Updated on 06/11/24 by Abby_OVO
Hey @richard c,
I’m really sorry to hear this,
You may have already tried the below:
Topping up for the first time?
To register your new electricity key or gas card, put it into the correct meter for at least a minute. The electricity meter will show a message to let you know it's registered, and the gas meter will beep.
For gas meters
Insert your card into the gas meter and follow the instructions on the screen.
Make sure the gold-coloured chip is facing the meter display. Press and hold the red ‘A’ button, and the credit will appear on your meter.
For electricity meters
Insert your key into the electricity meter, and follow the instructions on the screen.
Make sure the arrow on the key is facing upwards. The new credit should show automatically.
If you’ve topped up at a shop, keep your receipt each time just in case. If the money doesn’t appear in your meter, we’ll need to look into it for you.
My key/card isn’t working – what should I do?
We recommend taking the key/card out of the meter and wiping the chip with a clean, dry cloth. If you re-insert it in the meter and it still doesn’t work, please get in touch with us and we can send you a replacement.
Is your meter showing an ‘error code’ when you insert your key/card? Was there an error code when the shop assistant popped your key or card in a PayPoint terminal? If so, note the error code down and compare it to the list of codes we’ve listed in our guide on error codes here. That’ll help us work out how to fix the issue quicker when you contact our Support team (Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, and 9am to 5pm on weekends).
Please contact OVO Pay As You Go, the best way to get in touch is via chat here. Just click the green chat icon on the bottom right of your screen. We’re here to help anytime from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 2pm on Saturday. Or call 0330 175 9669 during the same times.
If you go off supply they can book in an emergency appointment, if you are on the priority services register and explain you have refrigerated medication they can get someone out to you faster.
It is likely with an emergency appointment that a smart meter will be installed as this is what we have in stock, this means you’ll be able to top up remotely using an app.
But I'd advise switching to pay monthly to ensure you do not go off supply. If you are unhappy about the service you've received I'd advise raising a complaint.
I hope this helps.