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Complex Multi-Rate Meter & Heating types

Complex Multi-Rate Meter & Heating types
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Retired Moderator
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  • 465 replies
  • July 2, 2024

Hi @johndebs


I’m really sorry to hear this.


Did the team give a reason as to why we couldn’t accept your meter reading? It’s possible that this might be why we’re unable to refund you, as we’d firstly need an up to date meter reading to make sure you’re billed up to date.


Did the team mention any billing issues on your account? 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 43 replies
  • July 2, 2024

The ‘team’ were quite unhelpful & dismissive quite frankly. The reason given for not considering a rebate of some of my large credit & unable to accept any meter readings was the same old thing, special case of migration. Have come to the inevitable conclusion that OVO customer service & care is as awful as SSE was!

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 43 replies
  • July 8, 2024

Response from customer service/MD Raman - cannot refund any credit, cannot receive meter readings, cannot provide any billing & cannot send me details of latest my latest  tariff from 1/7/24 - all due to migration! What a setup!

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2015 replies
  • July 8, 2024
johndebs wrote:

Response from customer service/MD Raman - cannot refund any credit, cannot receive meter readings, cannot provide any billing & cannot send me details of latest my latest  tariff from 1/7/24


This can’t be right, and if this is really your situation, then OVO are in breach of all sorts of rules and regulations. When did you last receive a bill? It might help if you could share it with us (making sure to remove any personal information for your own privacy). A photo of your meters would be welcome, too.

You can see all OVO’s tariffs on this page


PS Raman Bhatia is no longer OVO’s CEOEnergy giant OVO unveils new chief executive 


Retired Moderator
  • Retired Moderator
  • 465 replies
  • July 9, 2024

Hi @johndebs,


I’m really sorry for the issues you’ve been experiencing, that’s definitely not the experience we want for our customers.


I’m going to have our Forum_Support team reach out to you so they can help you further with this. Look out for a private message here soon:

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 43 replies
  • July 11, 2024

You may not want that experience for your customers but OVO will not communicate with me or reply to several emails. They even still list Raman Bhatia as the CEO! He departed weeks ago & the new one, David Buttress has no obvious email address to contact like his predecessor! The Ombudsman is looming.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7875 replies
  • July 11, 2024

We have already raised the name change to the right team - just yesterday in fact. It’s being worked on.

In the meantime, my understanding is the Raman Complaints inbox at still works as-is.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 43 replies
  • July 11, 2024

Well they do not reply to emails!

Retired Moderator
  • Retired Moderator
  • 465 replies
  • July 12, 2024

Hi @johndebs,


I’m really sorry to hear this. 


This is currently with our Forum_Support team who’ll be looking into this for you.


  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • September 15, 2024

Asking for a friend, yes really. He is on Superdeal. Has 3 meter readings. Peak and off peak meter and a MPAN. Heating Energy Use meter has a MPAN. 2 people in a 2 bed house out all day. No storage heaters EVER turned on just 2 electric heaters when they need them. No hot water turned on EVER. they put dishwasher on a couple times a week. A power shower as and when. Summer bills Peak £250 + Off Peak £43 , Heating Energy use £73. Firstly can someone explain the off peak and heating energy use? I thought off peak is for instance storage heaters and water. NONE of which he uses. So what is the stored heat use? His yearly bills are hitting £6000+ we are are 4 people in 3 bed two doors down with OVO on economy 7 and use a quarter of that. Anyone have any thoughts what’s using all the flipping energy?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7875 replies
  • September 15, 2024

Hi @Tricko ,

We’d probably need to see photos of the entire setup to be able to offer much advice on this one. If you can provide that, it’d help a ton. Details on the tariff itself can be found at . It does a better job than I could of explaining this particular tariff. Long story short, stored heat would be referring to storage heaters and immersion heaters.

With that being said… Superdeal probably isn’t the right tariff for your friend anymore. Given that his Superdeal Meters are no longer supported anyway, it’s probably about the right time to arrange a migration to Smart Meters. This would allow him to shift to a tariff that’s almost certainly better value and I’m willing to bet will probably be much, much cheaper.

