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Our electricity was cut off with no prior notice !

  • 9 December 2023
  • 39 replies

I’ve been with BOOST / OVO for years, first as pre-payment, then on credit.

A couple of years ago, when I asked for the meter to be changed from Prepay to Credit, I was told it was not a problem, but the new account would now be an OVO account.

The switch happened, and my Smart Meter changed to Credit mode as I expected. Everything just worked, smooth as silk !.

So smooth, I totally forgot about it. I wasn’t asked for a new DD, the payments were still going to BOOST, and that’s how it has been for the last two years. The latest DD was on 4th Dec.

Last month I decided to switch to a new supplier for electricity. This is the same supplier we  already get our gas from. 

I contacted the new supplier, and it all went through OK. Switchover date was set for 24th Nov.

24th arrived, and went, and my supply just carried on. I viewed my dual fuel account on the web, and it showed the electricty switchover as ‘in progress’.

I phoned new supplier, who said to wait, as it might take a few days to show up. It still showed ‘in progress’ last week, so I phoned again, and was told they would look into it.

This morning, Sat 9th Dec, at exactly 09:00, our power went off.

Saturday morning is not a good time to contact suppliers. I set my wife to contact the new supplier, and I tried to contact BOOST/OVO. I got through first, and found that BOOST/OVO had the ability to turn me back on. The lady I spoke to did that, but was unable to tell me why I’d been cut off. I will wait till Monday before I dig into this further.

Cutting off power with no notice is not good !. Luckily we were at home today, if this had been next Saturday we would have been out all day, only coming home at about 8pm to a cold dark house.  We are on the PSR, but that didn’t seem to matter.

Sorry for this to be such a long post, but I wanted to show the full story. I would not be posting here we had been given notice, because then it would have been our fault.

e Edit 13:06 - Removed a lot of whitespace ]

39 replies

Userlevel 7

I’m glad to hear your switch is progressing @Buzby, it sounds like there have been a few stressful account related issues you’ve experienced. 


It might be worth speaking to a Boost agent on chat, that way you can send them this link to the Forum. That way you won’t need to explain yourself again:

The power to the above property has been cut off, with no prior notice.  

Our belief is that OVO (formerly  SSE) are the electricity supplier.  If that is the case, please explain why the power has been cut off, and what steps need to be taken to reinstate it?. *edited by moderator*

Kind regards,

Nigel *edited by moderator*

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hi @nkallen553 ,

In the first instance, please call 105 for all electricity failure issues. Your DNO may be able to explain what happened and how long before power is restored.

Also, are you Pay As You Go or Pay Monthly? I can help with diagnostics as a forum volunteer, but which type you’re on will change the path I go down.


Hi, Blastoise186,

The account was pay as you go, and assume it still is.


Userlevel 7
Badge +1

In that case, are you sure you’ve got credit on the meter?

Sorry, should have said we not on a payment meter.  We get regular bills that we pay by card etc.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Are you still off-supply? If so, please call 105 and your DNO can help.

I have phoned 105.  The problem is not with the supply to the meter but rather with the supply after it.  Therefore, has OVO disconnected the supply?  The house has been unoccupied for some time.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

I see.

Please post photos of the meter, I can help you check. OVO UK doesn’t disconnect empty properties and I’m not aware of any UK supplier that does so. If this was OVO Australia, that’s a different story where empty properties do get disconnected and I’d signpost you to their support team, but I don’t think you’re currently 3,000 miles away from the UK.

You probably self-disconnected for running out of credit on the meter. That’s the most likely culprit.

Userlevel 6

Hi @nkallen553 


Sorry to hear about this.


Blastoise186 has left some really good advice here.


If you’re still not back on-supply, I’d suggest getting in touch with the Support Team so they can assist with this.

Userlevel 2

I’ve not posted on this thread for a while, and now it looks like nkallen has taken it over, so let’s get it back on my problem.


To re-iterate, back in December my electricity was cut off with no notice. I got it back on within an hour by phoning BOOST.

I tried to find the cause of the cut-off, and lots of volunteers on here put in their tupennyworth, but none actually related to what my actual situation was.

I went on the chat for hours, but still no explanation. I did try to discover the root cause by myself, but got my hand slapped for being nosey.

It’s been months now, and I’ve still not had a definative reply from an official source as to what caused the meter to cut my power off.

The explanation will require input from both BOOST and OVO, and probably ENW, so I don’t want anyone on here guessing what they think it is. I want a definative answer, the results of a RCA compiled into an email.

Please arrange for this to happen.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

That won’t happen here. As we’ve probably mentioned… No-one here can access your account and we are NOT Boost. For anything Boost related, you’ve gotta go to Boost - not OVO.

Please see for your options.

If you are with OVO, then it’s that you want.

We cannot process complaints via the Forum, because no-one here is allowed to do that.

It is probably also worth mentioning that once a faulty meter is replaced, the old one gets disposed/destroyed and that’s the end of the road. No RCA is possible after that and it’s usually not worth doing for anyone but the original manufacturer. Chances are the RCA would only be useful to them and no-one else.

Unless it’s a model that’s currently actively deployed, it’s not worth doing at all.

Userlevel 2

If no one here can access my account why did I get a PM from Forum_Support asking for my name, address, and account number ?.

Have I been hacked ?

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

No. Forum_Support is a sub-team that links into OVO’s Support Team. They are the only ones who can assist. With that being said, they are some of OVO’s best agents. You should talk with them about anything else.
