I have been taking part in the Ovo Power Move Challenge since the Summer, and have successfully reduced my energy consumption during peak hours most months to less than 8% of total consumption.
In early January I received am email from Ovo about the December Power Move challenge which said:
Your smart meter can sometimes stop sending us readings. It usually sorts itself out, but we need a minimum of 14 weekdays' worth of readings to work out whether you've hit your Power Move target. This time, we didn't have this information.
Unfortunately this means you won't receive a Power Move credit this month.
I have emailed a complaint to Ovo to point out that they actually received 16 weekday’s plus 7 weekend day’s worth of readings, and therefore they could work out if I hit the Power Move target (My peak use for those 23 days was actually 2.8%). Their reply again said that they only received 14 weekday’s worth of readings, even though the half hourly usage figures for 16 days can be seen on my online account. Ovo put them there!
Has anyone else been refused a Power Move payment even though Ovo have received sufficient meter readings?
i am already preparing my case for the Energy Ombudsman.