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So how did everyone think they did yesterday with the Power Move Plus?

I forgot to opt is so quite poor effort for me!


I did however try to avoid using energy as i thought i did opt in! 😂

My target was 0.1kWh, a fraction of yours! Interested to see what was achievable, I sat in the dark doing crosswords on my pre charged phone, with no central heating and the fridge freezer turned off. 

I reckon it has possibly earned me 18p max.

Guess what, I won't consider signing up to an event between 4-7pm again!

Did you manage your 0.5kWh target?

@GillO was yours from 4pm to 7pm? Mine was 5pm to 6pm and the first half hour I achieved 0.3 and  0.5 I think so probably the first half hour but not to sure about the last half hour.

The PM+event was 5-6pm like you. But my usage between 4-7pm is so low it doesn't matter which hour they choose between those times, I'll not be tempted to join in.

Perhaps they should choose 7-8pm when we all rush to put the kettle and oven on!!

Oops, giving them ideas.....

My target was 0.1kwh, and if i had only the basics on like overnight im either 0.03 or 0.04 kwh for half an hour.

So i had just that on, lit a candle and had a torch and did a couple of crosswords and just seen my daily stats and it was as predicted 0.07kwh for 5-6pm.  I couldnt have made it any less without turning power off completely.

Now await the email of what they will pay me. By my reckoning 9p! Its the principle of it, but would be interested on figures of what was saved for this hour drilled down to say 2kw and under in 0.1kwh targets, because i bet its our power conscious group that did it for very little reward. Anyone dropping 5kw over the hour is gaining £15 which is what we are earning for the whole weekdays in a month. I think a % target would have been better, particularly for low users.

@GillO 7 - 8 pm doesnt make much diff to me generally 0.06 or 0.07kwh for half an hr. I do my dinner in the middle of the day but that varies on which hour i have it. Like im just going to cook it now, whereas yesterday i cooked at 12.


I didn't bother opting in - waste of time. 

When do you think we can expect an email telling us how we did?

As I'm a subscriber to Power Move I've already reduced my electricity useage between between 4:00 and 7:00 pm to a minimal level. To be given a PM+ target of 0.2kWh reduction in electricity useage on one day and for one hour appeared to me to be akin to being a very bad joke. Nonetheless, and soley as an experiment, I signed up to it.

I turned off my central heating pump, my fridge/freezer, my LED lighting but kept my desktop computer running though with the monitor switched off. I don't have a laptop or smartphone. An hour spent in the dark and for what? A few pennies, that's what!

Checking my useage earlier today I saw that in the two designated half hour periods my electricity useage was 0.06 and 0.07 kWh. Given that useage, I can anticipate a reward of a few pennies.

Given that this is my first experience of PM+ I've really got to say that it gives every appearance of being a waste of my time and for very, very little reward.

I suppose that a lot will depend upon future challenges to be made but if they are anything like this one I shall certainly not being opting in to them.

So how did everyone think they did yesterday with the Power Move Plus?


I’m hoping I earned my 30p with a target of 0.1kWh:

 I turned everything off, then wrapped up warm and settled down to read with a little rechargeable LED reading light. I nodded off 😴 and didn’t wake up until 6:30, hence 0 kWh for an extra half hour.]

Because the page rounds figures to two decimal places, ‘0 kWh’ means ‘< 0.005 kWh’. 

I had such a miserable time of the 4-7pm power move last year (no heating, lighting etc and barely hitting my target) that I vowed I wouldn't take part this year...…

But, not one to resist a challenge, I thought I'd try again.

This time round, the heating is switched off just before the witching hour, along with the fridge freezer. I leave just one light on and potter around waiting with bated breath until normality is resumed at 7pm.

So far, so good but I'll have to wait and see if it's worth it 🤔

@Missbob although the peak hours are from 4pm to 7pm the power move is generally only one or maybe two hours. The most recent one was one hour only, so no need to shiver in the dark for all three.

Ooh, really?

How do I find out which hours they are. I assumed it was between 4-7 inclusive?

Regular Power Move (the £15 a month one) is 4pm to 7pm on Weekdays. Power Move Plus is dependent on whatever the email invite says - but you MUST opt-in every time or you won’t get rewarded.

You can stack both at once so double rewards are possible and fully permitted within the rules.

Thanks for this.

I'm only doing the 4-7 one so was a bit confused about the reply I got from Juliamc.

I really can't be doing with the other move as I believe it would be an impossibility for me to achieve.!

But all the best to those who do and do🤞

So how did everyone think they did yesterday with the Power Move Plus?


I’m hoping I earned my 30p with a target of 0.1kWh:

and didn’t wake up until 6:30, hence 0 kWh for an extra half hour.]

Because the page rounds figures to two decimal places, ‘0 kWh’ means ‘< 0.005 kWh’. 

30p by gum! Well done you 😄

30p by gum!!

Well done you ☺ï¸ðŸ‘

Hehehe, too easy!

Helps that I had a fire service exercise the previous day and I was just totally zonked out in bed all day. :)

And I guess my Ubiquiti UniFi kit is just that power efficient that leaving it all on - which I did - has no effect on the outcome. :P

Sorry @Missbob I was getting confused with the two different versions. Thankfully Blastoise knows what’s what !

A whole 27p! Don't  spend it all at once @Blastoise186 

Sorry but it's my opinion that these Demand Flexibility trials are currently targeting the wrong segment of the energy market.

@Nukecad I haven't had my email yet confirming if I managed to hit my target but If 27p is the outcome it doesn't give you much incentive to carry on. Im not bothering anymore it's a waste of time.

Meh, it’ll just stack onto my account credit for bonus interest reward anyway. :P

But yeah, it’s otherwise not particularly… Helpful...

0.2 kWh - FAILED

it's my opinion that these Demand Flexibility trials are currently targeting the wrong segment of the energy market.

I don’t know whether some illustrations would help understanding, but I’ll have a go anyway.

The bottom curve is my own average consumption throughout November, showing how I’ve tried to limit usage in the 4-7PM slot. The middle curve shows average GB domestic consumption on the third Friday in October. The top curve is the same, for the third Friday in November. Next month’s will be even higher.

Looking at today’s generation mix (where our electricity comes from), I see that at 17:30 (the middle of both the 4-7PM and 5-6PM slots we’ve been targeting), 90% of it came from fossil fuels, almost 15% of that from coal. 



If in midwinter, the top of the demand curve rises above available capacity, there will be power cuts. In any case, anything we consumers can do to shift usage away from the peak will benefit us all, if it means reducing the amount of fossil fuels - especially coal - needed to generate the electricity we consume. 

Which segment of the energy market do you suggest should be making these adjustments?   


Just received my email for Power Move Plus 

