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High gas bill is meter set to imperial?

  • February 9, 2025
  • 9 replies

Hi All,

I've recently swapped to OVO due to having an electric car. Everything been running fine until I saw my gas bill (which isn't great normally). I jumped from an average of about 70-80kw a day to 200kw randomly and about 1800kwh total for a 9day period.

When I first swapped I was told I didn't have a smart gas meter (which I do) -then told it wasn't communicating correctly....and then told it was .

I checked the app and for the period 28th jan- 6th Feb my readings were : 670 and 728 respectively which equates to 58units. I've calculated this to about approximately 660kwh for this period. 

I believe when ovo are calculating they are using imperial units as this would make sense why my total is 1800kw for this period. It appears the first smart reading they took was on the 28th when the issue began.

I've spoken to customer service who genuinely didn't understand what I was talking about and refused to calculate. Are the staff not trained on this or was I unlucky? The lady offered me 30 pound compensation and I advised I want what I'm entitled to and correct billing. She has now put me through the complaints procedure. Any advice? See below for the readings (I'm unsure why first reading is 4digits). Cheers.



Best answer by Firedog

The billing details page (Bills tab > Charges and payments > Current billing period | See details > Charges breakdown) will show where the charge for the readings you found came from. If the kWh figures given there aren’t approximately 11.1 times the m³ reading differences (e.g. more than 30 times), then yes, it looks as if OVO’s billing is treating your meter as an imperial one.

Another, more likely, possibility is that the last non-smart reading shown was submitted wrongly, including a figure after the decimal point on the meter’s display. This would confuse the billing system when an apparently lower smart reading turns up. Given a daily usage of about 6.4 m³, working backwards 31 days from 6 February would give a reading of 728 - (6.4 x 31) =  529 - pretty close to the reading shown with an extra digit. If this is the case, Support should be able to make the correction (5314 > 531) so that your billing falls into line. 

Of course, all sorts of things will probably have gone wrong if that anomalous reading was the one used to close your account with the previous supplier and open the new account with OVO. Have you had a final bill from the previous supplier?

Luckily, there is an established - but exceedingly long-winded - procedure in cases like this, a Meter Reading Dispute.


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Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • February 9, 2025

The billing details page (Bills tab > Charges and payments > Current billing period | See details > Charges breakdown) will show where the charge for the readings you found came from. If the kWh figures given there aren’t approximately 11.1 times the m³ reading differences (e.g. more than 30 times), then yes, it looks as if OVO’s billing is treating your meter as an imperial one.

Another, more likely, possibility is that the last non-smart reading shown was submitted wrongly, including a figure after the decimal point on the meter’s display. This would confuse the billing system when an apparently lower smart reading turns up. Given a daily usage of about 6.4 m³, working backwards 31 days from 6 February would give a reading of 728 - (6.4 x 31) =  529 - pretty close to the reading shown with an extra digit. If this is the case, Support should be able to make the correction (5314 > 531) so that your billing falls into line. 

Of course, all sorts of things will probably have gone wrong if that anomalous reading was the one used to close your account with the previous supplier and open the new account with OVO. Have you had a final bill from the previous supplier?

Luckily, there is an established - but exceedingly long-winded - procedure in cases like this, a Meter Reading Dispute.


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  • February 9, 2025

Appreciate it. I was about 34 quid in credit when I left E.ON. I've looked at the app now and its becoming more bizarre. Yesterday showed I used about 4.80 in gas. I've checked and it's shot up but the kWh are the same. See below. I can't access the bill either because it says it's not ready? The whole thing is complete stress. 



Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • February 9, 2025

I can’t say what’s going on there. It makes it easier for you and everyone else if you ignore the £ figures for the time being and concentrate on the usage figures in m³ or kWh. It’s possible that, if OVO aren’t getting your data reliably, they’re using estimates, and that isn’t often helpful.

I would keep an eye on the meter, taking a reading every day so you know just how much you’re using regardless of what the app says. If readings still aren’t getting through to OVO come the end of the month, submit a manual reading in the morning of the first day of the new billing period, which might be 1 March or 6 March if they stick to the switch date. To be quite sure, submit both. This should ensure that your bill for that period at least is accurate.


PS I didn’t ask how much credit you thought you had when you left E.On - I asked whether you’d received a final bill from them. This often takes a few weeks to arrive, because both suppliers have to agree on the closing/opening reading, and that involves a third-party data validation company. With any luck, one or other of the parties will notice the fault (if it was indeed a wrongly-submitted final reading) and settle the debate once and for all.  Have you heard anything from a complaints handler? 

Community Moderator
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  • February 10, 2025

Morning ​@cyrustom and a warm welcome to the OVO Forum 😁


Sorry to hear of the issues you’re having - it sounds as if you were unlucky with who you spoke to about it. I’d recommend getting back in touch with our Support Team. It’s clear from looking at your screenshot that the opening read is out of line to the smart reads, so this will need to be amended, potentially via a Read Dispute as ​@Firedog has helpfully advised. Support will also need to check that all the meter details we hold for you are correct, and they’ll be able to see whether the gas meter is down as metric or imperial.


Let us know how you get on!




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  • February 10, 2025



Yes complaint handler phoned wants and up to date meter reading. Didn't seem interested in what I thought the issue was. Hopefully sort it. I'll keep everyone posted. 

Community Moderator
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  • February 11, 2025

Morning ​@cyrustom,


Thanks for letting us know, I’m glad someone’s on the case. It could be a number of different things - hopefully something that’s straightforward to resolve. We look forward to hearing from you again, hopefully with good news!

  • Author
  • 3 replies
  • February 14, 2025

Sorted. Meter set up incorrect. It was strange because I had a bill that got revised and I only standing charges for gas.... explained to a lady you double checked.   All good. Still too high for my liking this 😬😬

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
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  • February 14, 2025

@cyrustom you’ve probably heard this before and apologies if you’ve already tried this, but assuming you have a gas boiler you can turn the flow temperature down, depending what it’s at currently. That’s on the boiler itself not your room thermostat.
If it’s a combi boiler, ie no hot water tank, you could maybe go right down to 50 degrees. Try edging it down little by little until the house is just warm enough and the boiler doesn’t keep switching on and off for the heating.
If it’s a system boiler, ie with a hot water tank, it should go no lower than 60 degrees. 
You shouldn’t see steam blasting out of the flue - that’s heat (and money) just being lost.


Community Moderator
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  • February 14, 2025

Morning ​@cyrustom


I’m happy to hear it’s all sorted, and thanks ​@Firedog and ​@juliamc for your help on this one 😄


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