PLEASE can anyone help. My father has an old property with two separate meters, one for the day rate usage and one which is linked to a timeclock for his Night Storage Heaters. We used to be on an Economy 10 type tariff with SEE (The actual Tariff was called Standard and Off Peak Fx). SSE discontinued this tariff just as they moved across to OVO. The Night Rate Meter was actually removed from the national database by SEE so that we were only paying for our daytime electric usage (and not paying for any of the night rate - night storage heaters). I probably should have just been dishonest and left it at this and my father would have had free night electricity forever more ! However, I raised a complaint with the Energy Ombudsman which raged on for 2.5 years. OVO then agreed to put us back on an Economy 10 tariff and re-instate the Night Rate Meter on the national database (as it effectively no longer existed!). Over a year later, OVO have conceded that they have no “billing platform” that will allow two meters to be put on one account and have set up two separate accounts, one for day rate meter and one for night rate meter, but we are being charged the standard rate of electricity on both accounts (i.e. no cheap rate for the night storage heater) and also charging us 2 daily standing charges. My father is 92 years old and I have been fighting this battle for over 3 years. A smart meter cannot be installed at the property. Does anyone else have two separate meters and a timeclock for night storage? Any advice would be gratefully received as I feel I am reaching another impasse with OVO. The Government has already taken away the old age fuel allowance and I refuse to pay the full day rate for night storage, when OVO do offer Economy 10 tariffs and am definitely not paying two daily standing charges for one supply !! THANK YOU
Two meters - One for Day Rate, One for Night Rate - PROBLEMS with billing and Economy 10 Tariff!
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