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Power Move going into Beyond - New Challenge Information

Power Move going into Beyond - New Challenge Information
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Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 24, 2024
Lucky2 wrote:

sorry to ask again but what month does the winter power move start please 

The Power Move Winter Challenge starts on the 1st October. The targets have been made easier and the rewards increased to make it more feasible and viable for more customers who take part.

Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 24, 2024
EasyLiving wrote:

Quite reasonably Ovo aims for maximum profit, which includes being considered a ‘green’ company these days.

Power Move is all about profit. Ovo will make more profit buying and selling energy at non-peak times. It incentivises customers to use more energy at off-peak times, thus increases profits. That also demonstrates that it is a ‘green’ company, both objectives at very little company cost.  Two birds with one objective, little cost and effort.

Except that if you don’t win, neither does OVO because they don’t save either. In fact, if you do win it costs OVO more because they have to give you a slice of whatever their savings were.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 128 replies
  • September 24, 2024

@Blastoise186  so here's what I don't understand  it seems I can still take part in the Power Move up until the end of this month but for some unknown reason my meter on the 1st of October is suddenly not suitable for the Power Move anymore..

Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 24, 2024

The explanation for that is easy. The Summer Challenge is still active until the 30th September, which does allow dual-rate meters. The rule changes take place ONLY once the Challenge switches from Summer to Winter. Just like how OVO has never changed the rules mid-challenge so far, it makes more sense to apply new rules at the start of the next cycle.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 22 replies
  • September 24, 2024

I have been an ovo customer for many years & feel its unfair that this offer has been pulled for me. Is this not discrimination?

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 128 replies
  • September 24, 2024

@Vamatex me too. Can I ask did you manage to hit your highest target every month?

Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 24, 2024
Vamatex wrote:

I have been an ovo customer for many years & feel its unfair that this offer has been pulled for me. Is this not discrimination?

It is not. Under the legal definition of “discrimination” this does not qualify as it’s not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010. If it was over one of the protected characteristics, you’d 100% have a valid complaint for discrimination - but only if it’s one of them.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 22 replies
  • September 24, 2024

Yes, I hit the target every time.


Last week I was invited to power move flex. This week I'm kicked off power move because of economy 7 (which is obviously too new, having only been available since 1978).

I still have to manually read my smart meter to tell OVO my quarterly solar export readings. 

OVO's most promoted fix includes boiler service, something I had years ago from a different company before the regulator banned bundling them!

And the north east, the coldest area of England, has the highest energy cap rates and a problem with old poorly insulated houses.

If it were pitched as an idea for a novel they'd decline it as too ridiculous. 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 9 replies
  • September 25, 2024

Like others who have commented, I’m rather annoyed that my multi-rate meter, which was fitted by OVO, now makes me ineligible for the replacement for Power Move: Beyond.

I have always qualified for the monthly refund, and I wonder how many others here have also always reached their target? The cynical side of me thinks that this is an OVO cost - saving measure that some bright spark came up with in the Monday cost-saving meeting. They’re always pushing boiler service, and taking up an EPC assessment, and fixing the price (at a higher rate than I’m paying currently BTW) for the next year, all of which make extra money for them, but the only way we have to make a saving is now being removed.

I’ve always liked OVO, but this move makes me more likely to look for an alternative. Hello, Octopus?

Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 25, 2024
Essem wrote:

Like others who have commented, I’m rather annoyed that my multi-rate meter, which was fitted by OVO, now makes me ineligible for the replacement for Power Move: Beyond.

I have always qualified for the monthly refund, and I wonder how many others here have also always reached their target? The cynical side of me thinks that this is an OVO cost - saving measure that some bright spark came up with in the Monday cost-saving meeting. They’re always pushing boiler service, and taking up an EPC assessment, and fixing the price (at a higher rate than I’m paying currently BTW) for the next year, all of which make extra money for them, but the only way we have to make a saving is now being removed.

I’ve always liked OVO, but this move makes me more likely to look for an alternative. Hello, Octopus?

See my comments above. This is not a "refund" scheme, but is in fact a discount. Power Move isn't going away or being replaced either, it's merely being adapted for the next season. 

Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 25, 2024

Just a heads up - the Forum Moderators have merged a few threads into this main one. This is basically just to keep things organised so we don’t end up with tons of threads about the same thing.

Feel free to continue the discussion here though - this is basically just a housekeeping task to help keep the place tidy.

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  • September 25, 2024

@Lucky2 @sankarram90 @JoCarroll @EasyLiving @HJRea 


Just an FYI I have moved your thread onto this existing topic so all your posts and likes have been transferred here

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 10 replies
  • September 25, 2024
Lucky2 wrote:

@sankarram90 I agree I'm so angry I just can't understand why multi rate meters are no longer included after all this time.

