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OVO have lost my FIT account!?

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Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2566 replies
  • January 8, 2024

Hey @mshealey,


I’m sorry to hear this, 


I’m not sure what the next steps are if a supplier isn’t able to deliver the Ombudsman remedy. It seems you have now been passed to a team that deal exactly with that.


I hope this gets sorted for you. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • January 8, 2024
mshealey wrote:

A quick update to say that OVO have mailed us to say they will not have set up our FIT account or paid us within the time frame set by the ombudsman. They have refused to give us any information about why there is a problem, what they are doing about it or a time plan for when we might get paid. 
On Wednesday our case will be passed to a new department which handles complaints which are outside the ombudsman date. 

Hi @mshealey have you let the Ombudsman know?

They can follow up with a supplier on your behalf.

The 28 days suppliers have is legally enforceable. I wouldn't recommend it apart from extreme cases but you can take ovo to court to enforce the ruling and the court will undoubtedly find in your favour. I would personally not do that in this case and ask the Ombudsman to follow up.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 28 replies
  • February 1, 2024

So 1st February and no payments yet received from OVO. They haven’t even paid us the £75 compensation agreed with the ombudsman. They manually calculated some of our payments on January 5th and said they would send out cheques. Now they say the cheques will arrive in mid February. (Our ombudsman agreed date was January 10th).   Have we got more chance of winning the lottery than getting paid by OVO?

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2566 replies
  • February 2, 2024

Hey @mshealey,


I’m sorry to hear this,


We have to accept the Ombudsman decision, I advise getting in touch with them:



Were you assigned a specific complaints handler? If so, it might be worth emailing them as well advising the Ombudsman remedy hasn’t been applied. 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 9 replies
  • February 11, 2024

Update on our missing FITS payment: I received a statement from OVO stating they owe us around £1300, which agrees with my calculations. They say they will pay us in four weeks. This does represent an improvement, but they have owed us this money since October. If I were a supply customer, I wonder how they'd react if I told them I would pay for my electricity in five months' time?

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
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  • February 12, 2024

I’m glad to hear there is some improvement, please keep us posted @MLOwen.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 28 replies
  • February 15, 2024

Hi all. Just to reply to Emanuelle

No progress to report whatsoever. The ombudsman is useless. Our representative does not answer his phone, doesnt expect OVO to do anything and when we press him, contacts OVO and reports back things like “OVO say your account fix is imminent”

Within OVO itself, we have a contact person, but she has no power to get anybody to do anything or to provide us with information.  She has assured us that we will get paid some payments in mid-February ( Valentine’s Day was yesterday lol) but she can’t  say how much  She also doesn’t answer her phone or emails.  Another member of her department told us we wouldn’t get paid anything until our account was set up 


We have asked several times about interest on the money they owe us from October but have not had a reply


OVO have still not sent us our “goodwill” payment of £75 awarded by the ombudsman in December.

So in short, OVO have not paid us any money whatsoever, they have not set up our account, they will not provide any information about what they are doing  

We have been trying to get this sorted since September (5 months)

The ombudsman is not doing anything to enforce their ruling  

We are very stressed 

Help anybody 






  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 9 replies
  • February 15, 2024

It's jawdropping,  isn't it. 

Have you thought about writing to the Money columns of The Times or Daily Telegraph? They are often good at sorting these things out. 

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2566 replies
  • February 15, 2024

Hey @mshealey,


I’m really sorry to hear this,


I’ll get Forum_Support to reach out, please keep an eye on your private messages.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • April 3, 2024
DesB wrote:
DesB wrote:

Hi again,

I had a response from the FIT team on 15th November that read:-


Thank you for your email. I can confirm that your account has now been updated to reflect the correct meter details. I've used your photograph to verify the meter and you will not be due another meter inspection until (2025).

Unfortunately our read submission window is closed so we cannot add your reading. We accept readings in March, June, September and

December. You can submit your reading/s to us between the first and last days of those months.

Thank you for your help in getting this resolved.

Kind regards

The FIT Team”

Whilst this sounded more hopeful, it still did not answer the original questions I had asked and for all I knew, could just have been confirmation of setting up a new account without any reference to previous readings. I have therefore waited until December when new readings were due before making further contact, which I have done today.

Once I got through, I explained all the issues to a very patient and helpful lady who took my December generation reading, re-took my export reading from September and confirmed that it was the final export reading, confirmed all the meter ID numbers, confirmed that they required no further information on our new installation to continue making generation payments, sent me details to allow me to set up my bank account to receive payments and confirmed they have details of the previous set of readings submitted in July. This now appears to confirm that the transfer from SSE has been completed successfully and that all my outstanding queries have now been resolved! I now await payment in February as final confirmation that all my issues have really been resolved.

