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Smart meter isn't giving enough data for Power Move

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  • 0 replies
  • October 22, 2024

@Chris_OVO I wrote my last message a bit wrong. Today it's on track. I meant yesterday's last screenshot taken at 11:00 p.m. said “not enough data send.” The one before that was at 9:30 p.m. stating “On Track”

9:20pm Working.

11pm not working.

Today Working.

Just thought I'd clear that up.


Community Moderator
  • Community Moderator
  • 735 replies
  • October 23, 2024

@Kall thanks for sending this across i’ll also keep an eye on updates from you and share them with the Power Move team 😊

  • 0 replies
  • November 6, 2024

@Chris_OVO Well I met the £12 power move target at the end of October but it never got added to my account. Not yet anyway but it's been 6 days now.It usually gets added straight away. I know it's written elsewhere in this group that it can take up to 2 weeks but that's not something that's actually ever happened since I joined over a year ago.


Since I had issues with the new Beyond scheme at the beginning, it concerns me. Can you or someone enlighten me or look into it please?

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  • Answer
  • November 6, 2024

Updated on 07/03/25 by Emmanuelle_OVO:

Who can join?


To be eligible to join Power Move, you need to:

  • be an OVO customer and have your energy supplied by us
  • have downloaded the OVO app and unlocked Beyond
  • have a working electricity smart meter
  • have a credit meter
  • have a single rate tariff only (e.g. not Economy 7 or Economy 10)
  • have an active Direct Debit
  • have opted into half-hourly meter reads for billing (you can do this when you join)
  • have opted into half-hourly meter reads for settlement (you can do this when you join)
  • have an active email address

Charge Anytime, Battery Boost or Heat Pump Plus customers are eligible to join.

Please note: not all meter types and tariffs work with Power Move. This means customers with multi-rate meters/tariffs, like Economy 7 and Economy 10 can’t join Power Move right now.


What if my smart meter stops communicating?


To take part, your smart meter needs to be working and connected to the internet.

We need at least 14 weekday readings to calculate your monthly average peak usage. If there's a technical issue and we can’t get enough readings for more than 7 days, we may have to remove you from Power Move. 

See our guide to fixing common smart meter issues.}

Check out our website for the latest challenge information:,

Join Power Move today

Log in to Beyond to get started. Don’t have the app? Download it on iOS or Android to unlock exclusive rewards for free.

The Power Move prize draw starts from 1 February 2025, and the first draw is in March. Afterwards, all entries will be drawn the following month. To join, you need to pay for your energy by Direct Debit and have a smart meter set up.

Check our FAQs to find out more. Power Move terms also apply.

Hey @Kall,


I asked the team this morning if there’s any delays and this is an updated version of the communications made over the course of this month whilst they done some testing.


“Our consumption data collection and calculation process previously ran from 1pm each day, collecting consumption data from the day before. We've since identified that some data now doesn't return until later in the day, after the calculation process has been completed, so for the day before you may have been classed as 'no-data' and is why some of you may have seen in your progress update that we don't have enough data to calculate your progress.

We've now moved our process to run later in the day, and have been testing to ensure this pulls through as much data as possible, there will be some circumstances still where we couldn't retrieve any data for a genuine reason, however the tests have seen a dramatic reduction in the amount of customers with 'no-data' we've had so far in October.

At the end of October we will calculate rewards and look to pull through data from the first 2 weeks of October that have previously been flagged as not having any. We will only use this data for your end of month results if it positively impacts your peak %, e.g. you now earn a reward or go up a tier, if it would negatively impact your end of month results then we will honour the more positive result and reward.”


Basically speaking when they were collecting the data needed to calculate your Power Move data the system was running too early and causing some of the data to be missing. They’ve trialled a new time for collecting the data and seen a huge improvement so far. They’ll need to process payments this month manually which means a small delay until the credits arrive but it’s nothing to worry about. 


Things should return to normal in November with the process being fully automated and the feedback we’ve had from users has helped us make improvements that’s helping everyone. If you have any follow up questions let me know! 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 22 replies
  • November 6, 2024

The problem seems to have been solved - for me at least - as I eventually found a message on the power move section of the app saying I’d managed to hit target well enough to get the £12 for October. All this after more than 2 weeks of it saying my meter wasn’t sending any information despite every half hour reading showing up for those 2 weeks.

Hopefully it’s all fixed successfully now - I was beginning to lose my sanity & the fight with my grandson who insisted he could use the PlayStation if the readings weren’t working..!

  • 0 replies
  • November 6, 2024


Thanks for that Chris. It sounds like a tall order going through each customers record one at a time - though I doubt doing it manually doesn't exactly mean that? But either way I trust from your reply they know what's going in and will sort it.

The “Not enough date” issue was resolved by the second week according my own account/app with a reading of 2.2%. The end of month was 2.8%. So whether they use just the first 2 weeks or the whole month, it shouldn't make any difference there.

(Fyi It's such a low percentage because I go out for a 3 hour walk during peak period)

@solarrolar  “….. & the fight with my grandson who insisted he could use the PlayStation if the readings weren’t working..!”

Hah! If only. Just put a magnet on the meter.


  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 22 replies
  • March 18, 2025

Since the beginning of this month I have no idea what my power move record is. The app permanently says "not enough data to display" on the dashboard. I've looked at the usage page and it's showing me how much electricity has been used every day so why isnt there enough data to show me how many entries to this months draw so far?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 283 replies
  • March 18, 2025

Hi ​@Belinda5 I’m wondering whether the usage data you’re seeing in your usage page reflects your actual usage, rather than being a guesstimate in the absence of actual daily figures? For example, if it’s now roughly the same amount each day all through March and that bears little resemblance to your February daily usage figures I’d be a bit suspicious.


if it’s hour-by-hour figures you’re seeing, though, that is odd and points to some Power Move specific glitch.


Frustrating for you…but if your meter has stopped communicating with OVO, or they’re not picking up your figures somehow, good job you’ve spotted it; hope it gets sorted for you…

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 22 replies
  • March 18, 2025

@Waltyboy thanks. I can see hour by hour figures and it all looks right.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1071 replies
  • March 19, 2025

Hey ​@Belinda5 


The team would like to help look into this matter.


I’ve sent you a Private Message so we can gain some details, you should be able to view that here.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 22 replies
  • March 19, 2025

Thanks Abby, will PM you with the info requested.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 22 replies
  • March 21, 2025

So it turns out my smart meter isn't sending the data on time - 

" the team have had your results back and have let me know that they only had consumption data come through on time 5 days so far this month.

4.16 of the Power Move Terms If we’re unable to read your smart meter data for 48 hours after that specific day then that day won’t count towards your Power Move Target. That’s because we won’t have the data we need to correctly calculate your peak electricity usage.

This means you may see the data in their consumption but we didn't get it in time for Power Move, however we are getting it on some days."

That isn't my fault, is it, it's down to the smart meter. This 4.16 of the terms hardly seems fair when there's nothing I can do about it and when there hasn't been a delay until the beginning of March and prior months data were arriving on time.

Both Power Move and Flex have got ridiculous, if I can see the data why can't you? Both working against each other with Power ups during 5-7pm, a prize draw win if you are lucky. I give up. Not going to bother any more with either of them. Just not worth the effort if the data isn't getting through and when the two are so contrary.

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  • 141 replies
  • March 21, 2025

@Belinda5 I’m sorry to hear this is happening, I’d be really frustrated too.


I’d recommend getting in touch with our Support Team, they can get a case raised to our Smart Support team who may be able to run some remote requests to get the meters in better communication. Let us know how you get on.


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