Hi, I had my RTS meter replaced with a smart meter in December. I wasn’t aware it would cause my fuse box to trip for as long as I’ve been told (6 weeks as per the time given for information to be updated), I was under the impression this would last only about 48 hours. A week or two after it was fitted I asked OVO support about the fuse box tripping, and was told I’d have to wait the 6 weeks. It flips 10-20+ times a day, but the issue is that my heating system takes so long to heat up that my house is sitting at about 13-14C, and I’m a disabled person. This is causing me a lot of pain on top of the expected annoyance at the inconvenience. I’ve also had my computer shut down while writing, losing anything I’ve been working on that hasn’t been saved- which is more of an inconvenience but I’m afraid it’ll mess up my computer eventually as the flips are quite unpredictable. It also makes cooking, and showering, difficult at times. Has anyone had experiences with asking for help with the waiting period? Can it be sped up for disabled people or is it all automated? Thank you so much!
edit: I spelled priority wrong in the title, apologies