If he’s up for it, give OVO a call on 0330 303 5063 (Squad 70 is best suited for this particular request) or use Live Chat to request migration to Smart Meters. The team can discuss his options and figure out the best path forward. OVO won’t proceed without his explicit consent so he’d be welcome to just talk about it initially and have the notes saved on the account to come back to make a decision later if that’s what he’d rather do.

Please don’t wait too long though! As the deadline of June 2025 looms, we think there’ll be a massive rush to get the upgrades done.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 5 replies
  • September 26, 2024
Tricko wrote:

Firstly can someone explain the off peak and heating energy use? I thought off peak is for instance storage heaters and water. NONE of which he uses. So what is the stored heat use?


The stored heat is for storage heaters and immersion heaters, usually on an entirely separate circuit.  It only turns that circuit on at cheap times and it’s billed at different rates and usually on a different “meter number” (MPAN) to ordinary usage.  It USED to be far cheaper than off-peak, nowadays it can actually be more expensive and it’s largely pointless unless you’re at home 24/7 (e.g. housebound, etc.).

Peak and off-peak circuits are always switched on, their pricing just changes during the day.  Heating circuits are NOT (unless you manually press a boost button or similar).


Tricko wrote:

His yearly bills are hitting £6000+ we are are 4 people in 3 bed two doors down with OVO on economy 7 and use a quarter of that. Anyone have any thoughts what’s using all the flipping energy?

That’s a ridiculous amount of energy and I would guess he has a water immersion heater and/or storage heating that’s always “switched on” but that the heating meter controls, and he doesn’t realise it.  So he’s boiling up the water heater every time the heating tariff turns on, whether he needs it or not.


I moved into a house with the same, and I had all the heating ripped out and just replaced it with convector heaters.  My normal rate is actually cheaper than my storage heating rate, and I only care about heating when I come home from work, not throughout the day when I’m not at home.

I’m also changing the immersion heater for an instant hot-water heater because I really don’t need to be heating hot water throughout the night, having one quick shower, and then letting it get cold throughout the rest of the day until I get home when I have to heat it up again.

Usually the heating circuit will have a separate fusebox (consumer unit) for it.  You can switch it off and see what circuits goes off and whether that reduces his bill.  I imagine he’s got the water/heating devices themselves “turned on” but doesn’t know that because they are only actually powered late into the night.


I currently live in the north of Scotland and rent a house which is currently on the THTC. tariff. Ahead of the planned radio tele switch shut down next June, I have been contacted by Ovo to book a smart meter fitting to replace the current meters.

I believe that I will need to move to an economy 10 tariff with the smart meter installation, this being the closest tariff to the THTC heating charge-up schedule.

I would be very grateful if anyone who has any experience of economy 10 and storage heating could share their views on the following questions.

  1. I think I may need to install an immersion heater timer, as I don't believe we will want 10 hours of water heating for our needs (I do not believe THTC tariff heats the water for as much as10 hours). Am I thinking right here please?
  2. Secondly, we have the very earliest Dimplex storage heaters in our property. They tend to give out most of their heat simultaneously with charging up i.e. they aren’t great at storage of heat. I am concerned that they may not be best suited to the rigid economy 10 charge up times, mainly because the gap between the end of the early morning charge up (4.30 a.m to 7.30 a.m.) and the start of the early pm charge up (1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.) is six hours. Last winter our THTC tariff boosted the heaters until about 10 a.m. in the morning on very cold days, and it really helped.

I wonder perhaps that having more up- to- date storage heaters such as ‘quantum’ heaters may be advisable with economy 10? 

Any experience with old storage heaters, water heating and economy ten would be most welcome and thank you if you can share this.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7875 replies
  • September 30, 2024

Hi @ElectricLadyland ,

I can call on @BPLightlog @Nukecad and @Firedog for part of this - they’re more experienced than me at the number crunching!