It's been one thing after another lately with Ovo from trying to get my £25  Tesco Points and now this I've really had enough. 

I couldn't even get the tesco thing working. It just went around and around in loops when I tried to register 

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 128 replies
  • September 25, 2024

@sankarram90  I agree with you I also think this is a monetary thing. I imagine that like me many of the multi rate meter customers found it quite easy to earn the £10 discount when is starts getting colder and the heating is switched on. 

Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 25, 2024

You are not the only dual rate customer dissapointed by this change to the Power Move eligibility.

There is an ongoing discussion about it here that you might want to join so that all discussion about it is in the one place:


  • 85 replies
  • September 25, 2024

I am somewhat confused here ... so, even though I am on a single-rate tariff, I am excluded because my smart meter is capable of handling multiple rates?

Seems somewhat counterproductive, because you are actually encouraging people to use more peak energy.

I invariably earned the maximum bonus (averaging barely 1% of use during the peak hours) and will now make no effort at all to shift usage to off-peak 🤷🏼‍♂️

Ah well, on the bright side, no more chilly evenings and no more mealtimes planned to avoid peak.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • September 25, 2024

OVO do win, by encouraging their clients to move their energy consumption out of peak hours, when the cost to buy that energy by Ovo is high. Many clients will try to achieve the objectives, without getting rewarded in any way; thus Ovo get their benefits and profits without paying any rewards or costs. It is a clever move by Ovo, more profit without paying.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 22 replies
  • September 25, 2024

Based on ovo's announcement,

I've now decided that I'm treating  the whole family on an all expenses paid holiday to a luxurious Spanish villa this year.😀

Well when I say the whole family I obviously don't mean the one member with a dual electric meter,  They need to understand that they can't have everything!!!  They think its ok to go cold & hungry for a few hrs each night just to save £10 a month. ITS NOT (according to ovo)

So good on ovo for taking us (dual meter) people down a peg or two & not letting us get reliant on what seem like a good offer.

Maybe next time they will just come round & poke us with a sharp stick.

Brilliant customer relations 👏 

Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 26, 2024

It has always been made clear on this Forum - if you are medically dependent on electricity and/or have a valid need to use electricity at Peak times for health/welfare reasons, you should absolutely 100% prioritise that over Power Move. There is absolutely no reason why you should put your welfare at risk just to save a tiny bit of cash each month - that is not the intention of Power Move at all, which is why it’s a voluntary thing.

This is the same stance that OVO takes. If participating is having a negative effect on your health, there’s no shame in dropping out - OVO would, in fact, WANT you to drop out under those circumstances.

For the rest of you, this mindset of “we can’t possibly cope with moving our usage around unless you force us to” is exactly why Power Move exists in the first place - it’s to break the ice and show you that it, is in fact, totally possible. The whole idea is to help spread the load so the National Grid doesn’t have massive surges all at once every day. Power Move is designed to reward those who help balance the grid, not punish those who don’t.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 5 replies
  • September 26, 2024

Has anyone received their email to,join autumn challenge, just wondering if I have missed this.

Saw on info no longer automatic roll over and no longer visible in beyond power move so have been looking for email invite but nothing as of yet....I could be too early of course. 

Thanks in advance...Fi

Peter E
Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 26, 2024

@Fi1976 Do you have the OVO Beyond app? The sign up will be on there. The OVO Beyond app was rolled out (or made available) to everybody and as far as I know it is the only way you can join the next PM but if you only have a computer/laptop then it isn't available on the OVO web page if I recall correctly.


I'll need to invoke the fount of all knowledge that is @Blastoise186 and ask if an invite via Email was also a route in to next month's PM. Cheers buddy.




Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 26, 2024

DON’T get the OVO Beyond App - It is the wrong one.

(I made that mistake myself today).

It is still available on the Playstore but is discontinued now.  I have been told that it will be removed from the store - but google can work slowly at times.
(I assume that it’s the same for iPhone/Apple but can’t check that here).

Instead what you want to download/install is the ‘OVO Energy’ app which now includes Beyond.

TBH though, even with the right app installed you may not be able to sign up to the new Winter Power Move challenge until next Monday, apparently they are still ‘testing’ the signup??


  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 8 replies
  • September 26, 2024

I’m still waiting for an invite too. @Blastoise186 said the emails were being sent out in batches not to overwhelm the system. But it’s getting very close to the start day…

Peter E
Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 26, 2024

Thanks @Nukecad for the correction and the correct information. I'm no longer eligible for PM as my account is E7 so I had no way to check if OVO Beyond was the correct route and I was going on the previous information that I had. Went to load OVO Energy only to be told I already had it but it says OVO Beyond at the top. Do I have OVO Energy or OVO Beyond installed then?


It also sounds like emails are being sent out albeit somewhat slowly.


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