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I get that the idea is to lower usage overall, which is fine.

But I already struggle to pay my bills, and so I’ve already cut down anything and everything I can:

  • I use the washing machine once every two weeks, after 11pm
  • I shower once a week, as fast as possible, after 11pm
  • I’ve turned off the boiler completely
  • I use the oven once every 2 weeks
  • I have a single small light I use when it gets dark
  • I have a single small electric heater, which I use as little as possible
  • I keep myself warm at night with a warm water bottle and extra sheets, which is much better than heating or even a heated blanket
  • I don’t have a tumble dryer
  • Everything is turned off at the socket at all times, except for the fridge, the smart meter, and the doorbell

To make it worse, I work from home, so I’m home a lot. But also, where I live, shops close at 3pm, so if I do go out, it’s before that time - almost ascertaining I’ll be home between 4 & 7. Not always, but usually.

I’d love a £15 discount. I managed to get to 13.9% (out of 13.5%) somehow. But it truly seems impossible, I can’t think of anything else to cut down.

The only other thing I thought of, was to try and use -more- electricity outside of peak hours on purpose, but that seems counter-productive to the whole point? And it’s also risky, because if I then -don’t- meet the challenge, I just wasted money.

Sneaky Firedog. I  treat Power Move like a game so I like your thinking. My average has gone up a bit. This month I have been a bit more relaxed so my numbers have raised but remain at 7.94%. This still gives me the ability to play with the numbers as you suggest, I give it a go.

I work weekends generally so I have to do my washing and cleaning during the week. Doesn’t really help me save money. So, count me out of your little experiment. When you come up with a challenge that relates to people living in the real world then email me. Okay?

Hi @Justinmcc123 


Sorry you feel the challenges haven’t been worthy so far. 


I know others have struggled with all of the different challenge times so far on Power Move, while others have been successful, there are some who it just doesn’t fit with for a number of reasons such as already being low users. We do have lots of topics on similar themes of not hitting target and hints & tips:



If you have further feedback on timings for future challenges this is something we could pass directly to the Power Move team who are always looking at what might work for more customers and what challenges you’d like to see possible.

I managed to get maximum credit each month unitl July and I am barely reaching the lowest rate. Have I changed my habits no, have I bought a higher rating electrical device yes but I don’t use between 6 AND 9, have my bills gone up, yes cos I pay far more for SC than power. Hope the share holders are happy

@Sally123 Yeah same.  Had the full £15 or whatever every time.  Now July I could see things drifting and I’m currently at 14.2%.  No way I’m hitting that £10 target and it’s freeing being out of the game for a month or however long.  Sometimes denying yourself fun for £2.50 a week just isn’t gonna fly.

I’d be on track if only PowerMove would let me in. It settled down after a shaky start, and the effect of offpeak weekends is pretty obvious:


Although I don’t have a fancy graph my own figures show a similar trend to the ones there.

I also thought I might struggle with July's lower targets, and in the first week I was at between 7.5%-8% each day.

A bit of extra effort, extra restraint during peak hours, has brought that down below 7% daily now, and the weekends being included as all off-peak then brings it down below the 6.5%

TBH it hasn’t taken that much extra effort for me, just really making sure that I don’t boil the odd kettle or microwave/air-fry anything at all between 6-9.
Which I admit I would occasionally do before and is probably why I was at 8% in that first week.

I've now had the half-way email from OVO saying that I was at 4.83%.
It doesn't say what date they calculate that for but I'm assuming it's done for midnight at the end of the 14th.
My own spreadsheet says 4.94% for midnight on the 14th, (I’m using 2DP figures not 3DP, so that explains why mine is slightly higher).
Currently my spreadsheet is showing 5.36% at midnight of the 18th.