But Economy 10 does split things up so you get a couple of top-up boosts during the day - it’s not a single 10 hour continuous charge overnight! :)

Bear with us, more replies are on the way!

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 7 replies
  • September 30, 2024


I am currently going though the process from THTC  to E10/smart metre being installed 7th Oct.  I also have a few old storage heaters.

I believe the change will only involve a metre change. The timings given by OVO are I understand a guide and should in theory remain as they are as OVO has no control over the E10 timings, they are controlled by the grid/power producers. I too in some of the colder days notice my HTHC timings on occasions to operate outside of the published HTHC timings in very cold weather. As you will notice in the past normally weather timings of THTC switched on/off near the published time but not always on the dot, give or take 30 mins. 

The side benefit from the change is that when the E10 is on, the whole property benefits, all sockets, at the moment only the heating and hot water comes live using HTHC. So plan heavy use appliance use around E10, washing machine etc to save a little.

I have added wifi spurs/timers to my Storage heater and water heater, so turn on off during THTC/E10 as needed and are not always on during THTC/E10. . I changed some of the old storage heaters to WiFi controlled heaters. This allows me to warm up rooms using only when needed with the THTC/E10. As you say the old storage heaters do not store any heat for a long time. If I could afford it I would change the whole system to a wet radiators/heat pump, but  the whole house needs piping for radiators and the amount of work to install then redecorate the whole house is way outside my budget, even after the Heat pump grant, as I qualify for no other benefits.

In short apart from changing the metre, not much else should change in timings, with benifit of E10 use to all sockets.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2015 replies
  • September 30, 2024

I don’t think I can add much, I’m afraid. There are just so many variables, like

  • the number, size and type of the night storage heaters (NSH). If they’re set to charge for three hours before 07:30 and again 13:30 - 16:30, that might work.
    Mine are rated at 3kW, and they take 3 hours to get hot. Sadly, though, they’ve run out of steam by mid-afternoon (I’m on Economy 7, so no daytime offpeak slots). I’m sure a 13:30-16:30 boost would help a lot. 
  • The size of the hot water tank and how much hot water you need each day. Many of them have two elements, one at the bottom and the other near the top. The bottom one would be live at offpeak times, the other always live, so it could be switched on for a peak-rate boost if someone uses all the hot water before you’ve managed to wash up. In any case, it would be a good idea to fit a timer switch to manage it. 
    My own tank is at 210 litres far too big for little me; if I leave it to heat up during the night, it takes about 2½ hours and uses 7.5kWh at cheap rate. It provides enough hot water for two or three days, although it wouldn’t stretch to a third (hot) bath. 
  • The late evening offpeak slot would allow you to use extra direct heating (panel heaters, convectors) to maximize comfort before bedtime. 

If you’re currently on OVO’s THTC tariff, you should find that your heating would be only marginally more expensive. Your other usage, though, would be at a lot lower rate on E10 than on THTC. If you have a friendly neighbourhood electrician, he may be able to advise, and quote you for fitting a £20-30 immersion heater time switch.

Any more questions, please ask!

Hello, many many thanks to all of you for your very thoughtful comments, I appreciate you taking the time to write these replies.I think I will aim to get a water tank timer fitted and persevere with my landlord to try to upgrade the old storage heaters.

Once again, many thanks to you all!

Community Manager
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  • 2572 replies
  • October 1, 2024

Hey @ElectricLadyland,


Welcome to the OVO Online Community,


I’ll ask internally & see if I can add anything to what Firedog has already said.


We have a helpful forum topic you may find interesting:




Community Manager
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  • 2572 replies
  • October 1, 2024

Our expert was very happy with your response @Firedog! 🙂


They just wanted me to add clarity that the Economy 10 times are rigid and not controlled by the grid @ElectricLadyland 

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • October 1, 2024

THTC versus Economy 10

I am currently on THTC I have Quantum heaters. I can set the on / off times and am happy with the way they work, the cost of running them enabling me to have the house at a constant 21c.

