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Storage Heater not working after Smart Meter installed

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Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7883 replies
  • November 28, 2024

No worries. Just so you know, as a Forum Volunteer I’m only allowed to provide advice here on the Forum - we’re not allowed to touch your account/setup or visit you in person (sorry!). As good as our Engineer friend is, the same rules apply to him as well for complicated reasons. If you got lucky and had him assigned to handle a job you booked though, I can 100% vouch for how good he is! Unlike me, he does work for OVO though. :)

The other snag is that no-one from OVO can touch your setup if you’re with another supplier due to Industry rules. Sorry to be a pain, but it’s kinda complicated.

But I can definitely ask him to take a look at this thread if needed and ask for him to reply here to offer his thoughts if/when he gets a chance. That much we can definitely do if we need it!

However… My diagnosis so far remains unchanged. That’s a 25A Installation Contactor, sure. But it’s not the type that I recognise as being the one known to be installed alongside a Smart Meter of this type - it’s common to see Proteus 100A ones paired with an Aclara SGM1412-B for example, but that Crabtree one looks like it was probably there anyway. I don’t believe a Smart Meter Engineer can install those Crabtree ones like the one you’ve got.

And besides, it’s also not equipped with a 2A Relay either. :)

If the correct type was installed, you’d see one of these puppies near the Meter:

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • November 28, 2024

Thank you so much for your response. I appreciate it. It’s understandable why your you, your friend and OVO won’t touch my set up. 
Yes, the Crabtree contactor has always been there. 
Just a question though, but forgive me, I’m not technical like you— for my neighbours with similar meter as mine, I don’t see any external contactor (Proteus) next to their meters. Can the proteus and my Crabtree contactor co-exist?

Secondly, I’m guessing the very initial suggestion of ALCS doesn’t apply in this instance?

No engineer turned up btw. I just rang them and was told someone with come tomorrow; the job was wrongly booked. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7883 replies
  • November 28, 2024

I’m no electrician myself, but I learn a few tricks here and there. :)

Naturally though, given that I’m not a qualified electrician, you can rest assured I won’t be tinkering with any wires anytime soon.

From what I’ve read, it looks like they can co-exist fairly peacefully since Amps are pulled rather than pushed. As for ALCS and using ECAUL to reconfigure it, that can help if the issue is config related (and almost always does in those cases!), but I don’t believe that this issue is config - it appears to be physical wiring related instead so I’m afraid ECAUL/ALCS is unlikely to help. 2A is enough to run tons of LED bulbs easily, but definitely not enough to run any heaters - and I suspect the setup as it stands is currently only supplying 2A to the circuit your storage heaters run on, so it’s basically doing nothing because it is intended to trigger those Proteus relay units only - it is those heating contactor units that then do the heavy lifting.

I also think your previous meter (as in, the black one) powered the Off-Peak circuit directly based on the photos you’ve posted - and I wouldn’t be surprised if the old meter was powering the Off-Peak circuit directly. If I were to make a guess, I’d say someone just jammed that cable straight into the 2A Relay terminal on both Smart Meters you’ve had without considering whether it would actually work or not.

I can prove that too - with SCIENCE! XD

I just pulled down some data related to the Ampy 5184C and what do ya know! It contains basically the same terminal arrangements as the Aclara SGM1416-B - for which I happen to have the full user manual. Might not be located in the exact same order or layout physically, but we can ignore that since an engineer would just wire it up appropriately anyway. Both the Ampy 5184C and the Aclara SGM1416-B feature a Five-Terminal setup with an additional 2A Relay so are essentially identical for that purpose. My diagnosis is that if the Aclara SGM1416-B had been fitted in the first place, matching up all the Meter Tails like-for-like with the existing setup would have been a piece of cake.

By that very same logic, it probably won’t surprise you to know that the Aclara SGM1412-B is a Four-Terminal meter - Aclara’s naming/numbering scheme is sheer genius after all - which features a 2A Relay only. This is the one you’ve currently got and is the reason why it’s supposed to be paired with a Proteus Heating Contactor* to enable Off-Peak stuff to run properly.

*Other brands of both Smart Meter and Heating Contactor are, of course, also available.

Ok, gonna be honest with ya here. You can also use an Aclara SGM1415-B instead of an SGM1416-B if you just need a Five-Terminal Meter and don’t require the 2A Relay as well, but let’s just keep it to the SGM1416-B for now just to make things easy!

Phil278130 wrote:

No engineer turned up btw. I just rang them and was told someone with come tomorrow; the job was wrongly booked. 

Why am I not surprised…

This is one of those cases that perfectly demonstrates how powerful the OVO Forum is. While it’s true that OVO runs the place, provides the Moderators and pays the bills for it, everything else is community led and handled by volunteers. The fact we’re independent of the industry means we get to see things in a way that most people don’t. Kinda helps in some ways! :D

Mind you… It’s not like Scottish Power is a supplier I’d recommend anyway. Personally I tend to advise folks to avoid that supplier but that’s my opinion and your mileage may vary - although in your case it sounds like you’re probably not going to recommend them either. Mind you, I’ve encountered some of their sales reps in the streets before. Let’s just say it didn’t go well for most of them. But I did at least inspire one of them to quit their job and come do cool things with me instead. :)

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2561 replies
  • November 29, 2024

Hey ​@Phil278130 

Has your supplier re-booked the appointment? 

I’m so glad Blastoise was able to help diagnose this issue. I hope this gets resolved for you ASAP.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • November 29, 2024

Hi ​@Emmanuelle_OVO . I have just received a call from an engineer; said he’ll be here in 15 minutes. I’ll let you know how it goes. Thank you 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • November 29, 2024

Well, the engineer tested the wires coming out of the meter and said they are “live” so it has nothing to do with the meter (SGM1412-B) and said my issue is in my flat and tried to insinuate that it’s the Crabtree contactor I posted earlier. Bear in mind the initial electrical I called in came and put in a new contactor (he thought it was the problem at that time). After that didn’t work, he then told me to phone my energy supplier (this has been going on since October )
I showed the engineer today the suggestion from@Blastoise186 . He said the meter model don’t matter, as long as there’s power coming out of it. I also noted that those neighbours with Aclara, have the 1416-B below. I don’t know what to do at this point.


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7883 replies
  • November 29, 2024

Sigh… Just because there’s power coming out of the wire doesn’t mean there’s enough power coming down the wire. 2A is enough to run a lightbulb, not a heater - you want at least 13A for that.

On that SGM1416-B unit however, it’s clear to me that the wires in the front are running on a 2A Relay - the fifth terminal appears to be empty. But that doesn’t mean you’ve got the same setup in your flat as the others - they can change over time and lose the uniformity that may have existed at the initial installation.

At this point, might be worth getting a private electrician to do some checks. Make sure to keep the receipt/invoice too - you’ll be eligible to claim that back from your supplier if the electrician report indicates the Meter is the issue.


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