Will OVO install a smart meter for electricity only, if a dual fuel consumer does not wish to also upgrade their traditional gas meter? And if not, why not?
Presumably OVO billing is capable of handling automated meter reading for electricity, and manual meter reading for gas, does anyone know?
An advantage of having an electricity meter is to allow dynamic tariffs (e.g. time-of-day) going forwards. But that is not the case for gas, and that part of the solution is fragile or not possible if the distance to the comms hub is too large, along with a question mark of whether the gas meter can fail shut if the battery dies.
The call handler I spoke to at OVO would not book this installation on the basis that I am a dual fuel user. Is OVO really refusing to install smart meters on this basis? If so, I would need to raise a complaint with Ofgem, given that OVO customers are already collectively paying for smart meters via their bills.
I recently upgraded my parents home to smart meters, they are with a different supplier. That supplier had no issue when arranging installation or at installation time with us reserving the right not to have a gas smart meter installed (we did in the end, but it was our choice). I suppose I can just switch from OVO to this other supplier to get an electricity smart meter only. Disappointing for me as a long-standing customer after hundreds of reminders to get smart meters installed, as I thought until now that OVO was a flexible and forward-thinking company.