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Product Recall: AltHAN Devices

Plan Zero Hero


This is an important announcement. Please note that it has been written by a Forum Volunteer and is his personal views. This announcement was not vetted by OVO prior to posting due to the need to ensure your safety which takes priority.

What’s wrong?

@Blastoise186 has been informed by his industry contacts that there is a fault with the AltHAN Devices used in a small number of installs. The nature of the fault is that the device becomes dangerous if anything else is plugged into it. This ONLY affects you if you have AltHAN - if you’re NOT using this e.g. you’ve got a Dual-Band Comms Hub, you’re NOT affected.

The nature of the fault is that the Earth Pin on the Plug-Through Socket isn’t working properly. The device itself is safe as long as you don’t plug anything into the socket on the front.

What should I do?

If you have an AltHAN Device and you have anything plugged into the “plug-through” socket, PLEASE TURN THAT DEVICE OFF AND UNPLUG IT IMMEDIATELY. Once you’ve done so, please reach out to your supplier who can arrange collection of the faulty device free of charge and arrange another appointment to fully sort things out.

If you’re with OVO, you should have received a letter about this - the same is happening across other suppliers as well.

You can - and should - continue to use the AltHAN Device itself as normal in the meantime. Likewise, you may continue to use the other device(s) as normal, provided you plug them into another socket rather than through the AltHAN Device.

What is OVO doing about this?

OVO is sending out warning letters with a sticker and further instructions - please follow them carefully. As soon as an updated - fixed - version of the AltHAN Device is ready to go, you’ll receive a new one as a replacement free of charge.

What about other suppliers?

This is affecting all suppliers - the Forum Volunteers have received indications that all affected suppliers are doing the same or similar actions to OVO. Please ask yours if you’re unsure about what to do.

I’m not sure if I have one, can you help me check?

Sure thing! Please post photos of anything you have plugged into your power sockets that’s branded with Landis+Gyr and I’ll be happy to check it for you.

If you have any questions, please post them below and I’ll try to answer them if you can.

Thank you for your understanding.

16 replies

Plan Zero Hero
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  • June 11, 2024

Without commenting on the above, but to add to it:

What is an Alt HAN device?

Its a small device that plugs into a socket in your home to ‘boost’ the Home Area Network that your In Home Displays connects to.
(Think of it as being a bit like a wifi extender that plugs into a socket to ‘boost’ your wifi signal so it can reach further - the Alt Han device does the same kind of thing for the HAN signal).

They are generally only needed in large homes, or blocks of flats, etc. where for example you may be on an upper floor, and your IHD may be a long way from your smart meter.

For more information on how they are used click this link: :Using an Alt Han device with your Smart Meter

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 17 replies
  • June 15, 2024

When Ovo sent an engineer to replace my gas meter and set up Alt HAN he insisted on fitting two of the devices to ensure the HAN worked. I have received the recall letter from ovo but with only one warning sticker, I have taken this up with them and they refuse to send another warning sticker and asked me to go and buy one myself, of which I shouldn’t have to. I have questioned whether I will receive two new devices when the time comes, of which they cannot answer.

I have tried on various occasions to discuss my situation with them and it would seem they have no idea of the importance of this recall, I have now decided to leave ovo as the customer service isn’t what is used to be, let’s hope with me no longer being their customer they still accept responsibility for the faulty units.



Plan Zero Hero
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  • June 15, 2024

If you leave OVO, then OVO is no longer responsible for any of that equipment - that falls to whichever supplier you go to next. It’s worth noting that most AltHAN Installs only have one device however, I’ve yet to hear of any other cases where two were deployed.

If you want OVO to deal with this, you need to stick around until it’s fixed.


  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 17 replies
  • June 15, 2024

I find that most unusual being a safety related item to just pass the buck, how will the new supplier know if you have ALT HAN,  its the responsibility of the manufacturer through the Original Energy supplier who fitted the units to rectify, if this is not adhered to then units would not get replaced! 


  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 17 replies
  • June 15, 2024

This doesn’t mention the problem being passed on to a new supplier.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • June 15, 2024

It sounds odd to have two Alt HAN devices.
I do wonder if both are actually needed? Maybe (most probably) only one is actually in use?
Perhaps the engineer was trying/testing with 2 to find the best location, and then forgot to take one of them away?

it also sounds odd that they won’t just send you a second sticker - but I’m guessing that their records show that you have only one device as is the usual practice so they only sent one.

The support agents will have no real way of gettting another sent to you, they probably don’t even know who to ask about it..
It you/they could get hold of someone where the stickers are actually stored then I’ve no doubt they would just bung one or two in an enevelope to you.

Being practical here -
Just tape over the pass through socket on the second device so that you can’t easily plug anything into it withut removing the tape.
Electrical tape, duct tape, sticky back plastic, paper sticky label, whatever.
OK it won’t have a warning on it, unless you write one on, but you will know why the tape is there and anyone else will take it as a sign that socket shouldn’t be used. (You don’t tape over a socket for no good reason).

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 17 replies
  • June 15, 2024

That is exactly what I have done with tape, the problem there is it’s not the same warning as sent out by letter, so could be difficult to enforce liability in the event of an accident,my other concern is will they recall all the faulty units as it is looking likely I will be left with a faulty one, even if they insist on returning old units as they should do.

I did question the second unit on installation but the engineer was insistent that it stayed.

Plan Zero Hero
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  • June 15, 2024

Difficult to comment without knowing just why the engineer was so insistent, but as said that isn't usual at all.
Do you live in a large property?

