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Looks like iay lose out this month

Hmmm. Funny how my newly exchanged smart meters have been sending reading just fine for a couple of months, but after signing up for Smart Move all of a sudden it seems no electricity smart readings have been sent since 1st November. Gas ones are there, and since the gas goes via the electricity meter I find that weird.


Interestingly my online account shows no electricity readings for the last week of October either but my bill says there was actual readings all month. All electricity readings up to 2 days ago are in Ivie however. Almost OVO are losing readings to avoid paying the credit?


Yes, that's paranoid, but honestly it gets you like that at times.

21 replies

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • November 7, 2023

I've been with OVO just about from its inception and I find they operate a very fair and open system .They have always been upfront with any problems I've enquired about and they definitely take some beating on the suppliers available  Always very competitive. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 279 replies
  • November 7, 2023

I had a similar problem for all of October, but I’ve got to reiterate @bradyrw sentiments, OVO have always been great at responding. 

However @GrumpyTrucker, following pointers elsewhere in this forum, I am currently looking into the possibilities of an API for managing smart meter data, such as  Sounds very interesting indeed!


  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • November 7, 2023

I lost out because 'my smart meter hasn't sent enough readings', yet my account shows readings for every day.

It transpires my meter wasn't set to half hourly readings which is needed for Power Challenge.

It would seem to be glaringly obvious that OVO would point this out when I started the challenge, or automatically set my reporting to that which is required.

There's no way to change it on the website or app, so I had to wait half an hour in an online chat for them to make the change. 

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 95 replies
  • November 7, 2023

It's just frustrating. I had my smart meters exchanged a few months ago because the electric meter disappeared off the system and stopped communicating. The difference the. Being the gas meter also stopped communicating. I had new meters installed (after a couple of issues) and they've been sending readings fine. Now all of a sudden my online account is showing no readings for the last week of October, but my bill says readings were fine as of 31st at least. And the fact I got the £15 for October must mean it was sending readings.

Now I've apparently had no readings sent for the whole of November so far, but the readings are in my Ivie account up to two days ago. So the meter was communicating with DCC until then at least.

Shame there's no way to reboot these things like a misbehaving PC.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • November 8, 2023

I had my smart meter put in before we became Ovo.  Never had a problem with mine in 2 years and I've only got electric.  I got a credit for this Smart Move.  Only issue I had with readings was during the switch from SSE to OVO when historical data disappeared.  

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  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • November 8, 2023
DWX wrote:

I lost out because 'my smart meter hasn't sent enough readings', yet my account shows readings for every day.

It transpires my meter wasn't set to half hourly readings which is needed for Power Challenge.

It would seem to be glaringly obvious that OVO would point this out when I started the challenge, or automatically set my reporting to that which is required.

There's no way to change it on the website or app, so I had to wait half an hour in an online chat for them to make the change. 

Anyone impacted vote for this


  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 65 replies
  • November 8, 2023

When my meters were fitted I was asked to choose frequency of the readings. Installer recommended half hourly to allow me better analysis of my use. Maybe you chose a different frequency? And, at that time was Power Move scheme anticipated by either party?

I had a few issues at the start but always found OVO customer service helpful and friendly and it was them that guided me to this forum which has been a revelation of great advice. 

I understand your frustration - been there more than once but it's not always the supplier's fault. Things sometimes go wrong, tech can malfunction, telecoms networks can fail and simple human error can occur.

Chin up fella, the world ain't perfect but keep going! Good luck.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 756 replies
  • November 8, 2023

When I got the email inviting me to Power Move it did note that readings had to be set to be half hourly.

So I logged into my online account and changed to half hourly readings myself with no problem.

It was on my laptop though, and just looking now on my phone I can't see where I might have done it, perhaps it's only visible/available if you are on a computer?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 279 replies
  • November 8, 2023

Hi @Nukecad I elected to change to half hourly as well in September, off my account pages, but when I checked for interest sake today, I couldn’t find the link either! 

I did notice the FAQ returned by the search “opt in to half hourly reading” still  states quite clearly that frequency preferences can be changed from the online account.


So something’s changed very recently…

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  • Community Manager
  • 1866 replies
  • November 9, 2023
Nukecad wrote:

When I got the email inviting me to Power Move it did note that readings had to be set to be half hourly.

So I logged into my online account and changed to half hourly readings myself with no problem.

It was on my laptop though, and just looking now on my phone I can't see where I might have done it, perhaps it's only visible/available if you are on a computer?


@Nukecad this is very interesting. I wasn’t aware that the self serve functionality existing for changing meter reading frequency. If it is, we’ll need to update our most popular feature idea:



Let me ask around...

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 756 replies
  • November 9, 2023
Tim_OVO wrote:
Nukecad wrote:

When I got the email inviting me to Power Move it did note that readings had to be set to be half hourly.

So I logged into my online account and changed to half hourly readings myself with no problem.

It was on my laptop though, and just looking now on my phone I can't see where I might have done it, perhaps it's only visible/available if you are on a computer?


@Nukecad this is very interesting. I wasn’t aware that the self serve functionality existing for changing meter reading frequency. If it is, we’ll need to update our most popular feature idea:



Let me ask around...

