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Gas meter still not upgraded to send smart readings (Landis+Gyr G370)

  • 25 May 2023
  • 7 replies

Hi, I have been with OVO a couple of years now and had an Aclara SGM1411-B meter installed after joining which sends electricity readings to my IHD and online no problem.  However it has never worked with my gas to send readings automatically, and I think I was told at the time this was due to my gas meter being SMETS1 (Landis+Gyr G370) but it would be possible in future after a remote SMETS2 upgrade.  From reading online, it seems all of the SMETS2 upgrades should have happened by now but no change on mine still.  I have tried doing the upgrade check on the DCC site but it comes back with ‘we can’t find your meter’ (double checked numbers etc).

I still send my gas readings manually but would like to get the smart functions for gas enabled if possible, any ideas on how to get this sorted please?

My meters are next to each other in house wall boxes outside:



7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Gwyn50 and welcome to this customer forum. The SMETS1 upgrades are ongoing as far as I’m aware - they were due to be done by the end of last year but they missed that deadline. If your unit can’t be upgraded, then it would be swapped for a new SMETS2 unit.

Updated on 03/09/24 by Abby_OVO

Hi @Gwyn50 and welcome to this customer forum. The SMETS1 upgrades are ongoing as far as I’m aware - they were due to be done by the end of last year but they missed that deadline. If your unit can’t be upgraded, then it would be swapped for a new SMETS2 unit.

Hi, thanks for the reply… I saw this on the dcc website which says almost all dormant (which mine is as doesn’t send readings) meters have now been migrated, and they need to work with the suppliers to complete the remaining ones.  So is this something OVO can check for mine to get processed?

Also, does the update get sent directly to the gas meter? Is the Landis+Gyr g370 capable of receiving it directly or does it go via the WNC hub above my electric meter?  Because the ‘gas’ light is off on that so it doesn’t seem to be connected to my gas meter.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

That gas meter will never work. It's SMETS1 and the electric is SMETS2. You need to have the gas meter swapped out or a hotshoe installed. They're not compatible. 

That gas meter will never work. It's SMETS1 and the electric is SMETS2. You need to have the gas meter swapped out or a hotshoe installed. They're not compatible. 

Thanks for the reply, so it’s not possible to upgrade that gas meter to SMETS2 at all? or there is just no way to upgrade it in my current setup as it can’t communicate to receive the upgrade?

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Correct. That S1 gas meter cannot communicate at all with an S2 Comms Hub so it can never get migrated to DCC so can’t be upgraded.

The easiest solution is to have the gas meter physically swapped out for an S2 one.

Correct. That S1 gas meter cannot communicate at all with an S2 Comms Hub so it can never get migrated to DCC so can’t be upgraded.

The easiest solution is to have the gas meter physically swapped out for an S2 one.

OK thanks, is this something OVO should do for me?  I guess I’ll send a message to support explaining and ask.

Just to update, after chatting with support they booked an appointment to swap my gas meter for a SMETS2 model next month. 
