - thank you!
The process for downgrading your supply to single phase
- In the same way you would for a 3 phase upgrade, if you think you no longer need this higher capacity supply (for instance you’ve removed a high usage appliance) you’d need an electrician to confirm this.
- Again you’d need your DNO to replace your fuse to a single phase fuse.
- After the fuse has been replaced, as your supplier we can then arrange a meter replacement. As this work would also require a 3 phase trained engineer, it’s booked at the same cost and with the same time frame as an upgrade. A downgrade of your supply would also mean you’d be able to get a new SMETS 2 meter installed.
Looking to upgrade or downgrade your supply and need some advice? Comment below! There’s plenty of energy experts here who’d love to take a look and help where we can.