As @waltyboy confirms above, it was there in September but it seems to have gone missing again.

I was wondering if I was no longer seeing it because once on ½ hourly they don’t want you to change it back to less frequent.

There again it may have only been added/activated on the account page for customers who got the invite in September for what little remained of the summer PM?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2006 replies
  • November 9, 2023

Just to reinforce what Walt and the Cad have been reporting, I too saw the ‘change to Hh’ button somewhere - but I can’t remember where, and I can’t find it now. Perhaps because I pressed it …



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  • 1866 replies
  • November 10, 2023

I’ve also been told it’s in the app… this is getting interesting! 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • November 10, 2023
Tim_OVO wrote:

I’ve also been told it’s in the app… this is getting interesting! 

Be good to know what version(s) of the app.

The app has changed a lot recently.

I  have this

For example I can't see many meter readings on the app. Just one page.

I can see them all on the website. I can't remember if this is new on the app.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 95 replies
  • November 14, 2023

Had a call from OVO today about the email I sent. She had all my meter details, last reading date etc. According to the woman I spoke to my meter had been set to only send readings monthly which I guess ties in with the fact it stopped sending readings on 25 Oct, then sent one single reading on 1 Nov then nothing since then. She said she's altered it back to half hourly, but as of now - about 3 hours later - my account still says not sending readings. So I guess I'll lose out for November Power Move after all. Funny how it suddenly had its settings changed which can only be done from OVO's end after I signed up for Power Move 🤔🤷

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 279 replies
  • November 14, 2023

Yes @GrumpyTrucker you have my sympathy…is your HH gas reading still OK?  If so, that’s exactly what happened to me all during October, the electricity HH dropped out mysteriously on the first weekday of October with the minor difference that nobody in CS, nor I myself, were subsequently able to switch my electricity HH back again. Then magically it all reverted to normal again on 2nd November and has been fine since.


It is sooooo frustrating for you…if you explain again on the ‘phone to the nice CS people that you fear you’ve now missed out, you feel through no fault of your own, on the £15 November Power Move incentive, they may consider things afresh from your perspective. No guarantee of course, just saying it’s worth speaking to them, they’re very helpful….

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 95 replies
  • November 14, 2023
waltyboy wrote:

Yes @GrumpyTrucker you have my sympathy…is your HH gas reading still OK?  If so, that’s exactly what happened to me all during October, the electricity HH dropped out mysteriously on the first weekday of October with the minor difference that nobody in CS, nor I myself, were subsequently able to switch my electricity HH back again. Then magically it all reverted to normal again on 2nd November and has been fine since.


It is sooooo frustrating for you…if you explain again on the ‘phone to the nice CS people that you fear you’ve now missed out, you feel through no fault of your own, on the £15 November Power Move incentive, they may consider things afresh from your perspective. No guarantee of course, just saying it’s worth speaking to them, they’re very helpful….

Yeah the gas HH has been spot on the whole time. Still not got readings back in my account yet, so I don't know if it will only update at midnight. But if they're still missing tomorrow some heads may roll. Got an email about something called OVO Beyond too but that seems to need smart meter readings so couldn't sign up for the early access to that because.... well..... You know.


Getting very grumpy about all this now. The staff on here are fantastic but it's such a shame they can't take things up on our behalf without having to constantly email, chat, call, and spend half our lives on hold in one form or another.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 95 replies
  • November 15, 2023

@waltyboy Funnily enough I've now received an email from them saying they've been monitoring my smart meters and they aren't communicating correctly (Really? I hadn't noticed) and they can't fix it remotely and need to come out to look at it. No idea how that's going to work, since they don't seem to like doing Saturdays and we both work.

I still can't understand how, since the gas meter sends its reading via the electric meter, that one is still working fine but only the electric meter isn't getting readings through.

Anyway, since this has now moved away from Power Move I don't know if a mod wants to move it to a more general Smart Meters subforum?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 279 replies
  • November 15, 2023

@GrumpyTrucker oh well, that’s progress of a sort, I guess…at least they are aware and also they aren’t getting SMSL to automatically replace what sounds like a functioning meter.  Good luck with it all, I’d be interested as well as you to know why gas OK and electricity not?

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 95 replies
  • November 15, 2023

@waltyboy Well, I've called them. And funnily enough - despite checking my online account 15 minutes before doing so and it saying they aren't getting meter readings - when I was speaking to them and he checked my account and it's sending readings just fine. He confirmed that someone at their end must have changed it to monthly readings at some point and that it is definitely now back on half hourly. Maybe it needed 24 hours to fully reset after being changed back, who knows.

I asked about the Power Move for November. He said he'd look into it since it's not my fault, but can't guarantee anything regarding this month's credit. My guess is I'll lose this month.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 279 replies
  • November 15, 2023

@GrumpyTrucker Good for you for sticking to it and not giving up! And CS do their best to be helpful, at least it’s all up and running again now, plus you don’t have to worry about possible Saturday visits and all that.


And thank you so much for keeping us posted on the progress…all the very best of luck to you…


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