Whilst it is good to report that the issues appear to have been resolved, it really should not have taken so long or been so trying. Apart from the email quoted above, I have had no other response to my formal complaint - I would have thought that I would at least have had a follow up to see if all my issues had been resolved.


Just as a further follow-up, this morning we received 2 cheques from OVO (in 2 separate envelopes!), one for the export element and one for the generation element of the readings submitted las t September. There was no statement or other explanation with them, but they did match exactly with what was due from those readings. Perhaps the statement will arrive shortly - it always arrived a couple of days after the cheque when we were still with SSE.

We were not expecting payment for the September readings till February, having previously been told that the submission window had closed, so it’s nice that payment has come through earlier. It seems to confirm that our issures have really been resolved. Thank you for all the advice we have received on this forum.

I should not have assumed that with the receipt of these payments that OVO knew what they were doing and had sorted the issues! On 4/3/24 I again spoke to OVO, chasing the payments for the generation reading submitted on 4/12/23, I was told that a payment of about £525 would be made within 2 weeks which would include the payment for the readings submitted on 19/9/23 (which we had already been paid by cheque). I told OVO this and that our payment should only be £176.90 for the December generation readings.

Having heard nothing by 19/3/24, I phoned again to chase payment, only to be told that the support agent had tried to phone back after the call on the 4th. The call had not been answered, but no message left or any other furthe action taken. Apparently, before payment could be made, a meter inspection was required. Upon seeking confirmation that this was for the generation meter, I was told it was for the export meter - I had opted out of export payments on 19/9/23! OVO admitted they had the email I had sent confirming this, but had not actioned it. The agent raised a complaint on our behalf.

On 22/3/24 I received a statement from OVO for a payment of £653.88, comprising the generation payment of abot £350 for the readings submitted 19/9/23 (already paid once!) plus an export payment of just over £300 for readings off our export meter (correct serial number on the statement) for export from 1/7/2016 to 31/3/2017 - the current import/export meter with the serial no. as quoted was only installed in mid 2023! This payment duly arrived in our bank account on 26/3/24. I spoke to OVO on both the 22/3/24 and again today. On neither occasion have I been able to get any sensible answers as to what is going on. 

I am currently transferring my FIT registration to Octopus, having totally lost patience with OVO. I reckon I am due about £307 for the generation readings submitted in December plus the geneation up to the reading submitted for Octopus to take it over. Whilst at least we have been paid more than we are due, it is not good having cash sitting in our account that does not belong to us. I just want to get it sorted and get OVO out of my hair.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 9 replies
  • April 3, 2024

Sorry to hear you are still having so much trouble. We were finally paid what we were owed, just before the four weeks were up. For what it's worth, Eon are paying us within a week of us submitting our readings! 

This is goodbye and good luck from me!

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 28 replies
  • May 21, 2024

Hi all

Just to update you on our case. OVO have still not paid us, and are refusing to talk to us or sort anything out. They are also refusing to talk to the ombudsman.  

To recap OVO lost our FIT account when they transferred it from SSE in August 2023. They refused to do anything about it so we had to go to the ombudsman. The ombudsman man told OVO to set up our account and pay us by January 10th 2024. They didn’t

Only after intervention from this forum, (for which many thanks) OVO  finally registered our account on 23rd February and paid us around 10% of what they owed us.  

They told us that they would pay the outstanding balance with our FIT payment in May.  They haven’t.  And we haven’t had a May FIT payment at all. When we got in touch with the FIT team  at the beginning of May, they said it needed to go to their back office and we would get told what was happening in a further six weeks. After all we’ve been through to get this far, we could cry.

In February they  signed off our case with the ombudsman as complete.  The OVO complaints team will no longer talk to us because they say the case closed. We went back to the ombudsman who has told them their remedies are incomplete Guess what OVO is refusing to talk to the ombudsman  The ombudsman has escalated it to a more senior member of staff. But seems to be making no progress 

What on earth can we do next?  Please help

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • May 21, 2024

I thought our experience with OVO was bad, but it's nothing compared with yours! Perhaps taking them to the small claims court could provide a route forward? They really deserve to have a winding up petition issued against them, but the costs of that make it a non-starter!

Our own issues with OVO still have not reached a conclusion. Today we received a notification from them that they have failed to resolve our complaint issued on 19/3/24 within the required 8 weeks and advising that we could now take it to ombudsman. Our transfer to Octopus appears to be operating fine now - Octopus are reading our smart export meter daily and have advised that the FIT generation is live with them, so as OVO have overpaid us (as have Scottish Power for the few months we were with them for SEG export payments due to them taking the start meter reading as 0 instead of the value we gave them), we will just leave it to OVO to get their house in order - I have given them all the information they need to sort it out. If and when they come back and ask for us to refund any money, we will decide then whether to do so, and over what timescale!

Good luck with your saga - hope it gets resolved soon!


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