I have been monitoring this situation for a while !
No matter when my boiler starts in the mornings OVO’s gas energy graphs/lists always show it starting half an hour earlier, OVO insist it’s my boiler starting up, I can tell you that’s impossible !
I know my smart heating system inside out and got very frustrated being fobbed off by OVO, so being an early riser I took it on myself to prove so.
At midnight for four days I turned the gas off by the lever at the gas meter,I also physically turned the boiler off at the switch, the following morning at 5.55am the gas was turned back on, at 6am the boiler was powered up,the graphs over this period still reported my boiler starting at 5.30am ! With an average of 1.49kwh used in that half an hour.
On further investigation the energy app “Hugo” is reporting the same (starting half an hour earlier)
With my evidence supplied to OVO they still insist it’s my boiler, 🤔 which is impossible, as is anything else using gas with it turned off.
The only thing that could throw some light on it is because of gas signal problems Alt HAN was introduced, at this addition a new gas meter was installed being a normal Smets2 with the electric meter being a dual band.
Banging my head against a brick wall