With Economy 10, I cannot choose the times for when I’d like the cheap rate to be when I need the heating on in order to maintain a constant 21c. I see little benefit in having cheap rate when I’m in bed, why are OVO going back to the 1970’s? Are Economy 7 & 10 the best options OVO can offer their customers?

I have a pre payment key and one single meter, which OVO are replacing with a smart meter on Thursday. I really don’t know if I have to set my heaters to come ONLY within the lower rate hours, or leave them as they are and risk paying full rate for the electric they use, and I’ve no timer for the immersion water heater. 2 switches, one cheaper rate and one if I need it on outwith the cheaper rate (Direct)

Someone help me as I’m really struggling to understand everything and what impact it will have. Thank you

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7875 replies
  • October 1, 2024

Hi @Manderley ,

The new Smart Meter would do most of this for you, just like how the current THTC one does now. It will make sure the storage and immersion heaters run ONLY during Off-Peak hours. You’ll need to manage the others yourself.

E7 and E10 are basically the best options the entire industry can offer for customers like you right now - I suspect you won’t find many better options elsewhere tbh.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • October 2, 2024

Thank you @Blastoise186 

i don’t suppose you’d know how the auto boost would impact on cheaper rate / peak rate hours?

Also why is OVO giving me 5 hours off peak during the night when I don’t need my heating on as I’m in bed? Half my cheap rate allowance is useless, which means I’m going to have to use peak rate, but I can’t afford to.

I’m at a loss as what to do, I have COPD and should keep my house at a constant 21c, I think it’s going to be a choice of heating or eating. 😢

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7875 replies
  • October 2, 2024

If you have Storage Heaters such as Dimplex Quantum, you’ll need to charge them overnight and release the heat during the day as that’s how they’re designed to work - the extra top-up Off-Peak slots during the day allow a chance to recharge them at the Off-Peak rate to help see you through until the next charge. ALL usage during Off-Peak - not just heating/hot water - is charged at the cheaper rate, so you should use this to your advantage.

Auto Boosts done during Off-Peak are charged as Off-Peak, those done during Peak will be charged as Peak. As you have Dimplex Quantum, you do have the option to run the Boost function on individual units without needing to flip them all on at once if you just need to boost one of them.

I think you may want to look at the options at as well - there may be something that can help you.

The Forum Moderators have also been informed. Please wait for them to check in.

Retired Moderator
  • Retired Moderator
  • 465 replies
  • October 2, 2024

Hi @Manderley,


I’m really sorry to hear this.


It seems our forum volunteer has given some good advice here already. It may be useful for you to sign up to the Extra Support Package via the link that Blastoise has given. You might be eligible for some help.


You can find out more about the Extra Support Package here -


This topic might also be useful:



Hope this was helpful.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 5 replies
  • October 11, 2024

I had OVO on a radio teleswitch meter / tariff.  They came out the other week to change to a smart meter and Economy 10.

It has a set series of hours spread over the day (they differ in Scotland, I believe), and those hours are ALWAYS by GMT (so in the summer they are staggered by an hour).  There are 3 periods for mine, for example. 

The heating circuits will turn on in those hours.

The smart meter given will give you an hour’s warning when the tariff is going to go up or down and a little countdown to it (it doesn’t announce this, it’s just on the screen if you’re on the right “page” on the device).  This is I suppose the idea behind smart meters, that you think “Oh, the price is going to go up in an hour… I’ll put dinner on now” or similar.

I now have only two chargeable rates (peak and off-peak), and the water / storage heating only turns on when the Economy 10 times are active (and are charged the same as other off-peak usage).

It seems a LITTLE more sensible, but I still believe that storage heaters and stored water heating is a bad idea in the modern age unless you’re trapped at home and absolutely on the lowest budget necessary (and prepared to survive a little cold, especially in Scotland!).

I replaced my storage heating entirely (so I basically just have peak/off-peak and convector heaters given that I have no gas supply), and I will be replacing my stored hot water when I can (probably not this winter by the look of it).

From what I can tell, Economy 10 and a SMETSv2 smart mater is far easier to transfer to other providers, too.


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