Maybe if you posted photos of your meter and equipment on the backboard Blastoise186 may be able to see if there is something odd about your setup that might warrant 2 AltHan devices?

Other than that I'd wait until you get the replacement, and see if in fact you do only need one.

Community Manager
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  • June 17, 2024

Hey @Simon.p 


Following on from our volunteers this doesn’t sound very typical to have 2. It would be really helpful if we could see photos of the set up and I can even check this over with one of our teams when we can see more as to why.


If you could post some photos of the meter and it’s surroundings that’d be really helpful. 

Plan Zero Hero
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  • June 17, 2024

Thanks for the letter by the way, if you can also show me the other side, that’d be ideal.

Either way, please bear with me for about 10 minutes or so, I’ll update my opening post immediately.

^^ Done ^^

Let me know if you think further changes would help.

Plan Zero Hero
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  • June 17, 2024
Simon.p wrote:

(image snipped to avoid giant reply)

This doesn’t mention the problem being passed on to a new supplier.

That’d probably be because most people don’t have 2+ AltHAN Devices, nor would they leave OVO because of a product recall like this one.

As I’d mentioned earlier, OVO can only assist you while you’re still with OVO. It’d be the same story if you were with any other supplier - they can’t assist anyone who isn’t active with them.

If you leave, OVO can assist with things like your Final Bill, Final Refund, final debt repayments and matters explicitly related to closing your account down but otherwise pretty much everything else gets terminated e.g. booked appointments, active support cases, Winter Support Package items, complaints, online services, Charge Anytime, Power Move/Power Move Plus/Power Move Flex etc. Matters related to product recalls arguably fall into the latter category unless it relates to another still active service or it’s to do with a physical product you purchased like an EV Charger.

Likewise, OVO can assist you if you’re yet to join, but the support is limited to generating quotes, helping you to set up an account and giving some general advice about how things work but they cannot help you with anything that’s considered to be account specific (other than opening a new one).

If you choose to leave now, you’ll need to take up the AltHAN issue with your new supplier. I can’t 100% guarantee how they’ll handle it.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 17 replies
  • June 17, 2024


Community Manager
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  • June 18, 2024

Hey @Simon.p 


Sorry to hear about the trouble you’ve had with this.


I’ve been in touch with the team, and they want to help get this sorted. I’m going to reach out to you via private message so we can get this sorted out for you, look out for a message here soon.

  • New Member*
  • 1 reply
  • August 23, 2024

@Abby_OVO Hi all and Abby, I can see that this last comment seems to be 2 months ago 

I am extremely confused and concerned. 
I received a call from a number I cannot remember (I am autistic and was I a mental health crisis at the time) I do remember the person mentioning replacing my alt han bridge. We set a date. I wrote down. Even wrote down the number to call if I needed to. I unfortunately threw out this piece of paper which I regret massively now as … evidence right? So I call ovo and I explain this call the person on the phone says she can see no appt for me but will reach out to suppliers and get back to me about what date via email. She also mentioned they are quite quick to respond so expect and email soon. The email never came. So I called again the next day but the person then said the same there is no appt after explaining the issue he put me on hold for 30 mins and I had to leave for an appt for my mental health so I just hung up. 

my mother called as again I was struggling with my mental health and getting no where was clearly upsetting me more. She managed to explain the letter and the issue they said they would send someone. 
Today the engineer came and had no idea about the fire safety issue nor had he see the sticker on the front saying do not use. He seemed extremely confused as to why he was booked as he mentioned we are NOT replacing these yet. 
he took some photos of the letter and the plug said keep it plugged in but don’t use the front no fire risk. 

my concern is this seems so shady… OVO take responsibility before something awful happens. 


Plan Zero Hero
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  • August 23, 2024

Hi @Elliot1 ,

Please note that Blastoise186 is a Forum Volunteer. He doesn’t work for OVO

It was me who first alerted OVO to this, so I’m well versed in exactly what’s going on here. I have industry contacts who’ve been helping to keep track as well, to which I owe them my thanks. I have Autism myself so I can understand where you’re coming from - I can sense it in the post you’ve written and I’m sorry to hear of the trouble here.

As far as I’m aware, OVO was fine with me posting this alert - it ultimately helps them out because safety is a higher priority than basically anything else.

I can also tell you OVO were very rapid to take my warning seriously. As soon as OVO saw this thread the morning after it was posted, they were straight on the case in a heartbeat.

The device itself is safe to use as long as you don’t use the Plug-Through Socket as the current one can’t safely deliver the full 13A that it’s supposed to be capable of doing. The replacements have the extra parts in them which will allow that.

The latest info is that the upstream manufacturer isn’t ready to replace them just yet and the new stocks are still in the pipeline so OVO doesn’t have any right now. You’ll get an update directly from OVO - and here on the Forum - once the new devices are ready to deploy.

One of my contacts at OVO has also been watching this thread and saw your comment. They don’t reply directly, but have asked me to recommend you sign up for the Priority Services Register if you haven’t already done so. Autism is 100% on the list of things that qualify and this will make your life much, much easier. More details at or you can do it via OVO Support.

Let me know if you have more questions.

Plan Zero Hero
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  • August 29, 2024

Just to add to the above, we’ve had a chance to talk to one of OVO’s Engineers today.

We’ve had confirmation that L+G is definitely working flat out on getting new AltHAN Bridges ready to deploy, with a possible estimated first delivery of sometime early next year. Please don’t take this for granted though - it’s just an estimate.

We’ll keep you all posted.


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