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Hi I need help I'm been charged 300 / 400 for electric some months I'm single parent in 3 bedroom house and my heatings been off since it warmed up in Feb 2022 .I've nothing turned on hardly in my house just a freezer fridge that run all day I have no heating we sleep down stairs but I'm still getting outrageous bills .

A meter reader said whwn I posted a picture of my meter it's been tampered with but my energy company won't listen they said the locks still on it but theirs more wires than b and q 

Shower light still comes on 

Ok, I’ll just have to factor that in I guess. Just as long as it’s not running it’ll barely use anything for now.

Please run the Creep Test for 10 minutes and then tell me what the meter reading is.

It's still the same and the red solid lights still on 

Ok, so it’s probably not a meter accuracy issue then. DO NOT pay the £180 test fee in this case as I don’t think it’s worth it.

I think you need to just get that meter replaced via the normal route and force Octopus to get an actual reading out of it. That will go at least some way to sorting things out.

OK thank you I appreciate all your help 

You’re most welcome. We’re all watching this thread and ALL Forum Moderators are watching it too. If you still need help, please definitely reply here again and we’ll swing by when we can.

Keep us updated on how you get on. If you decide as a result of all this that you want to change supplier, I won’t blame you - all I’ll say is please make sure to get this mess resolved first and get that crazy bill cleaned up so that it doesn’t block you switching. It’s always best to resolve all issues before switching whenever possible.

Personally I do not think that there is anything wrong with the meters themselves.

The posted billing shows that when billing is done to the meter readings then it is reasonable.

It’s simply the very high estimates that have been unreasonable for the past number of years.

Why those estimates are so high, and why the users meter readings are not being accepted/used, appear to me to be the issues here rather than any problem with the meter(s) themselves.

(Inflated FAC’s causing too high estimates perhaps? We know that can sometimes be an issue.
As for why the users readings are not being use then only the supplier could answer that. I can think of a few possibilities - I’ve even had one of them happen to me, kind of, - but I’d be guessing).

I had to dig my heels in because I knew and know that's not right what their charging me I slipped back for 3 months due to illness and boom they just threw a bomb of 800 on top .... that's how it's escalated to this but unless I've a grow somewhere there's no way I use that amount .I'm just fed up of living in the cold it's like ice and I can't rven cook big meals I choose simple easy ones now for an airfyer it's just so wrong .

But I'll definitely keep everyone updated I just need those estimated bills sorting out which their saying they can't do without meter readings .

If I could switch I would , I'd never ever recommend them 





Did they agree to upgrade your meters to SMETS2 Smart Meters yet? If not, I’d try that angle.

The rules are clear - the Installing Engineer is required to take a Final Reading from the old meter just before they kill it for the final time. That reading is then uploaded to your account and treated as an accurate Actual Reading for billing purposes.

That’ll get them the meter reading they’re demanding.

I'm still waiting for a reply I'm also waiting for a 7 day meter read they hound me for reads then ignore me when I send a weeks worth in .

I've told them to compare my actual reads to their outrageous estimated reads ...  not that it matters they still ignore me saying I've to pay the reads so I've to pay 400 bills when I've only used 70 it's a joke 

Gotcha. Thanks for that.

Hmm… This really shouldn’t be dragging on so badly. I’m wondering if Citizens Advice might be able to knock some sense into Octopus. Try 0800 144 8848 and see what they say.

We’re still here too of course! It’s just a bit tricky for us to directly intervene because you’re with another supplier.

Let us know how you get on. We’ll do what we can.

Hey ​@Tazzyy74,


One suggestion you could make to Octopus is you both agree on a month and you agree to submit monthly readings on the same day (monday for instance) for the entire month and use your energy as you normally would. This would give them a weeks worth of readings and they can properly assess how much you’ve been charged based on the frequent readings they had? 


​@Blastoise186 has made a great suggestion you could call Citizens Advice who are independent and they could send someone out to assess your situation? 


Please keep us updated! 

I've already sent them a wks readings and they've still not come back to me , quicker enough to nag me for a reading though ..... most likely panicking now as uts no where need what their charging me 

And I think that’s where you’ll definitely want Citizens Advice to step in and act on your behalf. They have a LOT of experience in these matters.

I do too, but sadly the House Rules here means that I’m not allowed to know who you are or do things for you.

Because I've been to the ombudsman they won't help me so I'm stuck regarding estimated bills which I shouldn't have to pay I've sent in more than enough for them to know I don't use that much it shows everytime I send a reading in bu 400 800 is just a p take 

You should ask them to at least help you get the meter upgraded to a new SMETS2 one. That won’t have gone via the Ombudsman and is a separate enough matter.

Hey ​@Lukepeniket_OVO just a thought…

You mentioned that Gemma Hatvani name. How easy is it to get her attention if you can’t use social media? Any idea?

This is Gemma’s company

Hey ​@Tazzyy74,


Just checking in to ask if you managed to make any progress? Keep us updated 😊

Morning , I've had electrician round it's nit been tampered with but with what I'm using it's almost dead theirs hardly any amps is that the correct terms so he's said it's the estimated bills their ridiculous how high they are.

He had to wear gloves whilst doing it , it's so cold so now my heating is back on as I can't cope.

I'm still waiting fro the 7 day readings I sent in 2 wks ago I've messaged several times but no reply .

So I've said I want the reads today or I'm taking it further , quick enough to complain whwn I don't send them in .


Hey ​@Tazzyy74,


That’s great to hear that an electrician’s had a look at it and deemed it to be safe and untampered with. It’s very cold so i’m glad that you’ve got the heating on to stay warm. 


Did they give you a complaints reference number or a name of a case handler that would be dealing with your complaint. Sometimes with estimated readings they can show way off and with actual readings it should re-align when their billing department has the chance to re-bill the account. Hopefully they’ll start making some progress on this soon and they have 8 weeks from when you register your complaint to resolve it or you can take your case to the ombudsman. 

I'm now been ignore ive sent an email every other day regarding the 7 day meter readings I've sent in ..... I've started another 7 day meter read to be sent in Monday next wk , but I'm getting no replies. 

The electrican said nothing is running its like nothings on which it was so how has my bills been even estimated at that he said I need put a formal complaint in , he said it's impossible to send an estimated read when no electric almost is been used .

I’m so sorry to hear this ​@Tazzyy74. Did you say you’ve escalated your complaint to the Ombudsman? I can only speak from our procedure but if you aren’t happy with the resolution provided by our complaints team the complaint will be escalated to the Ombudsman who can then do a thorough investigation. Imagine it’s the same escalation process for Octopus?

Do they have a forum you could raise this on?

Do they have a forum you could raise this on?

IIRC Octopus does/did, but it’s restricted access - only certain customers can use it apparently.

OVO and E.On Next are the only two suppliers known to have public Forums these days. All others have closed down for one reason or another. For example, Bulb and Pure Planet lost theirs as a result of SoLR, while Scottish Power nuked theirs after it became a toxic mess as a result of no moderation or maintenance for several years.

They've finally replied ignoring what I've said ignoring me asking for my 7 day meter readings and another set kn the 25th and again saying do I want a blanket and the bill will be put kn a meter .

I just want my readings I've had electrician round he's tested it and said my consumption is so low the estimated bills are disgusting but again I'm still been ignored its like I'm going round in circles ... 
