Updated on 05/02/2025 by Bradley_OVO:
If you're a customer on Pay As You Go, we've created a new space to answer questions about OVO's joining, home moving, and leaving process.
Moving in
One of the most important things to remember when moving into a new home is to take meter readings. You can note these somewhere safe or photograph them with your phone. Remember this step: if the property has a smart meter, it automatically sends us a reading. Otherwise, you'll use an estimated reading until we get the first one.
If OVO already supplies your new home, contact us, and we can arrange to open the account at your address. If you had an OVO plan at your last address, we'll close that account for you and open a new one at the new address. If you’re not sure who supplies your new home, use our guide to find out. And if your meter isn't with OVO, but you'd like to join, you can switch to us.
We know moving is busy, so get in touch when you can via online chat or phone, on the move day or afterwards. Please have a few details ready so we can help you quickly.
We'll ask you:
the date you moved in
for meter readings from your move-in date
the complete address and postcode of your new home
if you'd like a smart meter, if there isn't one already installed
We'll email you a welcome pack with everything you need to know about your rates and how to top up. If previous residents left any top-up keys or cards, please throw these away. You'll need to top up using the details we send you, as they're linked to your OVO account.
Here's the online top up portal page for OVO Pay As You Go customers with a smart meter.
For OVO Pay As You Go customers with a smart meter, here’s a link to download our app for Android.
For OVO Pay As You Go customers with a smart meter, here’s a link to download our app for Apple.
Moving home
If you have a smart meter
You can tell us you're moving up to 4 weeks in advance, on the day or shortly afterwards. The quickest way to let us know is through our live chat service, or you can call us on 0330 175 9669.
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday 8am to 8pm
Saturday - Sunday 9am to 5pm
We'll ask you for:
- your move-out date
- your forwarding address and email
- final meter readings (if you've already moved)
If you'd like to take your OVO plan to your new home, we'll close this account and create another one at your new address.
Please take a note or photo of your readings when you leave the property. The smart meter should do this automatically, but it's always good to have a backup.
We'll sort everything using the details you provide and then email or post you a final energy statement within six weeks.
The statement will show:
- your recent energy use
- any money left to pay and how to pay it, or
- any money we need to refund (we'll post a cheque to your new address within 10 working days after your final statement.
If you have a traditional meter
Please note your meter readings or take a photo of them to be safe on the day you move out. When you leave, please throw away any top-up keys or cards. This stops any future residents from using your energy account.
We'll ask you for:
- your move-out date
- your forwarding address and email
- final meter readings (if you've already moved)
If you'd like to take your OVO plan to your new home, we'll close this account and create another one at your new address.
We'll sort everything using the details you provide and then email or post you a final energy statement within six weeks.
The statement will show:
- your recent energy use
- any money left to pay and how to pay it, or
- any money we need to refund (we'll post a cheque to your new address within ten working days)
Leaving OVO
We'll be sad to see you leave, but we'll do everything possible to make the transition smooth.
You don't need to make us aware if you're switching suppliers. Your new supplier will do this and submit the opening meter readings to us.
We'll use the opening meter reading from your new supplier to calculate your final balance, prepare your final statement and close your account.
The final statement will be sent to you within six weeks, and we'll email or post it to you.
The statement will show:
- your recent energy use
- any money left to pay and how to pay it, or
- any money we need to refund you (if so, we'll post a cheque within ten working days of your final statement)
Once you've left OVO, please throw away top-up keys or cards.
Finally, you can find some useful links below to anything you need with Pay As You Go:
Pay as you Go topic - Topic hub & how to get in touch
Smart meter video tutorial series
OVO Help Pay As You Go
Moving in
Moving out