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Is anyone from OVO is actually listening to my complaint?

  • 27 September 2023
  • 28 replies

Please can someone explain why despite the best endeavours of a senior complaints resolution handler, OVO is unable to get my smart meter working correctly. Having been promised a smart meter with E7 functionality to replace my previous dual meter (with E10 rates) and having received a new agreement showing dual rates the smart meter fitted 27 days ago on Aug 31st is still only showing a single rate and the the 5th port is not switching on during the off peak hours. This means I cannot use my storage heaters and have to rely on using conventional heaters at the more expensive standard rate.

In essence OVO have taken away one of my services and failed to replace it. (Not to mention the fact that my circumstances should class me as vulnerable).

28 replies

Userlevel 7

Hey @Firedog,


Did an agent every get back to you? I can get Forum_Support to reach out if that will be helpful? 

Nope, but Forum_Support did. I’m in good hands, I think. Thanks 🙇‍♂️

Userlevel 1

I can now reveal that after 35 days and much effort on the part of my complaints resolution person my smart meter is now correctly configured as a 2 rate meter and switching correctly in the night (albeit on GMT and not BST) with the correct unit rates. Ironically I now have turned the heating off as the weather is so unseasonably warm! If you do find yourself in the same situation as I was I recommend you ask to log a formal complaint and chase as often as possible until it’s taken over by the complaints team when you can then expect some progress. I certainly have nothing but praise for the person who took on my case. Just the back billing and compensation to sort out now!

Userlevel 7

Hey @Ovouser777,


I’m glad this has finally been resolved for you!


Please pop back if you have any further issues. 
