Morning All,
As the topic says, can I switch to a different energy provider if I still have an old meter MPAN attached to my household? Long story short, we are all electric here and were on a Superdeal tarriff migrated from SSE due to using storage/underfloor heating in a 1970’s terraced house with a three rate radio switched meter.
The new smart meter was installed in September 2024 and the old meter was removed. The new meter is sending reads to OVO as expected BUT all billing is on hold for the new meter and the old meter MPAN for the heating element of the old meter is still on the account when it should just be GONE like why is it still there!? I have contacted OVO about this more times than I have fingers for and its always the same old cock and ball story about it all being with the billing team and they have to review it and are aware blah! blah! blah! Same old thing!
What is reaaallllly winding me up is that there is seemly NO TIMEFRAME in which the billing team can resolve this all and we’re essentially being told to sit tight and it will all work itself out in the end….but in the meantime I’m left with a mass of credit on my account and all my bills being estimated.
The tin hat on it all is that I can’t use the smartphone app to monitor/manage my account due to the meter setup being complicated (when it shouldn’t be due to that old MPAN still being stuck to us!!).
Opened up a live chat today to check in on it all again for the hundredth time and chat got closed by the advisor before I could finish responding….surely the advisor could see I was still typing!?!
So yeah, just sick of being passed off each time and really considering leaving, but just wanted to query the above with people who are more in the know as I feel like I am getting nowhere on live chat and can feel my blood boiling more and more