It’s just the wording, read your 3 screenshots again.
Your fiist screenshot says at the top that there is no fee if you switch from an OVO Fixed Loyalty deal to another Fixed deal with OVO
(I can confirm that, because I did it myself only last week with 4 months left on my previous 12 month plan, I switched to another OVO Fixed plan for a new 12 months and no exit fees applied).
It then says at the bottom that there is an exit fee if you switch away from OVO to to another supplier.
(But see below about your 3rd screenshot).
Your second screenshot is simply the standard ‘you have 14 days to cancel without any fees’ that you get with all new contracts.
Your third screenshot is again talking about a fee if you switch away from OVO, it says that the fee will not apply if there are less than a certain number of days left to the end of your fixed plan, in your case if there are less than 50 days to you plan end you can switch away from OVO without incurring an ‘early leaving’ fee.